支出预算,expenditure budget
1)expenditure budget支出预算
1.As one important content of the total budget management,operation expenditure budget has been pursued in railway transport enterprise since 2003, and some effect have been made.自2003年以来,以运营支出预算为重要内容之一的全面预算管理在铁路运输企业得到推行,取得了一定的成效。

1.The master budget consists of the operating budget, the capital expenditures budget, and the financial budget.总预算由营业预算、本支出预算和财务预算组成。
2.The board won't approve of the budget for this year's expenditures.会议上将不会承认本年度的支出预算
3.Research for the Reform of Fiscal Spending Management;我国公共财政支出预算管理改革研究
4.A Study to the Appraisal of the Appropriation Budget Project of the Cause Institution under the Ministry of Communications;交通事业单位项目支出预算评价研究
5.Definition of and Control over the Budget Scale of Expenditure in the Form of Taxation;界定与控制税式支出预算规模的思路
6.Analysis of the Reforms in Outlay Budget for College Libraries;高校图书馆经费支出预算的变革探析
7.The capital expenditures budget and the budgeted income statement provide data for the cash budget, or statement of budgeted cash receipts and disbursements.资本支出预算和预计损益表都为现金预算即预计的现金收支汇总表提供了资料。
8.off-budget (extra-budgetary) expenditure(revenue)预算外支出(收入)
9.plan out one's annual expenditure做出全年的开支预算
10.spend more than available of (a budget, for example).大大超过预算的支出。
11.spend less than the whole of (a budget, for example).大大低于预算的支出。
12.Third, increasing fiscal budget and expenditure.三是增加财政预算支出。
13.civil expenditure预算中相对于国防支出的民用支出
14.(c) "budgetary outlays" or "outlays" includes revenue foregone;(C)“预算支出”或“支出”包括放弃的税收;
15.Article 19 A budget consists of budgetary revenues and budgetary expenditures.第十九条预算由预算收入和预算支出组成。
16.Budgetary defray is to point to include various finance the budget, expenditure that plans with budgetary receipts.预算支出是指列入各级财政预算、用预算收入安排的支出。
17.The company is not allowed to exceed its Budget公司的开支不允许超出预算。
18.Advances to General Fund to finance budgetary expenditure垫付普通基金款项充作预算支出

budgetary outlay预算支出
3)budgetary expenditure预算内支出
1.This paper chooses the sample data of China’s fiscal budgetary revenue and expenditure from 1978 to 2003, and analyses the longterm stability and equilibrium of the series of budgetary revenue, budgetary expenditure, economic growth and etc.本文以中国1978-2003年的财政预算内收支数据为样本,分析财政预算内收入、预算内支出、经济增长等变量的长期稳定性和它们之间的均衡关系,发现,虽然1998-2003年的积极财政政策加剧了数据的波动性,但预算内收入与其子项目之间、预算内支出与其分项目之间、预算内收支与经济增长之间均存在长期稳定的均衡关系,表明预算内收入结构(即预算内收入和其组成子项的比例关系)和预算内支出结构具有稳定性,财政预算内收支活动稳定而又积极地促进了经济增长。
4)expenditure off budget预算外支出
5)capital expenditure budget资本性支出预算
6)project expenditure budget项目支出预算
1.According to the unified deployment of our country,Shandong province pushed forward the project expenditure budget reform in 2001 and has made a marked success.根据国家的统一部署,山东省于2001年推行了项目支出预算改革并取得了显著的成绩。
2.Project expenditure budget is the yearly project expenditure plan in addition to the basic expenditure budget for special work or development.部门预算由收入预算、基本支出预算和项目支出预算组成,其中基本支出预算是指部门及所属单位的人员经费和机关运转的公用经费,依据是经批准的人员编制和定额;项目支出预算是基本支出预算之外为完成特定的工作任务或事业发展目标编制的年度项目支出计划,提高该部分资金的支出效率是近几年财政预算管理一直关注的问题,也是科学理财观念的体现。

支出支出  【支出】政府的所有不需偿付的支付都称为支出,不管是有偿的还是无偿的,也不管是经常的还是资本的支付。与处理收受的不同点是,给予其它政府的赠款或转移支付均列在支出项,而不是在支出项外另列一项。