会计责任主体,accounting responsibility body
1)accounting responsibility body会计责任主体
1.In the newly amended Law of Accounting, related regulations have been employed about the specific ways of how to apply the accounting responsibility body, which also have a general account of the content of responsibility and the matched law obligations.新修订的《会计法》对会计责任主体作出了规定 ,文章对会计责任主体如何落实 ,会计责任主体的责任内容和违法行为应当承当的法律责任分别进行了说明 ,目的在于探讨会计责任主体法律规定如何贯彻实施。

1.Brief Discussion on the Responsibilities of the People in Charge as the Main Body of Accounting Responsibility;浅谈单位负责人作为会计责任主体的职责
2.Major Innovation of the Newly Revised Accounting Law-Reinforcing the Responsibility of the Persons in Charge of Units;新《会计法》的重大突破——强调单位负责人的会计责任主体地位
3.Some Viewpoints on the Persons in Change of a Unit Being the Main Body of Accounting Responsibilities of Their Unit;关于单位负责人作为本单位会计责任主体的思考
4.An Important Measure of Assuring the Truth and Completion of Accounting Materials── Clearly Defining the Leader of the Department as the Responsibility Body of Accounting;确保会计资料真实与完整的重要举措──明确单位负责人为会计责任主体
5.The important breakthrough of the newly accounting law--On the status of subject for duties as the person in charge of the unit新修订《会计法》的重要突破——论单位负责人会计行为的责任主体地位
6.Legal Liability Proportion Undertaken of the False Accounting Information and the Entity Qualifications of the Responsibility Recognition;虚假会计信息法律责任比例承担及责任认定主体资格研究
7.Analysis of Fake Accounting Reports of Listed Companies and the Main Civil Liability for Fake Statements;上市公司会计报表造假的民事责任主体之分析
8.Analysis of civil liability and subject of accounting cheating;会计舞弊行为的民事责任及其主体分析
9.The Subject Who is Responsible for Certified Public Accountant s Job Infringement--With liability to the third party for center;论注册会计师职务侵权民事责任的承担主体——以对第三人责任为中心
10.On Accounting Duty of Head of An Enterprise;浅谈单位负责人作为会计主体的职责
11.Plight and Way-out of the Joint and Several Liability about Behavior Entity in False Accounting Information;虚假会计信息行为主体连带责任的困境及改进路径
12.Standardizing the Behaviowr of Responsibility Entity and Improving the Quality of Listed Companies Accounting Information Disclosure;责任主体行为规范与提高上市公司会计信息披露质量
13.Audit responsibility Analysis Between Registered Accountants and Accountants;注册会计师审计责任与会计责任辨析
14.Found a System of Responsibility Accounting and Perfect the Prompting Mechanism in Foreign Trade Industry建立责任会计体系,完善外贸激励机制
15.Talking about my felling about the audit of township leaders economy responsibility;浅谈乡镇领导干部经济责任审计体会
16.Construction of the Responsibility Accounting Setup in Accordance with Modern Enterprise System;现代企业制度下责任会计体系的构建
17.Practice and experience of implementing annual object management for clinical department director临床科主任目标责任年度考评的实践与体会
18.The utility of the environmental responsibility reports supplied by the accounting subject to the decision-makers must be examined through auditing.社会要求会计主体提供的环境责任报告信息对决策者有用,因此,该报告必须进行审计。

responsibility accounting责任会计
1.Research on the Development and Application of Responsibility Accounting in Market Economy;基于市场竞争环境下的责任会计的发展与应用研究
2.The Research on Activity--Based Responsibility Accounting under Advanced Manufacturing Environment;先进制造环境下基于作业的责任会计研究
3.Analysis of the internal control on responsibility accounting perspective责任会计与内部控制的联系和结合
1.It is a general requirement to strengthen the government s accountability and build a high-efficiency,honest and clean government.人们普遍要求加强政府会计责任,建立高效廉洁的服务型政府。
2.Since the reform and open-up of China,along with the transition from the planned economy to the market economy,the concept of accountability has greatly transformed based on the historcal inheritance.会计责任问题是会计行为和会计职业发展中的一个核心问题。
4)accounting responsibility会计责任
1.Legal Regulations of Accounting Responsibility under Socialization Vision;社会化视野下的会计责任法律规制
2.The person in charge is specified as the number-one responsible for the accounting and his accounting responsibility and accounting legal responsibility are laid stress on in the new "Accounting Law".新《会计法》将单位负责人明确列为本单位会计工作的第一责任人,突出了单位负责人的会计责任和会计法律责任。
5)account responsibility会计责任
1.We often mix up two concepts of audit responsibility and account responsibility.审计责任与会计责任是两个容易混淆的概念。
2.We often mix up two concepts of audit responsibility and account responsibility of registered accountants.注册会计师审计责任与会计责任是两个容易混淆的概念。
6)responsible accountant责任会计

会计人员保持会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表和其他会计资料的职权会计人员保持会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表和其他会计资料的职权:会计人员保持会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表和其他会计资料必须符合国家统一的会计制度的规定,不得伪造、变造会计凭证、会计帐簿,报送虚假的会计报表。  用电子计算机进行会计核算的,对使用的软件及其生成的会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表和其他会计资料的要求,应当符合国务院财政部门的规定《会计法》 第10条