营业里程,operating mileage
1)operating mileage营业里程

1.By 2005, the mileage of railways in operation will total 75,000 km.2005年铁路营业里程达到7.5万公里。
2.By the end of 2000, the total length of railways in operation had reached 68,000 km, a rise of 6,000 km on 1995.到2000年底,全国铁路营业里程可达6.8万公里,比"八五"末期增加6000公里。
3.Length of Railways in Operation refers to the total length of the trunk line under passenger and freight transportation( including both full operation and temporary operation).铁路营业里程又称营业长度(括正式营业和临时营业里程)指办理客货运输业务的铁路正线总长度。
4.The mileage of China's railways in operation had topped 70,000 km by the end of 2001, ranking third in the world.铁路营业里程2001年末已突破7万公里,居世界第三
5.Length of Railways in Operation: refers to the total length of the trunk line under passenger and freight transportation.铁路营业里程:又称营业长度,指办理客货运输业务的铁路正线总长度。
6.By 2005, China's railway mileage in operation will be increased by 75,000 km, and the installed capacity of new power stations under construction will total 77 million kw.到2005年,将中国铁路营业里程增加到7.5万公里。新开工电站规模7700万千瓦。
7.Railway length increased from 65,969 km to 71,500 km.铁路营运里程由65969公里增加到71500公里;
8.Caspian Pipeline Consortium里海输送管联营企业
9.By 2001, operating railway lines totaled 3,010.4 km.到2001年,正线营运里程已达3010.4公里。
10.(1) Amendment of the articles of association of the joint venture;(一)合营企业章程的修改;
11.Study of BPR of the Business Establishments in Commercial Banks;商业银行营业机构业务流程再造研究
12.As he passed the counter, he noticed someone withdrawing a deposit and arguing heatedly with the cashier.楼下营业部里有一个人在那里提存款,汹汹然和营业部的职员争闹。
13.Newly built railways open to traffic totalled 896 km, electrified railways, 1,916 km, and double-track railways, 551 km.新建铁路交付营运里程896公里,电气化1916公里,复线551公里。
14.Business Process Reengineering of Small Private Enterprises小型民营企业生产经营管理业务流程重组研究
15.Most of the shops in the city won't be closed to business during the Spring Festival春节期间城里大多数商店照常营业。
16.Where is a post office that's open on Sunday?哪里的邮局星期天仍营业?
17.After graduation we had a party in the woods down at the old campsite.毕业后我们在森林里露营办了个聚会。
18.On the Relation-ism in Operating Management of the Interior of Mass-Financing Enterprises;论民营企业内部经营管理过程中的关系主义

length of railways in operation铁路营业里程
3)operating kilometre营运里程
4)Operation mileage运营里程
5)working mile营业英里数
6)railway operating kilometrage铁路运营里程
