哈尔滨枢纽,Haerbin Joint Terminal
1)Haerbin Joint Terminal哈尔滨枢纽
1.Study on the Plan of Introducing Ha-Da Passenger Dedicated Line into Haerbin Joint Terminal;哈大客运专线引入哈尔滨枢纽方案研究
1.Particle Size Distribution of Inhalant Particle and Source Analysis in Songbei District of Harbin in sSpring of 2007;哈尔滨松北区2007年春季可吸入颗粒物PM_(10)的粒度分布及来源分析
2.Urban ecological security and political analysis of Harbin;哈尔滨市生态安全状况和政策分析
3.The evaluation about Harbin Songbei marshland's current situation;哈尔滨松北湿地现状评价

1.B: In Harbin. I was born and grew up in Harbin.住在哈尔滨。我在哈尔滨出生、长大。
2.He got to Harbin the day before yesterday.他前天到哈尔滨的。
3.I hear he has gone to Harbin.我听说他到哈尔滨去了。
4.Journal of Harbin Medical University哈尔滨医科大学学报
5.The city of Harbin is a big city.哈尔滨市是一个大城市。
6.Green Landscape Conceptual Design Near The Lake Bank哈尔滨市金泰·湖滨绿茵景观规划设计
7.Harbin Qiangli Bio-engineering Co., Ltd.哈尔滨强力生物工程有限责任公司(原哈尔滨市福康酒类催化剂厂)
8.and in 1999, a 'Harbin President Scholarship program' to provide educational scholarships to students who face significant life challenges, yet continue to demonstrate progress towards their academic goals.并于99年扩大到哈尔滨,同时设立了“哈尔滨统一优秀特困生奖学金”。
9.Russian Industrial and Commercial Industry in Harbin and Impact on Harbin (1898-1931);俄侨在哈尔滨的工商业活动及对哈尔滨的影响(1898—1931)
10.Frozen dumplings are a local speciality.冻饺子是哈尔滨冬季的风味食品。
11.I spent my boyhood in Harbin.我的童年是在哈尔滨度过的。
12.The train for Harbin leaves from Platform Two.到哈尔滨去的火车从第二站台开出。
13.Her father once worked in a car factory in Harbin.她父亲在哈尔滨一家汽车厂工作过。
14.Harbin Sayyas Windows Co., Ltd.哈尔滨森鹰窗业股份有限公司
15.Enter the station with ticket, went to the waiting room4 in the station.持票进站,至哈尔滨站第四候车室候车。
16.Entered the station, went to waiting room4 with ticket in hand.进站,持票至哈尔滨站第四候车室候车。
17.There is an ice lantern show in Harbin every year in winter.每年冬天, 哈尔滨有一次冰灯展。
18.B From Harbin, in the north-east. I was born there.哈尔滨人,中国的东北。我在那里出生。

1.Particle Size Distribution of Inhalant Particle and Source Analysis in Songbei District of Harbin in sSpring of 2007;哈尔滨松北区2007年春季可吸入颗粒物PM_(10)的粒度分布及来源分析
2.Urban ecological security and political analysis of Harbin;哈尔滨市生态安全状况和政策分析
3.The evaluation about Harbin Songbei marshland's current situation;哈尔滨松北湿地现状评价
3)Harbin City哈尔滨市
1.Analysis of Trend of Sustainable Development of Harbin City;哈尔滨市可持续发展的趋势分析
2.Investigation on Landfill Leachate Pollution to Soil Nearby Liushulin Landfill Site of Harbin City;哈尔滨市柳树林垃圾场垃圾渗滤液对周边土壤污染状况的调查
3.The Ecological Environment Transformation in the Area between City and Countryside of Harbin City;哈尔滨市城乡结合部生态环境改造问题及对策研究
1.Effects of City Traffic Noises on Teaching Environment of Campus in Harbin;哈尔滨市交通噪声对学校教学环境影响研究
2.The Conditions and Advantages of Developing Green Food Industry in Harbin;哈尔滨市发展绿色食品产业集群的基本条件与优势
3.Research on Environmental Industry in Harbin Economy Technology Development District;哈尔滨市利民经济技术开发区生态工业建设研究
5)Harbin City哈尔滨
1.Discussion on Industrialization of domestic Refuse Disposal in Harbin City;哈尔滨市生活垃圾处理产业化探讨
2.Urban Safe Issues in Cold Areas:A Case of Harbin City;谈哈尔滨寒冷地区城市安全问题
3.Development and Protection of Art Nouveau Architecture in Harbin City;浅谈哈尔滨新艺术运动风格建筑的发展与保护
1.Research on the Development of City Tour in Haerbin under the Guidance of Image;形象导向下的哈尔滨城市旅游发展研究
2.Characteristics of Precipitation in Summer Seasons in Nenjiang and Haerbin over the Past 48 Years;嫩江、哈尔滨两地48年来夏季降雨特征分析
3.Analysis of coseismal effect about vertical pendulum clinometer in Yanshou Seismic Station of Haerbin;哈尔滨市延寿地震台竖直摆倾斜同震效应分析

长江三峡水利枢纽鸟瞰图长江三峡水利枢纽鸟瞰图  长江三峡水利枢纽鸟瞰图 《中国建设企业百强榜》