客运专线公司,passenger transportation company
1)passenger transportation company客运专线公司
1.The author believes that network,producing technology and professional trust is the three factors that influence business outsourcing in China s passenger transportation company.本文认为,网络性、生产技术性和专业信任性是影响我国客运专线公司业务外包的三个主要因素,它们是客运专线公司进行业务外包时必须考虑的。

1.Explore the Mode of Business Outsourcing in China s Passenger Transportation Company;我国客运专线公司业务外包模式探讨
2.Research on Competitive Advantage of Passenger-Dedicated Lines Co. Based on Customer Value;基于顾客价值的客运专线公司竞争优势研究
3.Research on the Effect of Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line on Local Highway Passenger Transportation Market and its Countermeasures郑西客运专线对沿线公路客运市场的影响及对策研究
4.Analysis of the Market Competition Mechanism in Corporatization Operation of DPL in China, with JJ-DPL as an Example中国城际客专公司化运营的市场竞争机制分析
5.Analysis on Passenger Flow Forecast of MianYang-ChenDu-EMei Intercity Passenger-Dedicated Line;成绵峨城际客运专线客运量预测研究
6.International Committee of Passenger Lines国际客运公司委员会
7.Research on the Linkage of Transportation between Passenger s Dedicated Lines and Existed Railways;客运专线跨线运输衔接相关问题研究
8.A " Three-Phase Approach " to Passenger Transport Capacity For ecast of Passenger Transport Line on the Road;公路客运线路客运量预测的“三阶段法”
9.The study on assessment system of the special line for passenger transport passenger客运专线旅客服务质量评价体系研究
10.On the Working Content of Professional Consultation on PDL Engineering Economy客运专线工经专业咨询工作内容探讨
11.Security Design of Office Information System in Qin-Shen Special Railway Line for Passenger Transport秦沈客运专线工程建设办公信息系统的安全设计
12.on the Basic Principle and Main Influence Factors for the Alignment of Passenger Dedicated Line;浅谈客运专线选线原则及其控制因素
13.Research on Rational Division of Dedicated Passenger Line and Conventional Railway客运专线与既有线合理分工问题研究
14.Prefabrication Technology of Double-track Monolithic Box Girder in Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Special Line武广客运专线双线整孔箱梁预制技术
15.Key Construction Techniques on Fly-over Continuous Box Girder on Passenger Dedicated Line客运专线跨线连续箱梁施工关键技术
16.Research on Assignment of Passenger Train Plan for Dedicated Passenger Traffic Lines;客运专线旅客列车开行方案的客流分配方法
17.Research on the Interrelated Problems of Transportation for Zhengzhou-Wuhan Passenger Dedicated Line;郑武客运专线运输组织相关问题研究
18.Study on Transport Organization of Intercity Railway Traffic;城际客运专线运输组织相关问题研究

railway passenger dedicated line corporation铁路客运专线公司
3)passenger transport company客运公司
1.By analyzing the strategic status and develop perspective of China railway passenger transport, and by referring to the foreign experiences in railway passenger transport structural reform, this paper puts forward some relevant policy suggestions to the setup of railway passenger transport company- the core part of railway passenger transport structural reform.铁路客运体制改革是推进中国铁路改革的切入点和突破口 ,通过分析中国铁路客运的战略地位、发展前景 ,借鉴国外铁路客运体制改革经验 ,对铁路客运体制改革的核心内容———铁路客运公司的组建提出相关政策建
2.The sales channel of passenger transport company is always an important issue in the structural reform of railway passenger transport.客运公司销售渠道是铁路客运体制改革中的重要问题。
4)passenger dedicated line客运专线
1.Research on the construction technology of a beam fabrication yard in passenger dedicated line;哈尔滨至大连客运专线某梁场建设技术研究
2.Track laying technology of newly built Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan passenger dedicated line;新建石太铁路客运专线铺轨施工技术
3.Experimental research of graded broken stone technology in the transition section of Wu-Guang passenger dedicated line;武广客运专线过渡段级配碎石工艺试验研究
5)Passenger special line客运专线
1.Experimental study on friction loss of prestressed pipe for 32 m simply supported box girder of passenger special line;客运专线32m简支箱梁预应力管道摩阻损失试验研究
2.Analysis of train running performance on a basket handle arch bridge of concrete-filled steel tube on passenger special line;客运专线某钢管混凝土提篮拱桥列车走行性分析
3.Construction method of cast-in-situ beam in passenger special line by support method;客运专线支架法现浇梁施工方法
6)passenger dedicated railway客运专线
1.Construction technology of HPC of prestressed concrete box beam for passenger dedicated railway;客运专线箱梁高性能混凝土施工技术
2.Get an all-round understanding of the standard system for passenger dedicated railway and establish a new concept of railway construction;系统理解客运专线标准体系 树立全新铁路建设理念(上)
3.Traction substation connection type and catenary fault judging for passenger dedicated railway;客运专线牵引变电所接线方式及接触网故障判定方法
