群众文化活动,mass cultural activities
1)mass cultural activities群众文化活动
1.To carry out effective mass cultural activities in privately-run enterprises is a new subject under study.在民营企业开展有效的群众文化活动是一个崭新的课题。

1.Investigation and Thinking of Nan Chang Centre Community s Denizen Cultural Activity;南昌城区社区群众文化活动的调查与思考
2.In addition, the various prefectures, cities and counties hold mass theatrical festivals from time to time to promote popular cultural activities.各地、市、县还举办不定期的群众文艺汇演,促进了群众文化活动的繁荣。
3.Colorful cultural activities are known throughout the province and the country, such aslocal storytellers, farmers's photographic exhibitions, and the folk arts of the Manchu, Koarean and other ethnic groups.群众文化活动基础好,诸如讲故事、民摄影、族和朝鲜族等民间艺术在省内和全国颇有影响。
4.We will carry out extensive public activities to promote cultural and ethical progress.深入开展群众性精神文明创建活动。
5.We should encourage popular participation in activities to raise the cultural and ethical standards of the general public.广泛开展群众性精神文明创建活动。
6.We must encourage the general public to participate in activities designed to promote spiritual civilization.积极开展群众性精神文明创建活动。
7.The cultural analysis for content,intensity and frequency of multhtude sports in both China and developeel countries;我国与发达国家群众体育活动内容、强度和频率的文化学分析
8.Investigation and Research on the Status of Mass Sports Activities in Changchun Cultural Square对长春市文化广场群众体育活动状况的调查与研究
9.Ethical Discussion on the Interaction between Social Trust and Multitude Cultures;社会信任与群众文化互动的伦理辨析
10.Extensive public participation activities are launched to promote cultural and ethical progress.深入扎实地开展群众性精神文明创建活动
11.Religious culture and the social lives of religious people in Qinghai;宗教文化与青海地区信教群众的社会生活
12.1. The Mass Sports Activities Plan1. 群众体育活动计划
13.To Deepen the Mass Activities of Economic and Teachnology Innovation;对深化群众性经济技术创新活动的思考
14.A Brief Talk on Developing an Activity of Mass Rationalization Proposal in a New Situation;新形势下开展群众性合理化建议活动刍议
15.Both the cultural and practical movements must be of the masses.而这种文化运动和实践运动,都是群众的。
16.Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region and Cultural Organizations on Activities and the Building of Popular Culture;陕甘宁边区文化社团活动与大众文化建设
17.The significant improvement in the people's material and cultural well-beings has added innate motive power to the rapid development of the national economy.大力提高广大人民群众的物质文化生活水平,为保持经济较快发展增添了内在动力。
18.In addition, in other areas, 4 venues, including the Workers' Stadium, will be renovated or extended, offering places for cultural and sports activities for the neighboring residents.此外,在其他地区,改扩建工人体育场等4个场馆,为相邻地区群众开展文化体育活动创造条件。

community's denizen cultural activity社区群众文化活动
3)mass action群众活动
4)culture of the masses群众文化
1.Political culture (Mao Zetong s new culture) was the forerunner, the culture of the intellectuals (the elite culture/ enlightenment culture) was the go-between and the culture of the masses (the peasantry culture) was the object of reformation.山药蛋派作为一个动态形成的文学流派是多种文化力量综合作用的结果 ,政治文化 (毛泽东的新文化 )是先导、知识分子文化 (精英文化 /启蒙文化 )是中介、群众文化 (农民文化 )是改造对象 ,在解放区这一特定的历史场域和文化实体中获得了完整意义上的逻辑内涵和历史关联 ,使山药蛋派在多维文化考察中获得了深层的文化审美和创化。
5)mass culture群众文化
1.Progressive spirit should be used to promote mass culture of the agricultural herd area and aimed at activating mass culture.以改革的精神促进农牧区群众文化的繁荣和健康发展,增强农牧区群众文化事业的活力,充分调动社会各方面及农牧区广大群众文化工作者的工作热情和积极性,努力开展丰富多彩的群众文化活动,创建新型的社会主义农牧区群众文化,为农牧区改革与发展作贡献。
2.It is very difficult now for traditional mass culture to develop in Chinese rural areas,as to which an extensive investigation into current situations and a cause analysis have to be made.我国农村传统群众文化 ,遇到了前所未有的发展困难 ,亟待抢救和建设。
3.As an important component of culture, mass culture is enormous to Chinese material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization.群众文化作为文化的一个重要组成部分,对我国的物质文明建设、精神文明建设及政治文明建设起着重要的推动和促进作用。
6)mass sports群众体育活动
1.New pattern of China sports system——Transpositive consideration on sports system reform and mass sports;中国体育体制的新格局——论体育体制改革与群众体育活动的换位思考
