培训实效性,effectiveness of training
1)effectiveness of training培训实效性

1.Study on Actual Effect the Training of Teachers with a New Curriculum Education Background;新课程背景下教师培训实效性之研究
2.Researches on Curriculum for the Enhancement of Principal s Training Efficiency;关于增强校长培训实效性的课程研究
3.Strategies for Enhancing the Efficiency of Teacher Training:the Perspective of Theory of Training Transfer;培训迁移理论视角下提高教师培训实效性的策略
4.Improving the Effectiveness of Chemistry Teachers' Training by Concerned with the Rural Real联系农村实际,提高化学教师本位培训实效性
5.The Factors of Influence Elementary and Middle Schools Teacher Whole Staff Training Effectiveness and the Countermeasures;影响中小学教师全员培训实效性的因素和对策
6.The Factors and the Countermeasures Which Influent Effectiveness of the Training for Headmasters in China;影响中小学校长培训实效性的因素与对策
7.Probing into the Training Effectiveness of New Mathematics Teacher of Middle School;中学数学学科新任教师培训实效性探析
8.Analysis of Factors Affecting on Actual Effect of Mandarin Training and Countermeasure;试析影响普通话培训实效性的因素及对策
9.On the Effectiveness of the Training for Senior Enterprise Leaders;析企业高层管理者培训的实效性问题
10.Modern Training Idea and Successful Training Result;树立现代培训意识 切实提高培训效益
11.An Empirical Study of Explicit Strategy Training and Efficient Reading关于直接策略培训与有效阅读的实证性研究
12.Competence-based Training System and Research on Its Validity;基于胜任力培训体系及有效性实证研究
13.Training in Different Levels Showing Practical Results of Health Education of Psychology;多层次培训 突出心理健康教育的实效性
14.The Problem of Practical Results and Demand Analysis in Teachers Training;教师培训的实效性问题与需求分析方略
15.A thought on the efficiency of cadre training in universities;增强高校干部教育培训工作实效性的思考
16.Reflection on Practical Results of Headmaster-training Forms Guided by the Concept of New Curriculum;新课程理念下校长培训形式实效性思考
17.Training in Accordance with Levels to Improve Purpose of Safety Training;实施分层培训 提高安全培训针对性
18.the improvement training teaching way, raises the senior staff to train the actual effect;改进培训教学方式,提高参训实际效果;

training effectiveness培训有效性
1.Obstacles for Organizations to Improve Training Effectiveness;组织提高培训有效性的障碍研究
2.This paper firstly introduce different methods of evaluating training effectiveness , then focus on how to measure the economic value of training programs from aspects of cost and benefit, ROI and utility.本文将首先对培训有效性进行介绍 ,然后从经济价值的角度 ,介绍和分析了培训有效性的几种评估模型 ,并着重阐述了效用分析模型 ,并对其中的难点问题进行了相关探讨。
3)Training validity analysis培训有效性分析
4)implementation of training培训实施
1.A training project,which is consisting of decision-making,design and implementation of training .韶钢管理学院的培训决策、培训设计、培训实施、培训转化为企业实用型人才的培养探索出一条卓有成效培训之路。
5)operational training实操培训
1.In the light of the status quo of the trainees and the characteristics of operational training, the paper discusses the teaching arrangement, form and approaches in the training of GMDSS operations.针对参加培训人员的状况和实操教学的特点,从教学进度、教学形式、因材施教诸方面探索GMDSS实操培训教学
6)training practice培训实践
1.Based on the investigation and analysis of multimedia courseware applied in the teaching in our university combined with training practice of making multimedia courseware in the medical faculty,this article discusses the environment and mode of training.文章通过对我校多媒体课件在教学中应用现状的调查与分析,结合医学院系多媒体课件制作的培训实践,对培训的环境和模式进行了探讨,并且以交互动作的设置、静态图片与动态效果为典型案例,介绍了如何实现教师个性化教学创意的方法。

连续性职业培训连续性职业培训  连续性职业培训亦称继续培训。以法国1971年连续性职业培训的组织法为例,这类培训是长期教育的一部分,其目的是使工人适应变革,促进他们的社会晋升以及对社会经济、文化发展作出贡献。继续培训的对象是成年人和已进入经济活动的青年人。为协调各项所采取的措施,政府设立了职业培训和社会促进部际委员会、高级官员常设小组和职业培训、社会促进和就业全国理事会(由政府、雇主和工人三方代表组成)。为组织培训活动,应在培训授予者和接受者之间签订协议,协议主要规定培训班性质、目标、实施手段、筹资条件、知识检查和确认方式。工薪劳动者希望参加一种政府法令准许的培训班有权享有带薪教育假。在百火以上的机构中,同时享受教育假的人数可控制在2%以下。享受教育假的时间不得超过1年(全日制培养),或1 200小时(非全日制培养或间歇性教育)。教育假计入工龄,并保留有年休假权利。国家对于转业培训、适应培训、职业晋升培训、进修和就业前蛤训给予补贴,补贴方式可资助培训运行开支、培训中心建设或购置设备等。凡雇用10人以上企业的雇主应资助继续培公11活动,1972年为全年工资总额的。.8%,1976年时达到2%。资助方式可直接帮助本单位职工参加培训,也可向培训保险基金捐款,或向培训机构捐款。企业的培训计划由企业委员会讨论通过。国家规定设立各级培训结果全面评估系统,教员的成果由学员评定,评估结果提交检查机构和企业委员会。