兰州铁路局,Lanzhou Railway Administration
1)Lanzhou Railway Administration兰州铁路局
1.Thought on Rapidly Increasing Traffic Capacity of Lanzhou Railway Administration;兰州铁路局运输能力快速扩充的思考

1.Lanzhou Railway Administration Explores New Ways of Professional Management;兰州铁路局探索专业化管理的新途径
2.Thought on Rapidly Increasing Traffic Capacity of Lanzhou Railway Administration;兰州铁路局运输能力快速扩充的思考
3.Study on Logistics Development Planninig of Lanzhou Railway Bureau's Material System兰州铁路局物资系统物流发展规划研究
4.The Construction and Enforcement of Performance Management in Lanzhou Railway Administration Dispatching Center;兰州铁路局调度指挥中心绩效管理方案的构建与实施
5.Aseismic Analysis and Design of Lightweight Steel Structure of sleeper workshop for Lanzhou Railway Bureau Quarrying Segment;兰州铁路局采石段轨枕厂房轻钢结构的抗震分析与设计
6.Thoughts on The Arrangement of Lanzhou Railway Passenger Station and Rebuilding of West Passenger Station;兰州铁路客运站布局与西客站重建的思考
7.Meteorology Warning and Commanding Service System for Lanzhou Railway Flood Prevention兰州铁路防洪指挥气象预警服务系统
8.A Study on Engineering Geological Problems between Lanzhou and Guangyuan on Lanzhou-Chongqing Railway兰渝铁路兰州至广元段工程地质问题研究
9.Analysis of the Liuzhou Railway Bureau Passenger Transport Market Based on SWOT;基于SWOT的柳州铁路局客运市场分析
10.Design and application for Dispatching ManagementInformation System of Zhengzhou Railway Administration郑州铁路局调度综合管理信息系统设计与应用
11.Judge on the Economic Development of Zhengzhou Railway Administration based on An Input/Output Survey;从投入产出调查看郑州铁路局经济发展
12.The Impact on Shanghai Railway Administration s Passenger and Freight Transportation after the Construction of the Road Bridge across the Hangzhou Bay;杭州湾跨海公路大桥修建对上海铁路局客货运输的影响
13.Design of the Appropriative Railway Interlock System for Lanzhou Petrochemical Company;兰州石化公司铁路专用线微机联锁控制系统的设计
14.Quickening tempo of informatization construction of Zhengzhou Railway Administration in haste and realizing leaping development of railway努力推进郑州局信息化建设 实现铁路跨越式发展
15.The Strategic Thinking of Liuzhou Railway Bureau in the Pan-Beibu Bay Regional Economic Cooperation;柳州铁路局在泛北部湾区域经济合作中的战略思考
16.Quickening tempo of informatization construction of Zhengzhou Railway Administration in haste and realizing leaping development of railway;努力推进郑州局信息化建设 实现铁路跨越式发展
17.After the incident, the Ministry of Railway, Chenyang Railway Department, Jinzhou Shi and local government officials rushed to the scene and dealt with the necessary arrangements.事故发生后,铁道部、沈阳铁路局和锦州市以及当地政府领导已赶往现场,处理善后事宜。
18.Investigation and Practice for Branch Railway Line Reform of Shenyang Railway Administration;沈阳铁路局支线铁路改革调查与实践

Liuzhou Railway Bureau柳州铁路局
1.The Strategic Thinking of Liuzhou Railway Bureau in the Pan-Beibu Bay Regional Economic Cooperation;柳州铁路局在泛北部湾区域经济合作中的战略思考
2.Liuzhou railway bureau has been to a scale, but the mechanism of management and business has not adapted the requirement of market economy on the condition of continuous development on economy s globalization, science technology, intensely competitive transportation market.柳州铁路局经过多年的发展,已初具规模,但其管理体制和经营机制在经济全球化、科学技术不断发展、运输业市场竞争越来越激烈的情况下不能适应市场经济发展的要求日趋明显。
3)Zhengzhou Railway Administration郑州铁路局
1.With the support of CPC Committee as well as of the leaders of Zhengzhou Railway Administration, the CPC Commission for Discipline Inspection of Zhengzhou Railway Administration sticks on the mechanism of anti corruption and of promoting rightness.郑州铁路局纪委在铁路局党委和铁路局的领导、支持下 ,坚持不懈地强化反腐倡廉工作机制 ,在铁路局内构筑起“上下贯通、纵横交错、逐级负责、人人包保”的党风廉政建设责任体系 ,并制定和完善配套措施 ,确保体系的顺利运行。
4)Lan Zhou Textile Bureau兰州织呢局
1.The Investigation and Enlightenment of Lan Zhou Textile Bureau s Success and Failure;兰州织呢局的成败探析及启示
5)Guangzhou railway广州铁路
1.The planning and construction of the new Guangzhou railway station will transform Guangzhou railway network and lead the development of circumjacent region.广州铁路枢纽是我国四大铁路枢纽之一。
6)Lan-Wu Railway兰武铁路
1.Seamless Permanent Way Construction Technology in Lan-Wu Railway Expansion;兰武铁路增建二线无缝线路施工技术

兰州铁路机械学校建于1950年9月,地处兰州市中心。系国家教育部命名的"国家级重点中等职业学校"。现办学规模全日制中专在校生达3000 余人,非脱产学历学员近6000人,年岗位培训6000余人次。开设铁路特 有和社会通用专业共20余个,形成了机械工程、电气工程、经济管理工程、信息工程四个专业教学体系及相应的实践教学附设。承担"国家通用工种" 和 "铁路行业特有工种"职业技能鉴定任务及全国计算机等级考试考点工作。拥有各种多功能的现代化教学设施、全套闭路电视演播系统及宽带接入互联网的校园网系统,办学条件优越,师资力量雄厚。学校没有招生就业指导办公室,建立了广泛的就业联系网点,近年未毕业生就业率较高,被教育部表彰为 "全国职业技术学校职业指导工作先进单位"。