特有工种,specific types of work
1)specific types of work特有工种
1.Vocational skills identification of specific types of work in fire industry and implementation of vocational qualification certificate system was briefly analysed.简要分析开展消防行业特有工种职业技能鉴定工作,落实职业资格证书制度,对于推行消防工作社会化有着积极和深远的意义。

1.Study on Management System for Evaluating Vocational Skills of Special Trades in Railway Industry铁路特有工种职业技能鉴定考务管理系统研究
2.Fire Types of Industry-specific Identification of the Practice of Vocational Skills and Development消防行业特有工种职业技能鉴定的实践与发展
3.Special skill training and features in sport industry体育行业特有职业(工种)技能培训及其特征研究
4.There are many thousand kinds of alloys now being used in engineering, each (being) with some specific properties .目前应用在工业上的合金有数千种,每种都有其特殊性能。
5.Those who are required to do technical work or to have special skills must receive training and be certified capable for the job before they assume the posts.对从事技术工种或有特殊技能要求的职工,须经过培训后,持证上岗。
6.There are feature of simple craft support in time and big carrying capacity, it is a new method of suppoft.具有工艺简单、护及时、载力大的特点,是一种有效的支护新手段。
7.Seldom does a single metal have all the properties needed for a particular job.单单一种金属很少会具有某一特定工作所需要的全部性能。
8.I wish our people's work and life would also have this same natural and unrestrained way of "playing".我特别希望我们中国人的工作﹐生活中也有这么一种“玩儿”的潇洒。
9.One form of excise is so prevalent that it deserves special attention.有一种特殊形式的附加工作,它们因十分普遍而备受关注。
10.An information organizing model of compound college library with characteristic speciality一种复合型高校图书馆有专业特色的信息组织工作模式
11.human being as an individual with distinct characteristics(有某种个性或特性的)人
12.There is no certain cure for this disease.这种病没有特效药.
13.The medicine has special efficacy in your disease.这种药对你的病有特效。
14.a species peculiar to this area.这个地区所特有的物种
15.What is the distinguishing feature of the bulldozer?这种推土机有什么特点?
16.The wine has a certain race.这个酒有一种特殊风味。
17.a species endemic to Siberia西伯利亚特有的品种
18.The orange has a scent all its own.橘子有一种独特的香味。

sport specific career体育特有工种
3)special profession特有职业(工种)
4)endemic species特有种
1.The endemic species and distribution in Xinjiang;新疆植物特有种及其分布
2.The present paper deals with the species diversity,the diversity of life forms,the patterns of spatial distribution,ecological and geographical characteristics of the Chinese endemic species of the tracheophyta in Shandong provinceSome pratical counter measures for conservation and sustained development of the biodiversity of the endemic species are presente论述了维管植物特有种的物种组成多样性、生活型多样性和空间分布格局多样性及其生态地理特征和区系特征 ,并对特有种的生物多样性保护与持续发展提出了切实可行的对
3.The results are as follows:(1)There are 42 endemic species in 37 genera of 25 families;(2)64% of them are herbs(mostly being Perennial).首次对河南省特有种及其区系地理和生态学特点进行了研究。
5)endemic species特有物种
6)endangered and endemic tree species特有树种
