物资企业,material enterprises
1)material enterprises物资企业
1.How to convert into modern resources-flow enterprises from material enterprises;物资企业如何向现代物流企业转型
2.The paper analyses the radical distinction between material enterprises and material trade enterprises, points out that it is necessary to change the material enterprises into the material trade enterprises, and makes the corresponding countermeasures.分析了物资企业与物流企业的本质区别,指出物资企业必须顺应市场经济的发展转型为物流企业;通过对转型中的问题的分析,提出了相应的对策。

1.There is a substantial difference between the material supply enterprises and the supply flow business.物资企业与物流企业具有本质的区别。
2.Probe into the Transition from the State-owned Material Supply Enterprises into the Supply Flow Business;关于国有物资企业向物流企业转型的思考
3.(2) Materials handled by materials and commercial departments shall be ordered from the joint venture by such departments;(二)属于物资、商业部门经营的物资,由物资、商业部门向合营企业订购。
4.A Research of Logistics Management of Material Supply Enterprise in Electrical Power System;电力系统物资供应企业物流管理研究
5.The Financing Way for the Enterprise in Biological Industry;生物技术产业企业的融资渠道与方法
6.The Research of Venture Capital Financing of Small and Medium-Sized Biotechnology Enterprises中小生物技术企业创业融资问题研究
7.Strengthening the Work of Standardization in Materials Supply Departments to Improve Materials Management in Enterprises;加强企业物资部门标准化工作 提高企业的物资管理水平
8.An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Human Capital Investment, Physical Capital Investment and Corporate Performance;企业人力资本、物质资本投资与企业绩效的实证研究
9.Research on the Impact of Human Resource Management on Performance of Logistics Enterprise;物流企业人力资源管理对企业绩效的影响研究
10.Evaluation on Qualifications of Transferring Highway Corporation to Logistics Company;公路运输企业向物流企业转型的资质综合评价
11.A Study of the Enterprise Group and Yunnan Enterprise Grou p of Bio-resources;企业集群效应与云南的生物资源企业集群
12.Establish Excellent Enterprise Culture and Improve the Enterprise Competitiveness;建设优秀企业文化 增强企业竞争力——贵州省国有物资流通企业分析
13.Materiel supply chain management solution based on enterprise resource planning基于企业资源管理的物料供应链管理
14.The Research on Capital Flow and Material Flow of ERP System in the Electric Power Enterprise;电力企业ERP系统中资金流、物流的研究
15.Research on the Application of Enterprise Application Integration in the Enterprise Material Management System;EAI在企业物资管理系统中的应用研究
16.On the Flow Control of the Material Management System in Power Industry;电力企业物资管理系统中的流程控制
17.The Study for Supply Chain Virtual Enterprise of Power-net Engineering Materials;电网工程物资供应链虚拟企业的研究
18.An Analysis of ERP-based Material and Supply Management System for Chemical Works;基于ERP的化工企业物资管理系统研究

railway construction materials enterprise铁建物资企业
3)material circulating enterprise物资流通企业
1.This thesis aims to refine with the worth of material circulatingen terprise which provided to society by analyzing the management characters of material circulating enterprise. 通过对物资流通企业经营特点的分析,提炼和归纳出物资流通企业向社会提供的价值所在,分析和探讨了物资流通企业赖以生存和发展的五种服务性产品,以及这五种服务性产品的创新。
4)enterprise material purchasing企业物资采购
1.Design and implementation of enterprise material purchasing system based on MIDAS;基于MIDAS的企业物资采购系统的设计与实现
5)resource-based enterprise logistics资源型企业物流
1.The paper breaks the irrational boundary between resource-based enterprise logistics system and urban logistics system,proposes a coupling system to form an operational mechanism of coordinate development for resource-based enterprise transforming to logistics industry.从资源型企业应如何充分利用自身优势出发,并考虑其所在城市的产业发展和环境协调,打破原有的资源型企业物流系统和资源型城市物流系统的界限,将两者有机结合起来,对于资源型企业向物流行业的转型,及今后资源型企业物流与资源型城市物流协同发展的运行机制和研究给出一个科学有效的平台。
6)foreign logistics company外资物流企业
1.This paper introduces the developing status, existing problem, strategy and trend of the foreign logistics company in Xi an city through local marketing investigation.随着中国加入WTO,并且在全球经济的驱动下和中国西部大开发政策的吸引下,西安将吸引更多的外资物流企业入驻。

物资供销企业  在流通领域中专门经营物资的企业。在中国,其主体是隶属于国家物资管理部门的各级物资专业(综合)公司、供应站(处)。另外,还包括隶属于各级生产管理部门的物资供销企业。    物资供销企业的基本职能是媒介物资的交换,使物资从生产领域进入生产消费领域,实现生产和生产消费的联系。    物资供销企业的任务是:按照国家的物资分配计划,完成购销经济合同;根据生产建设的需要,组织物资资源;就地就近、按质按量、及时地将物资供应给需用单位;开展上门服务、机具租赁、流通加工和代理业务等经营活动;改善经营管理,加速物资周转,减少物资损耗,降低流通费用。    物资供销企业的特点是:①业务主要是完成国家计划内的购销合同,计划性强。②销售对象主要是全民所有制和集体所有制的生产企业。③购销批量一般都比较大。④销售后技术服务较多,包括安装、调试、检验、维修、保养等。