国际多式联运,international multimodal transport
1)international multimodal transport国际多式联运
1.The development of the modern logistics, is inseparable with the development of the international multimodal transport.现代物流的发展,与国际多式联运的发展是密不可分的。
2.Aiming at the current situation that the international multimodal transportation is effected by the cooperation of the agent delegation,several risk factors such as the dissymmetry of information,reverse option and moral risk were pointed out to show that it should be the special concerns of the carriers of the international multimodal transport.针对国际多式联运绝大多数都是通过委托代理合作来完成的现状,指出了这种委托代理合作存在信息不对称、逆向选择和道德风险等问题,国际多式联运的承运人应特别加以关注和重视。
3.As an advanced form of transport organization, the international multimodal transport can help integrate the advantages of different kinds of mode of transport and play an important role in the global competitive environment.当今,国际多式联运与生产领域的关系日益紧密,国际联运网络成为核心资源,班轮公司业务不断向陆地渗透。

1.Intergovernmental Preparatory Group on a Convention on International Multimodal国际多式联运公约政府间筹备组
2.International Multi-modal Land Bridge Transportation Research and Analysis;国际多式联运大陆桥跨境运输通道研究与分析
3.International Multimodal Transport: The Trends and Polices国际多式联运发展趋势及我国的对策研究
4.The multimodal transport is a foundation of setting up the modern logistics network system.国际多式联运是构建现代物流网络系统的基础。
5.Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on Container Standards for International Multimodal Transport国际多式联运集装箱标准问题特设政府间小
6.International multi-modal transport virtual enterprise information integration frame based on multi-agent;基于多Agent的国际多式联运“虚拟企业”信息集成框架
7.The development of the modern logistics, is inseparable with the development of the international multimodal transport.现代物流的发展,与国际多式联运的发展是密不可分的。
8.international multimodal transport operation国际多种方式联运业务
9.United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods《联合国国际货物多式联运公约》
10.BIMCO Combined Transport Bill of Lading波罗的海国际航运公会多式联运提单
11.The Differences between the Convention of International Maritime Transportation & the Multimodal Transportation Criterion;国际货运公约对多式联运规范之差异
12.A Study on the Legal Problems of Multi-modal Transport Document;国际货物多式联运单据法律问题研究
13.Research on the Operation Models of Global Logistics Based on Through Transport;基于多式联运的国际物流运作模式研究
14.Research on the Liabilities during the International Multimodal Transport国际货物多式联运承运人法律责任研究
15.Study on the Liability Regime of Multimodal Transport Operator;国际货物多式联运经营人责任制度研究
16.Research on the Liabilities during the International Multimodal Transport;国际货物多式联运过程中的责任问题研究
17.Conflict of Laws and Application in International Multimodal Transport Contract;国际货物多式联运合同的法律冲突及适用
18.Study on the Legal Issues of Liability of Compensation in Respect of International Multimodal Transport;国际货物多式联运中的赔偿责任法律问题研究

international multi-modal transport国际多式联运
1.International Multi-modal Transport that combines some different kinds of transport modes, container as the transportation unit, is an integrative transportation.国际多式联运是以集装箱为运输单元,将不同的运输方式有机地结合在一起,构成连续的综合性的一体化全程运输。
3)International legislation practice of multimodal transport多式联运国际立法实践
4)international multimodal transport国际货物多式联运
1.Along with the further development of the global economy and the international trade, especially the increasing liberalization of global economy and commercial competition, international multimodal transport of goods has become more and more important in international transport of goods.随着世界经济和国际贸易的进一步发展,尤其是全球经济自由化和商业竞争的日益加剧,国际货物多式联运在国际货物运输中的地位越来越重要。
5)international container multi-modal transport国际集装箱多式联运
1.The international container multi-modal transport is a characteristic of the trade and international transport, which has caused some new problems inevitably, that is, it can not guarantee cargo far from damages.国际集装箱多式联运是当代国际贸易和运输中的一大特色。
6)convention on international multimodal transport (1980)国际多式联运公约(1980年)
