商圈发展布局,commercial circles development and layout
1)commercial circles development and layout商圈发展布局
2)commercial circles layout商圈布局

1.The establishment and analysis of 3D dynamic model in the layout of city commercial circles;城市商圈布局的三维动态模型构建与述评
2.Effect on Logistics of Economic Ring s Industry Structure and Layout;物流对经济圈产业布局和结构的影响
3.Study on Construction and development of the Urban Economic Zone in Guiyang City贵阳城市经济圈建设及发展布局研究
4.Theory and Evidence Research on Integration of Urban and Rural Areas in Harbin Metropolitan Circle;哈尔滨都市圈城乡发展布局的理论与实践研究
5.Location of logistics Centres in Xinjiang from the Perspective of Xinjiang Economic Circle;环新疆经济圈视角下新疆物流中心布局研究
6.The Economic Distribution of the Small Towns Circling Urban Wuhan;大武汉城市圈内的小城镇经济布局研究
7.The Research of Economic Development and Productivity Layout of Zhongyuan Economic Circle中原经济圈的经济发展及生产力布局研究
8.Research on the Regional Logistics Net of Wuhan City Cluster武汉城市圈两型社会的物流网络空间布局研究
9.Application of Minimum Cost Circulation in Distribution of Commercial Network最小费用流在商业网点布局上的应用
10.Legibility of Architectural Layout and Wayfinding in Commercial Complex;商业综合体建筑布局的易读性与“寻路”
11.Optimizing Research of Commercial Distribution in Small Town Based on GIS;基于GIS的小城镇商业布局优化研究
12.Research on GIS-based Layout Optimization of City Commercial Center;基于GIS的城市商业中心优化布局研究
14.Research on Business Arrangement in Beijing Based on Foreign Experiences基于国外经验的北京市商业布局研究
15.The Design of Commercial Overall Arrangement in the Eastern Shopping Center of Xinglongtai District in Panjin;盘锦市兴隆台区东部商业区商业布局规划
16.Republic of China time Beijing commercial overall layout and three kind of commercial block民国时期北京商业整体布局与三类商业街区
17.Study on Urban System Development and Optimization of Spatial Distribution of Yangtze Delta Metropolitan Areas;长江三角洲都市圈城镇体系发展与优化布局研究
18.Design of Interspace Distribution Model for City-country Integration of Vocational Education Based on Circle-layer Analysis基于圈层分析的职业教育城乡一体化空间布局模式设计

commercial circles layout商圈布局
3)development distribution发展布局
1.Up to now, there are 53 state-level science and technology industrial parks in China now, but their development distribution is irrational.运用层次分析法、模糊多因素和聚类分析法对我国国家级高新区发展进行定量分析 ,指出国家级高新区发展不均衡现状的实质是发展布局不合理 ,提出以北京、上海、深穗为主增长极 ,以西安、武汉为次增长极的国家级高新区菱形布局发展战略。
4)Development layout发展布局
5)Distribution and development布局和发展
6)development and composition发展与布局
1.The article firstly points out that in order to realize China modernization and enhance the country overall strength, it is a must to put strong emphasis on the development and composition research of high-tech industry.本文首先指出大力发展高新技术产业是中国实现现代化、增强综合国力的必然选择 ,然后分析我国近年高新技术产业迅速发展态势及存在问题 ,人文地理学界开展此项研究的现状 ,最后提出大力加强高新技术产业发展与布局研究的几点意见和建
