空间误差滞后模型,spatial moving average model
1)spatial moving average model空间误差滞后模型
2)spatial log regression model空间滞后模型
1.Combining the methods of Statistical Analysis and GIS spatial analysis,a quantitative study on the spatial variability characteristics of soil nutrient contents are made by taking the standard multiple linear regression model and spatial log regression model in Yushu city.结合常规统计方法与GIS空间分析方法,采用经典回归模型和空间滞后模型,定量研究了榆树市土壤养分空间变异的主要影响因素。
3)volumetric error model空间误差模型
1.Its volumetric error model is built using rigid body kinematics,and then orthogonal experiments are planned and simulated using volumetric errors as objective function for robustness design and through horizontally selecting controllable factors and noise factors.首先,建立了系统的刚体运动学空间误差模型;然后以空间误差为稳健设计的目标函数,通过对可控因素及噪音因素的水平选择,安排正交试验方案并进行仿真;最后,运用试验方案的统计分析结果评判各设计参数对机床空间误差及稳健性的影响。
4)spatial lag regression model空间滞后回归模型
5)Spatial Econometric Autoregressive Model空间经济计量滞后模型

1.Size Distortion of Bootstrap Moran Diagnostic Testing for Spatial Autoregressive Models空间经济计量滞后模型Bootstrap Moran检验的水平扭曲
2.Size Distortion of Bootstrap Tests for Spatial Econometric Model空间经济计量模型Bootstrap检验的水平扭曲
3.Economical and Metrological Model on Bettering the Spacial Structure of the Oasis in the Middle Reaches of Heihe River黑河中游绿洲空间结构优化的经济计量模型
4.Research on the Efficiency of Bootstrap Moran Test in Spatial Econometric Models空间经济计量模型Bootstrap Moran检验有效性研究
5.An Analysis of the Lag Variable Models about Economic Fluctuation in China;中国经济波动滞后变量模型的实证分析
6.A Spatial Econometric Analysis of the Impact of Labor Migration on the Disparity of Regional Economic Development in China;劳动力流动对中国地区经济差距影响的空间计量经济模型分析
7.Value estimates of local public services using a spatial econometric model基于空间计量经济学模型的城市公共服务价值估计
8.timing in econometric model经济计量模型的时间选择;经济计量模型的时间选择
9.A Spatial Econometric Model and Its Application to Research & Development and Regional Innovation;空间计量经济模型在省域研发与创新中的应用研究
10.noneconometric simulation model非经济计量模拟模型
11.large-scale econometric model大规模经济计量模型
12.Econometric model for the center air-condition system running of a hospital某医院中央空调系统运行计量经济模型
13.Neural Network Model for the Dynamic Hysteresis Based on the Expanded Input Space基于输入空间扩张的动态迟滞神经网络模型
14.industry-wide econometric model全工业经济计量模型
15.multi-equation econometric mode多方程经济计量模型
16.nonlinear econometrics model非线性计量经济学模型
17.extended simple econometric model广义简单经济计量模型
18.Modelling of Lagging Response of NDVI in Ejina Oasis to Rnoff in the Lower Reaches of Heihe River黑河下游径流量与额济纳绿洲NDVI的滞后模型

spatial log regression model空间滞后模型
1.Combining the methods of Statistical Analysis and GIS spatial analysis,a quantitative study on the spatial variability characteristics of soil nutrient contents are made by taking the standard multiple linear regression model and spatial log regression model in Yushu city.结合常规统计方法与GIS空间分析方法,采用经典回归模型和空间滞后模型,定量研究了榆树市土壤养分空间变异的主要影响因素。
3)volumetric error model空间误差模型
1.Its volumetric error model is built using rigid body kinematics,and then orthogonal experiments are planned and simulated using volumetric errors as objective function for robustness design and through horizontally selecting controllable factors and noise factors.首先,建立了系统的刚体运动学空间误差模型;然后以空间误差为稳健设计的目标函数,通过对可控因素及噪音因素的水平选择,安排正交试验方案并进行仿真;最后,运用试验方案的统计分析结果评判各设计参数对机床空间误差及稳健性的影响。
4)spatial lag regression model空间滞后回归模型
5)Spatial Econometric Autoregressive Model空间经济计量滞后模型
6)spatial error components model空间误差构成模型

空间误差空间误差space error 空间误差(spaee error)在心理实验中,由于两个刺激同时进行比较时所处的空间位置不同而产生的误差。为了控制或消除空间误差,实验最好进行两轮,第一轮与第二轮的两个刺激的空间位置要进行交换。例如,用对偶比较法研究颜色爱好实验时,在第一轮实验中,一刺激在左,另一刺激在右:第二轮实验时,则这两个刺激的空间位置应交换,两轮实验结果取其平均值。这样,就可控制或消除空间误差对自变量效果的干扰。 (金志成撰林仲肾审)