功能合作,functional cooperation
1)functional cooperation功能合作
1.In recent years,the institutional arrangement and functional cooperation in transportation between China and Kazakhstan have been improved and enriched constantly,but many problems need to be resolved.近年中哈交通运输领域的制度安排与功能合作在不断完善和充实,但也存在诸多问题需要解决。
2)cooperative finance function合作金融功能
3)judicial corruption and reform合法性证明功能和作用
1.This paper has a comprehensive description on anthocyanin,elaborating on the structu-re,properties,the safety and functions,sources of anthocyanin,especially on the bioava-ilability and consumption in animal and human,hoping that it will contribute to the research on some aspects concerned in the future.本文从其结构,性质,以及在人体和动物内的利用、消耗情况、安全性、功能作用、来源等方面对花色素苷全面论述,针对目前国内对花色素苷在动物和人体内的代谢吸收、生物利用率方面研究较少的情况,本文着重介绍了此方面,希望对有关方面的研究有所帮助。
2.This article reviews the functions of mineral ultrafines and its causes and techniques such as ultra-fine crushing and surface modification.论述了矿物超细粉体的功能作用及产生原因和超细粉碎、表面改性技术。
3.In this paper, the author makes researches on the characteristics of the traditional building decorations with woodcarving in our country and its functions in modern environmental designs, so as to improve its traditional technology and weed through the old to bring forth the new in modern designs.通过对我国传统建筑木雕装饰的特点及在现代环境设计中的功能作用研究,以促进这一传统工艺在当代设计中的推陈出新。

1.Analysis on the Non-economic Functions of Farmer Cooperative Economy农民合作经济的非经济功能作用探析
2.the adjuvant action of certain bacteria某些细菌所造成的佐药功能作用
3.Functions of soybean in medicine, prevention and health care大豆在医药、预防及保健中的功能作用
4.Functional Electrical Stimulation for Motor Function Rehabilitation(review)功能性电刺激在改善运动功能方面的作用
5.Gotu kola is often used to increase mental function and performance.可拉树常用作增强心智功能及体能。
6.Analysis on Property, Function and Action of Enterprise Information Competency企业信息能力的性质、功能与作用分析
7.Search the Function of "Emphasis" in Sentences and What the "Emphasis" Should be in Pragmatics;浅析句中“强调”的作用及其语用功能
8.Impact of Skopostheorie in Pragmatic Translation;目的功能论在实用翻译中的指导作用
9.Analysis of the Pragmatic Function of the Ergative Sentence in English from the Perspective of Lexical Pragmatics;英语作格句语用功能的词汇语用分析
10.The operating systems claim to support plug and play functionality.操作系统声称支持即插即用功能。
11.This set of multifunction tools can Be used for house-work with efficiency.多功能组合工具,家用劳作得心应手。
12.You can use the Cut and Paste functions to do it.你可以用剪贴功能做这个工作。
13.Auto filter in use on active worksheet活动工作表中正在使用自动筛选功能
14.Why is the function of staffing so seldom approached logically?为什么任用功能如此难于作到合理?
15.A SCM-Based Multifunctional Lever Controller用单片机制作多功能水位自动控制器
16.The Effects of Semanteme's Psychological Functions in Bilingual Represenpation语义的心理功能在双语表征中的作用
17.Affective Functions and Roles in Foreign Language Learning情感的功能及其在语言学习中的作用

cooperative finance function合作金融功能
3)judicial corruption and reform合法性证明功能和作用
1.This paper has a comprehensive description on anthocyanin,elaborating on the structu-re,properties,the safety and functions,sources of anthocyanin,especially on the bioava-ilability and consumption in animal and human,hoping that it will contribute to the research on some aspects concerned in the future.本文从其结构,性质,以及在人体和动物内的利用、消耗情况、安全性、功能作用、来源等方面对花色素苷全面论述,针对目前国内对花色素苷在动物和人体内的代谢吸收、生物利用率方面研究较少的情况,本文着重介绍了此方面,希望对有关方面的研究有所帮助。
2.This article reviews the functions of mineral ultrafines and its causes and techniques such as ultra-fine crushing and surface modification.论述了矿物超细粉体的功能作用及产生原因和超细粉碎、表面改性技术。
3.In this paper, the author makes researches on the characteristics of the traditional building decorations with woodcarving in our country and its functions in modern environmental designs, so as to improve its traditional technology and weed through the old to bring forth the new in modern designs.通过对我国传统建筑木雕装饰的特点及在现代环境设计中的功能作用研究,以促进这一传统工艺在当代设计中的推陈出新。
1.This essay particularly introduces the evolution, function, space construction and actualization strategy of overseas city-farm to use for reference, which can promote the development of city-farm construction.详细介绍了国外都市农园建设的历史沿革、功能作用、空间构成以及实施策略等内容,以借鉴国外的先进经验,促进我国都市农园的建设发展。
2.This paper expounds market economy from the views of its historical position,common features,functions and so on.从市场经济的历史地位、一般特点、功能作用等多角度论述了市场经济。
3.To give full play to the function of the socialist core value system in the constructio.要发挥好社会主义核心价值体系在党风廉政建设中的功能作用,必须加强廉政教育,营造廉政文化,完善廉政制度。
1.A Prediction Method for Brisance and Power of Industrial Explosive;工业炸药猛度及作功能力的计算方法
2.The detonation velocity and power tested in the same condition.采用纯超细 RDX与工业 RDX,以及以超细 RDX和工业 RDX为主体 ,采用相同配方和制备工艺制取的高分子粘结炸药对比的方式 ,在相同的实验条件下 ,对爆速、作功能力进行了测试。
3.Ballistic projectile method is adopted to study the power of industrial aluminiferous explosive in this paper,in order to study the detonation and formulating of industrial aluminiferous explosive and to improve the production technique,some methods about estimating and testing are proposed which accord with the trait of detonation and power of industrial aluminiferous explosiv本文利用弹道抛体法研究了工业含铝炸药的作功能力,为今后研究工业含铝炸药的爆轰、配方设计以及生产工艺改进,提出了符合含铝炸药爆轰特性和作功特点的评价测试方法。

储蓄信贷合作金融储蓄信贷合作金融  【储蓄信贷合作金融】消费合作金融的一种类型。储蓄信贷合作金融组织的特点是:(l)社员以薪资生活者为主,通常是由同一企业、学校、机关,或是同一社区或教会的人所组成。(2)资金来源全靠社员出资和储蓄。储蓄以社员为限,多由各单位财务部门从工资中按计划代为收储。(3)这种金融组织的借款以社员为限,主要用于生活所需。借款利率较低,同时对借款的最高额有一定限制,可一次或分期偿还。(4)建立了保险制度。