集中采购供应,centralized procurement and supply
1)centralized procurement and supply集中采购供应
1.At the meantime,the present condition of centralized procurement and supply management of China railway engineering has been investigated in the round,and the existent shortage have been pointed out among them.此时,针对铁路工程物资提出科学的集中采购供应模式,降低工程物资采购供应成本,保证工程物资采购供应质量,对于保证铁路工程建设质量、提高铁路工程建设投资效益,具有非常重要的意义。

1.Research on Centralized Procurement and Supply Management of China Railway Engineering Material我国铁路工程物资集中采购供应管理研究
2.How to Establish a Centralized Materials Purchasing & Supply System for Railway Projects Based on the Industry Sector基于全行业视角的铁路工程物资集中采购供应系统构建研究
3.Centralized Procurement of Electric Products Based on SC;基于供应链的电网物资集中采购管理
4.Purchase Management and Inventory Control in Supply Chain of Jiangsu Mu Yang Group;江苏牧羊集团供应链中的采购与库存管理
5.Research on Complexity of Supply Chain Based on Single Point Buying Model;基于集中采购模式供应链的复杂性分析
6.Procedure Research of Strategy Purchasing Based-on Integrated Supply Chain;基于集成供应链的战略采购流程研究
7.Study of Procurement Supply Chain Management in SI系统集成企业采购与供应链管理研究
8.Research on the Relation of Supplier's Capability & Purchasing Lead-time in Purchasing Management采购管理中供应商能力和采购提前期关系研究
9.Choice and Application of PDT in book purchasing图书采购中数据采集器的选择与应用
10.The Usage of Electronic Commerece in the Procurement Supplier Chain Management;电子商务在采购供应链管理中的应用
11.Research on Supply Chain Management in Government Procurement;供应链管理在政府采购中的应用研究
12.The large-scale construction group should centrally procure building material;大型建筑集团应采用材料集中采购方式
13.Study on Purchasing Management of Laiwu Iron and Steel Group under Supply Chain Environment;基于供应链环境下莱钢集团采购管理研究
14.Study on Purchase Planning for Bulky Cargo Oriented on Group Supply Chain;面向集团供应链的大宗物资采购计划研究
15.Study of Procurement and Distribution among Supply Chain Management of Beer Industry;啤酒供应链管理中的采购与分销研究
16.The Research on Purchase Pattern of Zoomlion in the Supply Chain Environment;供应链环境下中联重科采购模式研究
17.Stackelberg Model and Decision Analysis of Just-in-Time Purchasing in Supply Chain;供应链中准时采购的Stackelberg模型及决策
18.The Study of the Relationship between the Buyer and Supplier in the Supply Chain Management;供应链管理中采购商与供应商关系研究

centralized purchasing and supply system集中采购供应系统
3)Procurement and supply采购供应
4)centralized purchase集中采购
1.Elementary introduction on centralized purchase of medical equipment in our hospital;我院医疗设备集中采购经验浅谈
2.Design and implementation of medicine centralized purchase system based on J2EE;基于J2EE的医药集中采购系统设计与实施
3.Research on Centralized Purchase Management of Goods and Materials in Anhui Electric Power Corporation;安徽省电力公司物资集中采购管理研究
5)Centralized purchasing集中采购
1.The decision-making by centralized purchasing matrix in automobile parts;汽车零部件集中采购决策矩阵
2.Study on centralized purchasing mode in domestic shipbuilding industry under the electronic commerce environment电子商务环境下国内船舶行业集中采购模式研究
3.centralized purchasing and integrated supply,describes a kind of organization-"extended enterprise",and analyses the structure of spare parts supply chain in outsourcing.阐明了基于供应链的集中采购和集成供应两种重要的管理模式,介绍了基于外包的一种企业组织结构形式———“扩展企业”,分析了设备维护外包环境中备件的供应链的结构;在此基础上提出了一种基于设备维护外包的备件集成管理模式,并且论述了该管理模式的实施要点、优势,以及实施该模式时备件供应链和组成备件供应链的成员企业所面临的挑战。
6)centralized procurement集中采购
1.A supplier-enterprise group system which consists of a supplier, a group headquarters and several affiliated firms was considered in order to seek optimal order quantity of centralized procurement in enterprise group, in which the demand of each firm is an independent increment process and independent of other firms.针对企业集团集中采购中的订货量问题,考虑一个供应商与一个企业集团(包括集团公司及若干成员企业)所组成的系统,假设集团下属各成员企业的需求为相互独立的独立增量过程,从最小化集团预期库存成本的角度出发,求解集团公司在定期订货策略下集中采购的最优订货量。
2.In order to solve the bargaining problems of centralized procurement in the environment of e-commerce,we propose the concept of Bargaining Track Chart.针对电子商务环境下集中采购的价格谈判的特点,提出了讨价还价轨迹图的概念。

集中集中concentration  iizhong集中(eoneentration)将分散的兵力、火力调集到一个方向、地区或目标的行动。目的是形成兵力、火力优势,为歼灭敌人创造条件。有兵力集中和火力集中;逐次集中和同时集中。中国古代用“聚”、“集”来表达集中的含义。古代作战仅限于兵力集中,近代出现了火力集中。集中需符合上级的企图和受领的任务,要求隐蔽、迅速和适时;周密组织计划,正确选定集中的时机、方向和地点,充分利用有利的地形、天候,加强各种保障措施,防备敌人的袭扰和破坏;采取多种机动方式,力求多方向、多路、突然达成;尽量缩短集中的时间,完成任务后及时疏散隐蔽。(王遵礼)