上海铁路局,Shanghai Railway Administration
1)Shanghai Railway Administration上海铁路局
1.From "Vanguard" to "New Dawn"-Successful Exploration of Technology Innovation for the Shanghai Railway Administration;从先行号到新曙光号——上海铁路局技术创新的成功探索
2.In 2007 National Railway Permanent Way Work Conference,infrastructure examination center,Shanghai Railway Administration,Beijing Railway Administration and other units introduced their experiences respectively.上海铁路局在创建提速安全标准线工作中,对管内主要干线全面规划、分步实施、有序推进并不断巩固发展,提高创建提速安全标准线的工作质量。
3.In 2006, Shanghai Railway Administration completed many major projects, which alleviated tense situation of passenger and freight traffics in the area effectively.2006年,上海铁路局建设投资约占全路建设总投资的13%,大批重点工程的建成开通有效地缓解了区域内客货运能的紧张状况。

1.The Current Situation and Countermeasure in Marketing of Shanghai Railway Bureau;上海铁路局运输营销现状与发展对策
2.Design and implementation on Technical Matermial Management System for Shanghai Railway Adminstration上海铁路局技术资料管理系统的设计与实现
3.The Impact on Shanghai Railway Administration s Passenger and Freight Transportation after the Construction of the Road Bridge across the Hangzhou Bay;杭州湾跨海公路大桥修建对上海铁路局客货运输的影响
4.Both sides of the highroad austral the edge has very much lot belong to Shanghai railroad bureau.沿南大路两边有很多的地块是属于上海铁路局的。
5.From "Vanguard" to "New Dawn"-Successful Exploration of Technology Innovation for the Shanghai Railway Administration从先行号到新曙光号——上海铁路局技术创新的成功探索
6.Quality Pursue of Across the Century--Rolling Stock Department, Shanghai Railway Bureau;跨世纪的质量追求——上海铁路局车辆系统的ISO9000贯标工作
7.Analysis and countermeasure discussion for cleaner production in Shanghai Railway Administration上海铁路局推行清洁生产的现状分析及对策建议
8.Vitalize Inventory Assets on the Basis of Professional Preponderance;发挥产业优势 盘活资产存量——上海铁路局参与城市轨道交通建设的实践与思考
9.The two railroads connect at Shanghai.这两条铁路在上海衔接。
10.a high level [a surface, an underground, a submarine] railway高架[地上, 地下, 海底]铁路
11.He obtained concessions from the customs and railway authorities.他获得了海关和铁路当局的特许。
12.Gela Segment of Qinghai-Tibet Railway is state key project.青藏铁路格拉段是世界上海拔最高的高原铁路。
13.Fiber Optic Cable Network Design of Hailar Railway CATV Substation海拉尔铁路分局有线电视光缆网络设计
14.It is all too easy to blame the railway authorities when something does go wrong.因此,一旦铁路上真出了问题,人们便不加思索地责备铁路当局。
15.On selection for loading station location of railway in new Shanghai No.1 coal mine新上海一号煤矿铁路装车站站位选择
16.The local residents are welcoming the arrival of the first train running from Golmud to Lhasa.青藏铁路是世界上海拔最高、线路最长的高原铁路。
17.Study on Setting Up Marketing Service System of Railway Passenger and Freight Transport;建立铁路局网上客货营销服务系统的研究
18.The city has pledged to improve airports,highways,and rail lines.上海保证将改进其机场、高速公路和铁路设施。

Shanghai South Railway Station上海铁路南站
1.Study on Excavation Displacement Transformation of Adjacent Pits in Shanghai South Railway Station;上海铁路南站相邻基坑开挖变形影响研究
2.Mechanics and Experiment Study on the Light Roof System of Shanghai South Railway Station;上海铁路南站阳光屋面系统力学性能及试验研究
3)Shanghai-Lasa railways上海-拉萨铁路
4)Shanghai-Chongqing Railway上海重庆铁路
5)Shanghai West Railway Station铁路上海西站
6)Square of Shanghai South Railway Station上海铁路南站广场
