云南国际大通道,The Great International Passage
1)The Great International Passage云南国际大通道
1.The Great International Passage in Yunnan and National Security;云南国际大通道建设与中国国家安全

1.The Great International Passage in Yunnan and National Security;云南国际大通道建设与中国国家安全
2.International Political Economy for Yunnan s Opening-up;云南国际大通道建设周边环境的国际政治经济学分析
3.Orientation research on the international big routeway construction and Yunnan tourist visualization;国际大通道建设与云南旅游形象定位
4.An Analysis of the Restrictive Factors in Yunnan s Construction of the Great International Passageway to Southeast Asia and South Asia;云南建设我国通向东南亚、南亚国际大通道的主要制约因素分析
6.Calculation of the Cities Economic Energy in Yunnan Province along the International Corridor;国际大通道沿线云南城市经济势能测算研究
7.Yunnan and India share a long history of friendly relation, which makes Yunnan an important corridor between China and India, the two big markets.云南与印度的交往具有悠久的历史,云南是中国与印度两大市场之间少有的一个主要通道。
8.Now, he is studying in AIRC of Yunnan University.现就读于云南大学亚洲国际河流中心。
9.In accordance with the related international treaty that China's government signed, Yunnan Province has carried out a large amount of international and humanitarian aid to the refugees.依照中国政府缔结的有关国际公约,云南省对难民实行大量的国际主义和人道主义援助。
10.Cross-Culture Management of International Cooperative Project Within China s Western Development;西部大开发中的云南国际合作项目跨文化管理
11.An Analysis on Financing of Clean Development Mechanism and the Potential of CDM Projects in Yunnan Province;国际CDM融资渠道及云南省CDM潜在领域融资潜力分析
12.Report on Ideological and Moral Situation of Non-major Public Security s Students of Yunnan Police Officer Academy;云南警官学院普通专业大学生思想道德状况调查报告
13.West Constructs the International Big Channel with to Develop the Central Asian Market;构建西部国际大通道与开拓中亚市场
14.Now he continues to take his Master degree of physical geography in international river center in Asia of Yunnan University.现于云南大学亚洲国际河流中心攻读自然地理学硕士学位。
15.Northwest·Yunnan Province: Borrow the Road from the Neighbouring Countries to Construct the Transport Corridor Between China and Europe西南·云南:借道邻国构建中欧运输走廊
16.Study on the Development of Higher Education in Yunnan under the Situation of Internationalization;国际化趋势下云南高等教育发展研究
17.The Administrative Strategies for the Border Region in the Qin,Han,Shu,Jin and Nan Dynasty and the Development of the Transport Passageways in Yunnan;秦汉蜀晋南朝的治边方略与云南通道开发
18.A Status Analysis of Yunnan International Tourism in the Greater Mekong Subregion--Based on the Exit Survey云南省国际旅游业在大湄公河次区域中的地位分析——基于次区域国际游客离境调查

Yunnan international passway云南的国际通道
3)southwest international channels西南国际大通道
4)International Corridor国际大通道
1.Calculation of the Cities Economic Energy in Yunnan Province along the International Corridor;国际大通道沿线云南城市经济势能测算研究
5)grand international secure corridor国际安全大通道
1.On the basis of analyzing the global situation of oil and gas supply and demand as well as the oil and gas resources in Central Asia, the article puts forward the strategy of constructing a grand international secure corridor of oil and gas between China and Central Asia in view of the general energy strategy of China.文章在分析全球油气资源供求状况、中亚地区油气资源状况的基础上,从中国能源总体战略的高度,提出构建中国中亚石油天然气国际安全大通道的战略构想。
6)western international big channel西部国际大通道

云南土话—云南方言大杂烩形容篇 雀神怪鸟硬是整的成太板扎啦不过么太雀啦二五二陆呢这些话么挨我讲呢某得哪样走赞塞 冒挨我鬼扯十扯呢我呢电话被跳的啦囊样鸡棕你拽囊样罗里八嗦憨定给整的成啊 买买三三无B聊黑漆吗咕咚死磨死磨的憨眯日眼戳气喷钢憨不碌出乱麻麻呢 斑鸠日鸽子过电锈头叮铛、骨碌水豆尸喳哇太窝戳啦憨贼!江湖一片乱B麻麻 你这个憨冲锤死头干浆尖刚白(be)啬(se)子马谱凶险狂燥你给懂整 给你叠颜色么就染红染上头拾脸兜的豆客找锅炒披盔撂甲、你太吃得成伙食了嘛!抖鳞壳绽、抖成一碗水蚂蚁放屁牛B牛在马胯上、绿(lu)荫掼霞、整球不成、死眯羊眼呢日怪 拉撑的迷冲冲黑不留秋黄酿酿红FEFE日股经涨贱皮子大碴四胯硬呢开裂财密老转转心养毛抓哩哩了了硬争二四的起傻波衣野叉叉的骚丁丁抛货B渣大点勺婆滑TIATIA油了了汁(ZHE)些儿些儿货汤汤水水脏巴邋虱热豁(火) 憨么憨一日还吃三餐憨么憨还有个后脑板闷燥恶了扯闪憨躇躇的死眯洋眼太水了粪草太"擗杆啦"怪里古懂死头干姜丧头失脸我被你管的啦!占马门二五裹搅着牛踩着了着门夹着了油支抹乐憨咪日眼呢扳跤扳命genleng乌鲁摆乃阿埋埋牛B轰轰牛逼不打草稿牛逼过吹火车过推死远喋儿!憨么憨,吃饭还会泡汤!嘴都吃呢油噜噜呢拷钉佤锤(kaodingwachui) 说你憨么吃米线不喝汤~ 冲突篇 给是要枪的!!毛憨嘎!挨小狗呢眼镜剁的。挨小狗呢钱包剁的。小心我么的起么难瞧嘎。 小心我甩的起。冒挨我鬼扯十扯呢扯球蛋你在日鼓日鼓呢你在镪的哈猫日狗喷五喷六强馊钢兜裆一脚闷(平声)的你呢拱折憨不死呢,小心我挺的你! 生活篇 撇条硬币叫:刚蹦来一组抬滑杆搓凹糟来大姨妈咂烟吃菜窝屎坎怪打飞机打冒炸潮赖抖草格是gai披得吃快餐咋个呐香樱块了吗 光溜溜呢头找刺棵棵钻癞蛤蟆降怪物搞么甩大碗闪人出克噻黑捉么起来穿衣 黑捉我拉毛整嘎解手克甩火腿做十一路克贯熊掌优的寡吵戳大地撇翅膀煞的 烧耳快醒鼻子惯嘴溜瓜抵死下家嘣咚躲猫猫展碗起早掉啦心肠西豆粉米浆巴巴 隔锅香你莫逗我啦看麻衣相有火色倒脖子甩嘛莫挨我烦格是啦劈掉喽格整得成? 我把的呢着我端着给是要达我拽买买,吃那么多么,钱哪个人"神"的买买~~你皆太吃得成伙食拉 称呼篇 老爹老niang小挨砍呢老公叫:老砍小P娃娃川贼土贼你皆砍头 皮旦赖古ge小痞棍我爹老表小东冒小挨刀呢我司夫啊糟别儿