外部成本计算,exterior cost calculation
1)exterior cost calculation外部成本计算

1.Calculating and Analyzing the Exterior Cost of Several Main Modes;几种主要运输方式的外部成本计算分析
2.Ownership Structure,Agency Cost and External Auditing Demand;股权结构 代理成本与外部审计需求
3.Simple calculation method of unit price modification in internal cost accounting of enterprises;企业内部成本核算中的单价变更简易计算法
4.marginal costing边际成本计算(法)
5.Some New Words Used in Computer Technology In Japanese Loan Lexes;日本语外来语中部分新增计算机专业词汇
6.The Relation between the Computer Integrated Manufacturing System and Its External Environment;计算机集成制造系统与其外部环境的关系
7.Water Usage and Cost in Middle Nenjiang River Diversion Engineering;中部引嫩工程各业用水量及成本费用计算探讨
8.Discussion about Cutting Program Managing Internal Cost Settlement;林木采伐计划管理内部结算成本问题的探讨
9.activity-based costing以作业为本的成本计算
10.Estimation of External Costs of Road Transport: A Case Study of Beijing;中国道路交通外部成本估计——北京案例研究
11.external interrupt processor(计算机) 外部中断处理器
12.statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured制成品预定成本计算表
13.microcomputer basic system component微计算机基本系统部件
14.The above component sections ,seen in a calculator,form the basic for the discussion,"what is a computer".在计算器上看到的上述几个组成部分,构成了“什么是计算机”这一论述的基本部分。
15.To calculate the cost of construction project accurately, and record all the accounting transactions timely based on the competent department's rules of construction cost accounting and management.依据上级主管部门关于基建成本管理与核算的相关规定,准确计算工程成本、及时处理会计业务。
16.In general, a standard cost system consists of three basic activities. They are (1) standards setting, (2) accumulation of actual costs, and (3) variance analysis.通常情况下,标准成本系统有以下三个组成部分:标准的建立、实际成本的计算及成本差异分析。
17.plugboard computer外部指令式计算机, 配线式计算机
18.Version management is an important part of cooperative design system.版本管理是计算机协同设计系统的重要组成部分。

absorption costing method全部成本计算法
3)External cost外部成本
1.Comparison and countermeasure study on external costs of nuclear power and coal-fired power;核电与煤电的外部成本比较及对策研究
2.Internalization of Road Freight External Cost in Comprehensive Traffic System;综合运输体系中公路货运外部成本的内部化
3.The external cost of coal power chain in China;我国煤电的外部成本初步研究
4)exterior cost外部成本
1.Analysis on the calculation of exterior cost of national transport我国运输外部成本计算分析
2.The activity of traffic gives advantage to the society,but at the same time it also brings some adverse effects,which produce the exterior cost of traffic.交通活动给人们的生活提供了便利,同时也给自然环境和社会带来一定的负面影响,即产生了交通的外部成本。
3.The exterior costs of rice production was as high as 4.洞庭湖区水稻生产的外部成本高达4。
5)external costs外部成本
1.But,through the economic analysis about the external costs of environmental pollution,the author realizes that there are many shortcomings and defects during the implement of these means compared with the environmental tax system.通过对环境污染外部成本的经济学分析,实现社会最优污染水平的手段:政府直接管制、排污收费制度、污染权交易制度、财政补贴制度、科斯定理机制、环境税收制度等,都存在一定的弊端和缺陷,比较而言,环境税收制度是目前解决环境污染问题的最优手段,也是解决外部负效应的重要方式。
2.Based on feasibility reports of 2×12MW units of Suzhou straw power generation project in Anhui Province and 2 × 600MW units of Xinxiang thermal power project in Henan Province,this paper has compared financial indicators,internal and external costs between straw and thermal powe.基于安徽宿州2×12MW秸秆发电和河南新乡2×600MW火力发电项目的可行性报告,测算比较分析了秸秆和火力发电的财务指标、内部成本和外部成本,并通过敏感性分析发现秸秆发电对发电时间和静态投资更敏感,指出政府应落实对秸秆发电项目的上网优惠。
3.As one part that can not be neglected in the transport social full cost,external costs usually include the investments and expenses in energy sources,environment protection and traffic accidents.指出外部成本作为交通方式社会总成本中不可忽略的部分,应包括安全成本、能源成本和环境成本。
6)Res/2919) absorption costing完全成本计算;全部成本计算

外部1.外面,表面。 2.中医特指胆﹑胃﹑大肠﹑小肠﹑三焦﹑膀胱等六腑。 3.清末对外交部的简称。