粤汉铁路,Yue-han Railway
1)Yue-han Railway粤汉铁路
1.Six Li Bonds of the British Boxer Indemnity is Yue-han Railway construction bonds,a successful railway construction bonds put on sale in China and abroad.六厘英金庚款公债,是国民政府以英退庚款为基金,在国内外发行的粤汉铁路建设公债。

1.Three or four students and the Suns were going to disembark at Kowloon to take the Canton-Hankow train.孙氏一家和其他三四个学生也要在九龙下船,搭粤汉铁路的车;
2.As for attempting to occupy the entire length of the Canton-Hankow Railway and the Sian-Lanchow Highway, he will have to fight perilous battles and even so may not fully accomplish his design.至欲完全占领粤汉铁路和西兰公路,将经历非常危险的战争,未必尽能达其企图。
3.Guangdong-Hainan Railway Corridorthe First Cross-sea Railway in China;中国第一条跨海铁路——粤海铁路通道
4.Rebels were approaching Changsha along the Canton-Hankow railway.起义军当时正沿着粤汉路逼近长沙。
5.Theodore Roosevelt and the Sino-American Negotiations over the Canton-Hankow Railway Concession西奥多·罗斯福与中美粤汉路租让权交涉
6.Study of the Debts of Pinghan Railroad(1908-1937);平汉铁路债务研究(1908—1937)
7.ZHANG Zhi-dong and Threshold of Industrialization in Hubei:Analyses on Transfer of Hanyang Steel Factory from Guangdong to Hubei;张之洞与湖北工业化的起始:汉阳铁厂“由粤移鄂”透视
8.An Inquiry of Viewpoints on Railway Foreign Debts in Late Qing Times;晚清铁路外债观初探——以芦汉铁路为中心
9.They drove the train from Hankou to Beijing.他们在汉口到北京这一段铁路开火车。
10.Our farm lies across the Hankou-Beijing railway.我们农场位于京汉铁路两侧。
11.Static and Moving Load Experiment of the Constructed Hanjiang Super-major Bridge in Changjing Railway长荆铁路汉江特大桥成桥静、动载试验
12.Research on the Relations between Jing-han Railroad and Morden Economic Development in Henan Province(1905-1937);京汉铁路与沿线河南经济变迁(1905-1937)
13.A Study of the Guangdong Canton-HanKou Private Railway Enterprise (1906-1929);商办粤路公司浅探(1906-1929)
14.Discussion on the Ecological Landscape Greening Pattern of Anhui Section, He-Wu Railway合(肥)——武(汉)铁路安徽段高速铁路景观生态绿化模式探讨
15.Beijing-Hankou Railway and Starting on Modern Coal Mining of Zhi Li Region along the Railway Line京汉铁路与直隶沿线近代采煤业的起步
16.leap-forward development of Chinese railway and construction of Wuhan economic circle;中国铁路跨越式发展与武汉经济圈建设
17.A Brief Analysis of Construct of Lu-Han Railroad and the Cause of Loan from Belgium;浅析芦汉铁路的筹建及借用“比款”的原因
18.Russian Government s strategy in China and Jing-Han Railway Workers Strike;苏俄政府在华策略与京汉铁路工人罢工

the right to the Guangdong-Hankou Railway粤汉铁路权
3)the Guangzhou-Hankou Railway粤汉路
4)Yuehai railway粤海铁路
1.The construction of Yuehai railway solved the transport problem that always restricted Hainan economic development.粤海铁路的建成解决了长期制约海南经济发展的运输问题,但是粤海轮渡开通后,运输能力一直没有充分地发挥,经营严重亏损。
5)Guangdong-Hainan railway corridor粤海铁路通道
1.The paper gives an overview of the Guangdong-Hainan railway corridor and its construction background, as wellas the necessity of building the railway, the positive effect on the social life brought about by the construction.介绍了粤海铁路通道的概况以及建设的背景,阐述了粤海铁路通道建设的必要性,指出建设跨海铁路对社会生活带来的积极影响。
6)Lu-Han Railroad芦汉铁路
1.A Brief Analysis of Construct of Lu-Han Railroad and the Cause of Loan from Belgium;浅析芦汉铁路的筹建及借用“比款”的原因
