卓越绩效模式,Performance Excellence Model
1)Performance Excellence Model卓越绩效模式
1.The Leadership under the Performance Excellence Model;基于卓越绩效模式下的医疗机构领导力
2.Hospital s Process Management in the Performance Excellence Model;卓越绩效模式下的医疗机构过程管理
3.Based on the implementation of performance excellence model in Liaohe oilfields for many years,the work of introducing performance excellent model to oilfields is discussed according to the characteristics of oilfield enterprises.在辽河油田多年推进实施卓越绩效模式的基础上,结合油田企业的特点,对导入卓越绩效模式工作进行了探讨,从导入卓越绩效模式的思路、步骤、组织领导及启动实施等6个方面,阐述了相应的观点和方法。

1.Performance Excellence Model--A Roadmap to Organization Success卓越绩效模式——组织成功的路线图
2.Study on Implementing Model for Performance Excellence in YF Company;卓越绩效模式在YF公司的实施研究
3.A Self-assessment System Study on ISO9004, ISO10014 and Performance Excellence Model;基于ISO9004、ISO10014和卓越绩效模式的自评体系研究
4.The Research on the Application of the Criteria of Performance Excellence in the Changsha Telecom Branch Customer Service Center;长沙电信客户服务中心卓越绩效模式应用研究
5.Discussions on the Performance Excellence Model Introduced to Oil Field Enterprises关于油田企业导入卓越绩效模式的探讨
6.The Advanced Management Methods in Succeded Companies: Performance Excellence Model成功企业的先进管理方法——卓越绩效模式
7.The Design of Performance Measurement Indices System of Value Creation Process Based Performance Excellece;卓越绩效模式下价值创造过程绩效测量指标体系设计
8.The Design of Performance Measurement Indices System of Value Creation Process Based Performance Excellence;卓越绩效模式中价值创造过程绩效测量指标体系设计
9.A Study of Enterprise Technological Innovation Capability Model Based on the Excellent Performance基于卓越绩效模式的企业技术创新能力模型研究
10.A Research on Excellent Performance Mode Establishment&Implementation for Mei Da Hang Bicycle Factory;美大行车料公司卓越绩效模式的构建与实施研究
11.Investigation and Analysis of Service Organizations Management in China Based on the Excellence Performance Mode基于卓越绩效模式的中国服务型企业管理现状调查与分析
12.The Research on Enterprise Technological Innovation Capability Evaluation Index System Based on the Excellent Performance基于卓越绩效模式的企业技术创新能力评价指标体系研究
13.Research on Excellent Performance Management Model in Power Construction Enterprise;电力施工企业卓越绩效管理模式研究
14.The Research of Strategic Development of Construction Enterpraise Based on Performance Excellence Management Pattern;卓越绩效管理模式下建筑企业战略制定的研究
15.Increasing the Comprehensive Competitive Strength of Enterprises by Introducing Management Mode of Remarkable Performance;推行卓越绩效管理模式 提升企业综合竞争实力
16.Study on the enterprise dynamic management pattern based on criteria for performance excellence基于卓越绩效准则的企业动态管理模式研究
18.The Primary Study on the Maturation Model of Excellent Performance Assessment Principle;《卓越绩效评价准则》成熟度模型探讨

excellent performance mode卓越绩效模式
1.A Research on Excellent Performance Mode Establishment&Implementation for Mei Da Hang Bicycle Factory;美大行车料公司卓越绩效模式的构建与实施研究
2.Along with the development of the information industry and economic globalization, the quality rises to the new concept of the management quantity, excellent performance mode ,building up on the foundation of the totle quality managing, has become a new state of the international quality management.随着信息产业和经济全球化的发展,质量上升到经营质量的新概念,建立在全面质量管理基础上卓越绩效模式成为国际质量管理的新境界。
3)excellent performance criteria卓越绩效模式
1.In this paper, it requires the whole value creation process of the enterprises with excellent performance criteria and designs indices system of performance measurement.第二章阐述绩效测量指标体系,卓越绩效模式,价值链的基本理论。
2.This study is to analyze and explain the theory and the essence in terms of excellent performance mode, try to work out a practice for the enterprise to effectively implement excellent performance criteria so as to improve quality management level and to provide reference for those managers and people working on quality management to strive for excellence.本文旨在解析卓越绩效模式理论及其精髓,探索企业如何有效实践卓越绩效模式,增强核心能力,提高质量经营水平,供追求卓越企业的管理者、质量工作者参考、借鉴。
4)searching excellence QM model卓越绩效质量管理模式
5)Excellence Performance Criteria Framework卓越绩效评价模式
6)Performance Excellence卓越绩效
1.To Make Use of the Latest Performance Excellence Management of American Hospital in China Hospital Management;美国医院最新卓越绩效管理对中国医院管理的借鉴作用
2.The Research of Strategic Development of Construction Enterpraise Based on Performance Excellence Management Pattern;卓越绩效管理模式下建筑企业战略制定的研究
3.Study on Implementing Model for Performance Excellence in YF Company;卓越绩效模式在YF公司的实施研究

植物命名的模式和模式标本 科或科级以下的分类群的名称,都是由命名模式来决定的。但更高等级(科级以上)分类群的名称,只有当其名称是基于属名的也是 由命名模式来决定的。种或种级以下的分类群的命名必须有模式标本根据。模式标本必须要永久保存,不能是活植物。模式标本有下列几种: (1)主模式标本(全模式标本、正模式标本)(holotype)是由命名人指定的模式标本,即著者发表新分类群时据以命名、描述和绘图的那一份标本。 (2)等模式标本(同号模式标本、复模式标本)(isotype)系与主模式标本同为一采集者在同一地点与时间所采集的同号复份标本。 (3)合模式标本(等值模式标本)(syntype)著者在发表一分类群时未曾指定主模式而引证了2个以上的标本或被著者指定为模式的标本,其数目在2个以上时,此等标本中的任何1份,均可称为合模式标本。 (4)后选模式标本(选定模式标本)(lectotype)当发表新分类群时,著作未曾指定主模式标本或主模式已遗失或损坏时,是后来的作者根据原始资料,在等模式或依次从合模式、副模式、新模式和原产地模式标本中,选定1份作为命名模式的标本,即为后选模式标本。 (5)副模式标本(同举模式标本)(paratype)对于某一分类群,著者在原描述中除主模式、等模式或合模式标本以外同时引证的标本,称为副模式标本。 (6)新模式标本(neotype)当主模式、等模式、合模式、副模式标本均有错误、损坏或遗失时,根据原始资料从其他标本中重新选定出来充当命名模式的标本。 (7)原产地模式标本(topotype)当不能获得某种植物的模式标本时,便从该植物的模式标本产地采到同种植物的标本,与原始资料核对,完全符合者以代替模式标本,称为原产地模式标本。