定员,staff quota
1)staff quota定员

1.This limousine has a seating capacity of six这辆大轿车定员6人
2.Tree operator requires that a member name or member unique name be specified.树操作员要求指定成员名称或成员唯一名称。
3.I was apprised of the committee's decision.我已获悉委员会的决定.
4.target arrival date coordinator预定到货日期协调员
5.staff member beneficiary工作人员指定受益人
6.Designated Officials for Environmental Matters (DOEM)环境事务指定工作人员
7.The commettee marked him out for promotion.委员会内定他晋升。
8.established manning scale设定的人员编制比例
9.Periodical Endorsement of Seaman's Record Book船员服务簿定期签证
10.committee on medical appraisal of labor fitness医务劳动鉴定委员会
11.programmer-defined scalar type程序员定义标量类型
12.United Nations Designated Security Official联合国指定的安全官员
13.a fixed charge for professional services.给专职人员的固定费用。
14.The committee has settled on enlarging the factory.委员会已决定扩建工厂。
15.Franco-Siamese Delimitation Commission法国--暹罗定界委员会
16.permit to employ an unregistered teacher雇用非检定教员许可证
17.Turn the decision over to the employees.把决定权交给员工。
18.A juror must have an open mind.陪审员一定不要有成见。

Personnel allocation staff定员定编
1.Personnel allocation staff is the basic task in the company\'s positions management in business.定员定编工作是企业岗位管理中的一项基础性工作,它涉及企业业务目标的落实、员工能力和数量的匹配,从而影响到企业运营成本的降低和管理效率的提升。
3)personnel orientation人员定位
1.An Integrated Communication System Based on Personnel Orientation in Mine;一种基于人员定位的矿井综合通信系统
2.With the problems of incomplete communication function and complicated techniques and realization in mine,an wire- less communication system based on personnel orientation is developed.近年来,煤矿高瓦斯矿井的数量在不断增加,矿难频频发生;为了有效进行矿工管理,保证抢险救灾、安全救护的高效运作,很有必要在矿井下建立人员定位系统;针对目前矿井井下通信系统功能不完善,技术与实现复杂的现状,设计了一种基于井下人员定位的无线通信监控系统;阐述了基于单片射频收发芯片nRF9E5的无线传输系统的结构功能及工作原理,提出了系统的硬件设计、软件流程以及可靠的通信协议;实践表明,该系统控制简单,使用方便,工作稳定性很高,能够在井下可靠地实现点对多点的无线通信。
3.There are many kinds of jamming in the mine environment,and in particular,the electromagnetic jamming exercises a great influence on the personnel orientation system.矿井中存在的电磁干扰严重影响了井下人员定位系统的无线传输,针对此问题,提出了利用nRF905芯片及多频道跳频技术来提高井下人员定位系统的抗干扰能力,并对该定位系统的结构功能、工作原理、硬件设计及软件流程做了说明和介绍。
4)evaluating member评定人员
5)personnel positioning人员定位
1.This paper introduces the application of RFID technology in the personnel positioning in the well, and expounds the principles of the system and the design of software and hardware.介绍了射频识别(RFID)技术在井下人员定位中的应用,阐述了系统的原理及软硬件的设计。
2.The application of the ZigBee technology in the personnel positioning system of underground coal mines is described,and the clustering protocol is analyzed in detail.文章在分析矿井下通信技术和现有井下人员定位系统的基础上,阐述了新兴的ZigBee无线通信技术在井下人员定位系统中的应用,重点讨论和分析了组团协议。
3.The paper mainly introduced the characteristic of ZigBee technology and its application of envi-ronmental monitoring and personnel positioning in the mine.本文介绍了ZigBee技术的特点及其在矿山环境监测和人员定位中的应用,阐述了在矿山中应用ZigBee技术的关键问题,包括建立定位网络、建立移动目标的无线身份码和移动目标位置的确定。
6)management of work force of fixed number定员管理
1.Through enhancing training to improve working skills of employees,creating advanced methods of operation,deploying human resources in a reasonable way,setting up efficient organization and enhancing management of work force of fixed number,etc,production efficiency of work force is increased.通过加强培训工作,提高从业人员整体劳动技能、创造先进的操作方法和合理配置人力资源等手段,建立科学高效的组织机构和强化定员管理,提高劳动生产率。
