自然地理环境,natural geographical environment
1)natural geographical environment自然地理环境
1.The paper deals with this by demonstrating the influences of five kinds of human activities on natural geographical environment in Wuhan city:1.随着人口的增长和城市的发展,人类生产、生活活动对武汉市自然地理环境的影响愈来愈大。

1.About the Evolution Law of Natural Geographical Environment自然地理环境随时间演化规律性探究
2.Research on the Connection between the Beijing Section of the Great Wall and Its Natural Geographical Environment;自然地理环境与长城北京段关系研究
3.Study on geographical conditions and altitude training;关于自然地理环境与高原训练的研究
4.Customs Natured in Environment:Natural Environment and Burial Customs in Jiangnan in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;因土成俗:明清江南地区的自然地理环境与葬俗
5.Discuss the Connotation and the Teaching Functions of the Integrity Principle of Natural Geographic Environment;论自然地理环境整体性原理的内涵及教学功能
6.Natural Environment has Direct Effects on Elementary Education in Yi Area of Liangshan;凉山自然地理环境对彝区基础教育的直接影响
7.Study on Physical Geography Environment the Hakkas Family Formed in West Fujian Province;客家民系在闽西形成的自然地理环境探析
8.The Geography Environmental Annotation of the Chinese Origin and Development of Martial Arts;中华武术起源与发展的自然地理环境诠释
9.Multiple Regression Analysis for the Relation between Low Flow and Basin Characteristics for Fujian Province福建省河流枯水径流的自然地理环境影响研究
10.With its unique natural geographical and cultural environments, Tibet enjoys a nature-endowed advantage in developing tourism and other tertiary industries.西藏具有独特的自然地理环境和人文环境,发展旅游等第三产业,有得天独厚的自然优势。
11.The geographical environment could provide superior natural advantage,but it could not keep human beings at a distance;自然地理环境固然有其优势 ,但它不能把人完全隔绝 ;
12.Natural geography environment on the influence of the formation of the Chinese agriculture culture & its region differences;论自然地理环境对中国农耕文化的形成及其地域差异的影响
13.An Educational Study on Integration and Differenciation of Physical Geographic Environment in Asia and Europe亚、欧两大洲自然地理环境结构的整体性和差异性教学初探
14.A natural environment or locality.一个自然环境或地点
15.Environment and Natural Resources Management Division环境和自然资源管理司
16.Natural Resources and Environment Management Branch自然资源和环境管理处
17.Development of Physical Geography and Establishment of Environmental Physiognomy浅论自然地理学的发展与环境地貌学的建立
18.On the Social and Academic Contexts of the Unreasonable Development and Utilization of Natural Resources in West China;西部地区自然资源不合理开发利用的社会环境与学术环境

natural geographic environment自然地理环境
1.To expand the teaching functions of the integrity principle of natural geographic environment and to motivate the efficient construction of knowledge and competence of the college students is the focus and orientation of teaching and research in the field college geography.拓展自然地理环境整体性原理的教学功能,促进大学生知识和技能的有效建构,是高师地理教育的重点和方向。
2.The distinctive folk customs of Yi Chuan County result from the regional natural geographic environment of Yi Chun County including regional climate,regional hydrology,regional soil,regional plants and regional animals,etc.自然地理环境因素对众多民俗事象产生重要的影响,以宜川民俗事象为例,其起源、发展、演变受其区域自然地理环境包括区域气候、区域水文、区域地貌、区域土壤、区域植被、区域动物等要素的综合影响,形成了其特有的民俗事象。
3)natural geography environment自然地理环境
1.The connections between the hundred aged person and natural geography environment;百岁老人与自然地理环境的关系
2.And the natural geography environment not only is the foundation of the culture formation, but also is the object of cultural processing.自然地理环境不仅是文化形成的基础,也是文化的加工对象。
4)Natural environment自然地理环境
1.This article is to analyze the cause of Hehuang multi- national culture creating in history,thus reaching a conalusion that natural environment has a leading effect on creating and developing of Hehuang multi- national culture in history,and it is major cause.本文拟从自然地理环境,来分析历史上河湟多民族文化形成的原因,从而得出历史上河湟多民族文化的产生、发展都离不开它所处的自然地理环境,自然地理环境是形成历史上河湟多民族文化的主要成因。
5)Physical Geographical Conditions自然地理环境
1.A Brief Analysis of the Features of Guizhou Physical Geographical Conditions and Its Influences Upon the Agricultural Production;简析贵州自然地理环境特征及其对农业生产的影响
2.This paper holds that in Chinese revolution the strategy of "Encircling the Cities from the Rural Areas" is a choice of physical geographical conditions of China.“农村包围城市”的战略亦来自中国自然地理环境的选择。
6)Comprehensive physical Getgraphic Conditions综合自然地理环境
