存量控制,inventory control
1)inventory control存量控制
1.Study of Inventory Control in Complex Transport Network;复杂运输网络存量控制研究
2.Dynamic seat inventory control is a way in complex market.座位存量控制是收益管理研究的核心问题之一。
3.Based on the detail analysis of CRH\'s current characteristics, tins thesis proposes the existing problems in aspects of pricing strategy and inventory control strategy.通过对当前动车组运作特点的分析,本文提出了动车组在定价和存量控制方面普通存在的问题。

1.Qptimizing Multi-Foreigh-Currency Inventory Control in Taiwan;中国台湾多种外币最佳存量控制研究
2.Research on Callable System in Seat Inventory Control of Revenue Management;收益管理中座位存量控制的可召回制度研究
3.Research on Airline's Seating Control Strategy for Callable Mechanism基于可召回机制的航空公司座位存量控制研究
4.mass storage control tables pack海量存储控制表组合
5.mass storage control twin port海量存储控制器双端口
6.mass storage volume control海量存储卷控制程序
7.Research on the Buffer Allocation Strategy of Flow Control in Storage Extension;存储扩展流量控制缓存分配策略研究
8.This could also assist the organization in its control and availability of inventory.这也有助于组织对库存量的控制和获
9.Problems and countermeasures of quality control in internal auditing;内部审计质量控制存在的问题与对策
10.Improvement and Application of Dynamic Batch Inventory Control;动态批量库存控制的改进及实际应用
11.Research and Implement of Large-capacity Tape Storage Library Control System一种新的大容量存储磁带库控制程序
12.Control material stock level according output and lead time, including safety stock, fixed lot-size, reorder point and planned delivery time.根据产量控制库存量,包括安全库存,定货批量,计划交货期。
13.The storage life of quality records shall follow Quality Records Control Procedure. The Administrative Office shall keep those quality records for long-term storage.质量记录的保存期限按《质量记录控制程序》执行,长期保存的质量记录归办公室整理保存。
14.Inventorial fixed amount control in information management of company企业信息管理中的库存不可动用量控制
15.Research on Energy Storage and Its Control in Wind Turbine;风力发电中能量存储装置及其控制研究
16.Research and Design Based on USB Mass Storage for MCU;基于USB的微控制器大容量存储技术研究与设计
17.Random Storage Quantity Control in the Presence of Continuous Stock With Goods in Batches and Stochastic Elasticity;分批连续进货的随机存储量控制与随机弹性
18.An Improved Flow Control Mechanism for FC-SAN Storage Extension一种改进的光纤通道存储扩展流量控制方法

capacity control存量控制
1.Based on the characteristics of revenue management in car rental industry, this article surveys four major aspects of car rental revenue management-demand forecast, overbooking, capacity control and dynamic pricing.本文基于租车行业收益管理的特点,从需求预测、超订、存量控制和价格策略四个方面对租车收益管理的研究现状进行分析,展望了收益管理在租车行业的研究前景。
2.The other is revenue management strategies including duration control,price discrimination and capacity control.管理学者从上个世纪末开始关注收益管理在餐饮行业的应用研究,从该领域的主要文献来看,研究成果集中在两个方面,一是核心观点和策略框架;二是方法技术,包括时间控制方法、差别定价策略和存量控制技术。
3)Control of algae standing crops藻类现存量控制
1.Control of algae standing crops in eutrophic lakes and the algae removal processes in water treatment for potable water supply;富营养湖泊的藻类现存量控制和供水处理的藻类去除
4)money stock control货币存量控制
5)quality viability control质量生存控制
6)mass storage control海量存储控制器

反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control  于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。