客运合同,passenger transportation contract
1)passenger transportation contract客运合同
1.Analysis on and solutions to disputes in highway passenger transportation contracts;公路汽车客运合同纠纷的分析与解决

1.Applicable Laws for the Compensation Norm of Railway Passenger Transport COntract铁路客运合同限额赔偿的法律适用
2.Analysis on and solutions to disputes in highway passenger transportation contracts;公路汽车客运合同纠纷的分析与解决
3.Analysis of Some Legal Problems of the Traffic Accident in Transportation Contract;客运合同中交通事故若干法律问题解析
4.Regulation Analysis and Economic Analysis about Clauses of Passenger Traffic Contract;客运合同有关条款的法律规则分析与经济分析的比较
5.On Duty of the Contractor to Guarantee for Passenger Security and Injury Compensation Obligation;试析客运合同中承运人的安全保障义务及其归责原则与损害赔偿责任
6.Contract of Domestic Carriage of Passengers by Sea国内海上旅客运输合同
7.Contract of International Carriage of Passengers by Sea国际海上旅客运输合同
8.Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Inland Waterway国际内河客货运输合同公约 (内河客货运公约)
9.Cancellation of Contract of Carriage of Passengers by Sea海上旅客运输合同的解除
10.Studies on Air Passenger Transport Contract;航空旅客运输合同若干法律问题研究
11.The failure of the passenger to produce the passenger ticket, or the irregularity or loss of the passenger ticket does not affect the existence or validity of the contract of transport.旅客未能出示客票、客票不符合规定或者客票遗失,不影响运输合同的存在或者有效。
12.Article 111 The passenger ticket shall constitute prima facie evidence of the conclusion and conditions of the contract of transport of passenger by air.第一百一十一条客票是航空旅客运输合同订立和运输合同条件的初步证据。
13.Research on Some Legal Problems of Domestic Passenger Carriage on Water;国内水路旅客运输合同若干法律问题研究
14.A passenger ticket, a luggage, parcel or goods consignment note shall represent a contract or a constituent part of a contract.旅客车票、行李票、包裹票和货物运单是合同或者合同的组成部分。
15.Our client plans to cancel the contract because you have not been able to ship the goods in time .我方客户准备取消此合同,因为你方未能及时装运这批货物。
16.Luggage" means any article or vehicle shipped by the carrier under the contract of carriage of passengers by sea, with the exception of live animals.(四)行李”,是指根据海上旅客运输合同由承运人载运的任何物品和车辆,但是活动物除外。
17.Understanding the contract terms and conditions and customer expectations at a detailed level and taking ownership for outcomes without interruption to customer’s ongoing operations.详尽的了解合同条款和要约以及顾客的期望,在不打扰顾客现有运营的基础上全权负责成果。
18.Is subject to the present title, every contract of insurance which has as its object the guaranty of risks in respect of a maritime operation.受现行名称的制约,保险合同是指其客体旨在保证有关海上营运各项风险的保险合同.

transportation contrast obligation客运合同义务
3)railway passengers conveyance contract铁路旅客运送合同
4)Civil Aviation Passenger Transport Contract民航旅客运输合同
1.On Civil Aviation Passenger Transport Contract;民航旅客运输合同法律问题研究
5)Air Passenger Transport Contract航空旅客运输合同
1.Studies on Air Passenger Transport Contract;航空旅客运输合同若干法律问题研究
6)Contract of Domestic Carriage of Passengers by Sea国内海上旅客运输合同

客运合同客运合同 客运合同又称为旅客运输合同,是指承运人将旅客从起运地运送到约定地点,旅客支付票款的合同。客运合同有以下三个特点: 1.在客运合同中,旅客既是一方当事人,又是运送的对象。 2.客运合同包括运送旅客行李的内容。 3.客运合同采用客票的形式,是典型的格式合同。  依《合同法》第293条规定,客运合同自承运人向旅客交付客票进成立,但当事人另有约定或者交易习惯的除外。根据运送工具的不同,客运合同可分为铁路客运合同、公路客运合同、水路客运合同、航空客运合同等。客运合同一般采用票证形式,如车票,船票,机票等。 根据法律的规定客运合同中旅客的义务有如下几点: 1、持有效客运票乘运的义务。旅客应当持有效客运票乘运。旅客无票乘运、超程乘运、超级乘运或者持失效客运票乘运的,应当补交票款;旅客不交付票款的,承运人可以拒绝运输。 2、限量携带行李义务。旅客在运输中应当按照约定的限量携带行李。超过限量携带行李的,应当办理托运手续。 3、不得携带或夹带危险品或其他违禁品的义务。主要是指易燃、易爆、有毒、有腐蚀性、有放射性以及有可能危及运输工具上人身和财产安全的危险物品或者其他违禁物品。旅客违反上述规定的,承运人可以将违禁品卸下、销毁或送交有关部门。旅客坚持携带或夹带危险品或其他违禁品的,承运人应当拒绝运输。