把握契机,seizing the opportunity at right time
1)seizing the opportunity at right time把握契机

1.Grasping the Opportunity and Realizing the Continuous Development of Higher Vocational Education;把握契机实现高等职业教育的可持续发展
2.Make hay while the sun shines. --Trench有阳光时好晒禾。(把握时机)——特兰契
3.To Grasp the Opportunities for the Second Development in Lijiang;把握发展契机 开拓丽江的二次创业
4.Seizing the Opportunity of Joining WTO and Developing Healthy Aquaculture of Fresh Water;把握入世契机 加强淡水健康养鱼
5.Grasping the chance of China s WTO entry and accelerating talent recruitment for higher education;把握入世契机 加快高校引智步伐
6.Seizing the Historical Opportunity to Make Zhejiang Become the Powerful Insurance Province把握历史契机 打造浙江保险强省
7.We are devoted to help you seize every possible opportunity to your brilliance and success.为您的辉煌、成功把握住属于您的每一次契机。
8.Taking the Chance of Unification between Teaching and Training Improving the Teaching Quality of Police Physical Education;把握教学培训统一契机提高警体教学水平
9.A Good Understanding of the Anti-dumping Act of European Union will be of Much Help to China s Dealing With such Lawsuits;从欧盟对华反倾销法律中把握抗辩与胜诉契机
10.Seizing the opportunity of accession to WTO and increasing the opening force of our country s in insurance industry;把握入世契机 加大我国保险业开放力度
11.The Behavioral Analysis of Panzhihua Taking the Cultural Campaign as Opportunity in Marketing Its Tourism;攀枝花市把握活动契机进行城市旅游市场营销行为分析
12.Cultivating Socialist Sense of Honor and Dishonor Grasping New Chance for College Ideological and Political Education;树立社会主义荣辱观 把握高校思想政治教育新契机
13.Temporizing the policy of developing Bo-hai rim, We devote ourselves into becoming the number one machinery processing base in the region.顺应国际化浪潮,把握我国开发环渤海经济圈的契机,力争成为环渤海最大的加工基地!
14., LTD welcomes all customers to place orders for all various of products and qulities, we will hold the opportunity tightly and do our best to advance, innovate boldly, create beautiful future with all friends together!公司将紧紧把握时代赋予的契机,努力进取,勇于开拓,与社会各界同仁一道携手共创美好未来。
15.Take time by the forelock. --Robert Louis Stevenson要把握时机。——史蒂文森
16.There be no time like the present .把握现在,勿失时机。
17.We should try to seize the opportunity.我们应该设法把握住这次机会。
18.She seized on the offer of a free trip.她紧紧把握这次免费旅行的机会。

grasp the opportunity把握机遇
4)grasp of business opportunity商机把握
5)identification of opportunity时机把握
6)Catching hold of chance机会把握
