杭江铁路,Hangjiang Railway
1)Hangjiang Railway杭江铁路
1.A Model of the Province-Run Railway in the Period of the Nanjing National Government——ZHANG Jingjiang and The Hangjiang Railway;南京国民政府时期省办铁路的先导——张静江与杭江铁路

1.A Model of the Province-Run Railway in the Period of the Nanjing National Government--ZHANG Jingjiang and The Hangjiang Railway;南京国民政府时期省办铁路的先导——张静江与杭江铁路
2., Ltd is back of Changjiang channel, neighboring Hu-Ning Expressway, Hu-Ning Railway, Jinghang Canal and the National Highway312 with convenient transportation.背托长江水道,紧靠沪宁高速、宁铁路、杭运河、12国道,交通畅通。
3.The Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo railway traverses from west to east and the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo and Hangzhou-Jinhua-Quzhou speedways meet here and go through the county.沪杭甬铁路横贯东西,沪杭甬、杭金衢两条高速公路相交穿境而过。
4.Gentry and Merchants Social Stratum and Suzhou Hangzhou Ningpo Railroad Narration (1905-1910);绅商阶层与苏杭甬铁路风潮评述(1905-1910)
5.Railway The Shanghai-Hangzhou railway pass through the downtown Jiaxing, which is the busiest railway in Yangtze River Delta.铁路运输连接上海、嘉兴、杭州三地的沪杭铁路是长三角地区最繁忙的铁路。
6.Confined Water Dewatering Technic Used in The Deep Excavation of a Hangzhou Metro Station Named Jiangnanfengjing杭州地铁江南风井深基坑承压水降水施工技术
7.And Jinghu railway, Huning speedway, Jinghang canal are all near at hand.京沪铁路、沪宁高速公路、京杭大运河都近在咫尺。
8.A Study on the Tour Function Development and the Tourist Structure in the East Hangzhou Railway Station;铁路杭州东站旅客构成与旅游功能的开发
9.The Impact on Shanghai Railway Administration s Passenger and Freight Transportation after the Construction of the Road Bridge across the Hangzhou Bay;杭州湾跨海公路大桥修建对上海铁路局客货运输的影响
10.Zhang Jingjiang and Huainan Railway;张静江与淮南铁路——兼论淮南铁路的经济意义
11.Thought on Design of Route Selection of Changshou-Dianjiang-Liangping Railway Line;新建长寿、垫江、梁平铁路选线设计思路
12.A probe into the landscape of Urban Viaduct Rail Transit;轨道交通高架线路对沿途景观的影响——以杭州地铁一号线为例
13.Constructing Facilities and Passers Recreation Acticity on The Railway Station;铁路车站设施建设与旅客游憩活动——以上海站和杭州东站为例
14.Analysis on Reasonability for Trains with Medium Speed on Jiujiang -Jingdezhen -Quzhou Railway Over-crossing Shanghai -Hangzhou -Changsha Passenger Dedicated Line浅析九景衢铁路中速车跨线上杭长客运专线的合理性
15.A Study of Speed Limit Signs for Qiandaohu Branch of Hangzhou-Xin anjiang-Jingdezhen Expressway;杭(州)新(安江)景(德镇)高速公路千岛湖支线标志速度限制值研究
16.Study on Greening of Ning-Hang Expressway by Vegatation Ecology;宁杭高速公路(江苏段)景观绿化的植被生态学研究
17.A Study of the Problems and Policies in the Development of Non-profit Organizations in Zhejiang Province--Use Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Taizhou and Shaoxing as examples;浙江非营利组织发展中的问题及政策思路研究——以杭、宁、温、台、绍为例
18.Spatial Connection of Civilization:the Anhui Businessman Culture Route Constructed by Jinghang Canal,Xinanjiang and Huihang Ancient Road文明的空间联系:大运河、新安江和徽杭古道构建的徽商文化线路

Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Railway沪杭甬铁路
1.Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Railway’s Original name was Suhangyong Railway,that is from Suzhou to Hangzhou and then to Ningbo.沪杭甬铁路,原名苏杭甬路,即由苏州至杭州再展至宁波。
3)Suzhou-Hangzhou-Ningpo railroad苏杭甬铁路
4)the loan of Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo railway沪杭甬铁路借款
5)Su-hang-yong railway action苏杭甬铁路风潮
6)railway along river沿江铁路
1.Economic situation in basin of the Yangtze River and transport capacity of railwayneeded by opening up industries are analysed,the relation between building railway along riverand giving play to the advantage of water-transport on Yangytze River are discussed,and practi-cal ideas which speed up construction of railway system along river are pointed out in this paper.本文分析了长江流域的经济状况,产业开发,对铁路运输的需求,探讨了发挥长江水运优势与建设沿江铁路的关系,并指出加快沿江铁路体系的建设的一些具体设想。

西江月 九江送刘牧之同知之杭【诗文】:我自纫兰为佩,君方剖竹分符。才情风调有谁如。彷佛三生小杜。置酒昔登岘首,题诗今对匡庐。青衫恨不到西湖。共湿黄梅细雨。【注释】:【出处】: