集中修,concentration maintenance
1)concentration maintenance集中修
1.By the test of concentration maintenance for OCS at Beijing-Shanghai railway line, this paper have discussed a maintenace model for OCS, and that put forword improving the equipment maintenance efficiency, saving cost of maintenance, immediately advancing quality of equipment, and discreasing loss of railway transport, with taking concentration main.本文通过京沪线接触网集中修试点情况,探讨接触网检修模式,提出了实施集中修既可以提高设备检修效率、节约检修成本,快速改善设备质量,又能减少运输损失。

1.Application and quality monitoring of 310G turbocharger after centralized repair集中修后310G增压器使用现状及质量控制措施
2.Students may concentrate, minor, and petition for a major departure in WS.学生们可以申请集中选修、副修或是特别申请主修女性研究。
3.I tried to compensate, and I lost my concentration.我就试着修正,因而注意力不集中。
4.The Layout Research of China Aviation Group Maintenance Enterprise Base;中国航空集团维修企业优化布局研究
5.Integrative Development of Furniture in Overall-finished House;全装修住宅中家具的集成化发展研究
6.Application of "Four Electric" Integration to Building the Dedicated Line for Passengers“四电集成”在客运专线修建中的应用
7.A file which is a collection of change records used to update a master file in batch processing.在批处理中,修改主文件的全部修改记录的集合所构成的文件。
8.Inventory Pooling for Repairable Spare Parts in Supply Chain;供应链环境下的可维修备件共享库存和集中维修模式
9.Shared dimensions cannot be modified in Cube Editor.不能在多维数据集编辑器中修改共享维度。
10.a place of religious seclusion (such as a monastery).宗教人士的集中之地(如僧侣们呆的修道院)。
11.The Necessity of Establishing Equipment Inspection Center in Large Coal Industry Group大型煤业集团建立设备检修检测中心的必要性
13.Nonattainment was one of the central concerns of the 1990 amendments.非达标区域是1990年修正案中集中关注的问题之一。
14.These protections constitutions in that so called “the bill of rights”.这些保障集中体现在被称为“权利法案”的宪法修正案中。
15.Issue and Countermeasure of Operation Security of Self-movement Vehicle in the Concentration of Maintenance Period of Datong-Qinhuangdao Line大秦线大中修集中施工自轮运转车辆作业安全的问题及对策
16.Pertaining to the level of access in a shared data set(e.g, read - only access, read / write access, unlimited access, no access.用于修饰或说明在共享数据集中的存取级别(例如只读存
17.Correction of a bug that sometimes, during a siege, crashes all the clients of one of the two teams.修正了在围城战中,有时一两个小组的玩家集体遭遇掉线的问题.
18.The 1991 revised "constitution" of the Dalai clique still stipulates that the Dalai is "the head of the state."1991年达赖集团修改后的所谓“宪法”中,仍规定达赖是“国家首脑”。

centralized repair集中检修
3)specialized and centralized repair专业化集中修
1.According to the general conditions of the examination and repair in the railway depot, and to the problem of the waste of life span of use of the rolling bearings of locamotives, the method of regenerative selection and assembly of the rolling bearings of locamotives, and the theroy of specialized and centralized repair is put forword in this paper.针对机车滚动轴承使用寿命浪费的问题 ,结合目前机务部门检修的普遍情况 ,提出了机车滚动轴承再生选配法及专业化集中修
4)overhauling at designated place and in situ集中大修与就地大修
5)construction and examination concentrated load施工和检修集中荷载
6)top overhaul中修,大修

三修──胜三修【三修──胜三修】  ﹝出涅槃经﹞  谓菩萨依佛胜教而修,破于声闻劣修,故名胜三修。  [一、常修],常即不迁不变之谓也。盖菩萨了知法身之体,本来常住,无灭无生,以破声闻之人,不应于诸法中执为无常,是名常修。  [二、乐修],乐即安隐寂灭之谓也。盖菩萨了知诸法之中,而有涅槃寂灭之乐,以破声闻之人,不应于诸法中执之为苦,是名乐修。(梵语涅槃,华言灭度。)  [三、我修],我即自在无碍之谓也。盖菩萨了知无我法中而有真我,得大自在,无有障碍,以破声闻之人,不应于诸法中执为无我、无我所,是名我修。(我所者,谓五阴之身及资生等物也。)