铁路建设工程,Railway Construction
1)Railway Construction铁路建设工程
1.Study of Synthetical Data Platform in Railway Construction Project Management;铁路建设工程项目管理综合数据平台研究

1.Research on the Quality Control Method of Railway Construction Project;铁路建设工程项目质量管理方法研究
2.Study on Evaluation Method for Railway Construction Project Tenders Based on Value Engineering基于价值工程的铁路建设工程评标方法探讨
3.Study on Basic Data Platform in Railway Construction Project Management;铁路建设工程项目管理基础数据平台研究
4.Study of Synthetical Data Platform in Railway Construction Project Management;铁路建设工程项目管理综合数据平台研究
5.Discussion on the United-Supervision Mode Applied in the Large Bidding Section of Railway Construction;浅论铁路建设工程大标段联合体监理模式
6.Development and exploration of current situation of tendering and bidding of railway engineering construction projects;铁路建设工程招标投标发展及现状探讨
7.Discussion on critical issues involved in management of railway construction under new situation;新形势下铁路建设工程管理关键问题探讨
8.The Nanning-Kunming Railway started operation. Construction of the west section of the South Xinjiang Railway was expedited.南昆铁路建成运营,南疆铁路西段工程加快建设。
9.Charging rules for bill of quantities of railway construction projects谈铁路建设项目工程量清单计量规则
10.Study on the Sustainable Development Strategy of Railway Engineering;铁路工程建设可持续发展战略的研究
11.Code for new railway engineering survey新建铁路工程测量规范
12.Code for design of fire prevention of railway engineering铁路工程设计防火规范
13.The status and role of railway construction in the national industrialization process from the point of railway history of modern Russia;从近代俄国铁路史看铁路建设在国家工业化进程中的地位和作用
14.To improve the railway engineering cost standard system and consolidate the railway construction investment control basis;完善铁路工程造价标准体系 夯实铁路建设投资控制基础
15.Technical standard for environmental influence assessment of railway construction projects铁路工程建设项目环境影响评价技术标准
16.The Research of Standard System of Earlier Stage Cost Making of Railway Project;铁路建设项目前期工程造价计价标准的研究
17.The Applications of BOT in Our Country s Railway Engineering Constructions;BOT方式在我国铁路工程建设中的应用研究
18.The Study on Risk Management of Railway Construction Project during Decision-making;铁路工程建设项目决策中的风险管理研究

railway engineering铁路工程建设
1.The importance of sustainble development in railway engineering is proposed;the relations among railway construction,environment and disasters are analyzed;and the significance of environmental protection and disaster prevention and mitigation is highlighted for the sustainable development in Chinese railway engineering.提出了铁路工程建设走可持续发展之路 ,论证了铁路工程建设、环境与地质灾害三者的相互关系 ,阐述了在铁路工程建设的各个环节树立环境保护和防灾减灾的重要性。
3)railway engineering construction铁路工程建设
1.Application of Intelligent Network Video Monitoring System to railway engineering construction;智能网络视频监控系统在铁路工程建设管理中的应用
2.In this paper,the content,method,place and time of the soil and water loss monitoring for the railway engineering construction were discussed.根据我国水土保持法律、法规的规定 ,铁路工程建设项目在施工期和运行期必须承担防治水土流失的责任和义务 ,并同时进行监测。
3.Improving the regulation system of railway engineering construction in the new stage,is an important move to implement the Mid-term and Long-term Railway Network Program,boost the large scale of railway quality construction,and improve the management level of railway engineering construction.完善新时期铁路工程建设规章制度体系,是实施《中长期铁路网规划》、又好又快推进大规模铁路建设和提高铁路工程建设管理水平的重要举措。
4)railway new construction铁路新线建设工程
5)Contact for Railway Construct铁路建设工程合同
6)railway construction time limit铁路建设工期

哪些管线工程不需要申请建设工程规划许可证 下列管线工程不需要申请建设工程规划许可证: 1、工厂、仓库和其他建筑等用地范围内的内部专用管线工程。 2、在施工范围内不影响其他工程建设,并在工程后保证拆除的临时管线。 3、建筑物按照施工图的埋设管线和室内管线。 4、管位轴线和管径不变的原有管线的局部更新。 5、农业生产需要的郊区越野管线和农村广播线。 6、非常时期的临时电线。