铁路物资采购项目,railway materials procurement
1)railway materials procurement铁路物资采购项目

1.Railway Material Procurement Tender Risk Assessment Study铁路物资采购项目投标风险评价研究
2.Caution against preparation of bidding documents for procurement of ministry-controlled goods for railway construction projects;铁路建设项目部管物资采购投标文件编制注意事项
3.Discussion on the material procurement management of coal chemical industry project from the example of the procurement of coal-base alkene project of Shenhua Ningxia Coal Group从神宁集团煤基烯烃项目采购实例谈煤化工项目物资采购管理
4.Research on Centralized Procurement and Supply Management of China Railway Engineering Material我国铁路工程物资集中采购供应管理研究
5.Research on the Material Purchase Inquiry System in Qingdao Power Supply Company;青岛供电公司物资采购询价系统项目研究
6.With the Concept of Project Management to Deal with Counterclaim in Material Purchasing;利用项目管理理念解决物资采购中的索赔
7.Research on the Logistics Outsourcing of Maintenance Goods Purchased by Guangzhou Metro广州地铁运营物资采购物流外包研究
8.Research on the Purchasing Mode for High Speed Railway Project;供应链下高速铁路工程物资采购模式的优化研究
9.How to Establish a Centralized Materials Purchasing & Supply System for Railway Projects Based on the Industry Sector基于全行业视角的铁路工程物资集中采购供应系统构建研究
10.Research on the Procurement of Government Investment Construction Projects and Performance Evaluating;政府投资项目采购及其绩效评价研究
11.Research on International Project Procurement Cost Management in China Petroleum Pipeline Material and Equipment Corporation中油管道物资装备公司国际项目采购成本管理研究
12.New Idea of Railway Investment--PPP Project Financing;铁路投资新理念——公私合作项目融资
13.Several Problems about the Shopping Mall Project Financing;商业购物中心项目融资若干问题研究
14.Investment Monitoring Research and Analysis of Yichang-Wanzhou Railway Project;宜万铁路建设项目投资控制分析研究
15.Study on Investment and Risk Management in Railway Construction Project;铁路建设项目投资及其风险管理研究
16.Simple discussion on the project control method of railway construction unit;浅谈铁路建设单位项目投资控制方法
17.Exploring the Application of the ABS Financing to Railway Construction Projects;铁路建设项目应用ABS进行融资的探讨
18.A Study on the Management Mode of Publis Bidding and Purchasing of Governmental Investment Program of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省政府投资项目招标采购管理模式研究

project procurement项目采购
1.This paper introduces the characteristics and development of BOT project in project financing, project procurement and project management; discusses the decision factors and planning programming of decision making for BOT project in risk management, which provides technical support for local government to introduce BOT project.从项目融资、项目采购和项目管理三个层面介绍了BOT项目的特征、发展趋势及对我国建筑业的启示;从风险管理角度论述了BOT项目决策策划实施程序及项目决策因素的系统分析、可以为政府引入BOT项目提供技术支持。
2.In the project, project procurement management is almost throughout the entire project life cycle, project procurement management mode directly impacts on the models of project management and the types of project contract, plays an important role to the overall management of the project.在项目中,项目采购管理几乎贯穿整个项目生命周期,项目采购管理模式直接影响着项目管理的模式和项目合同类型,对项目整体管理起着举足轻重的作用。
3)purchase project采购项目
4)railway investment project铁路投资项目
1.It is significant to analyze the background of the methods for repayment of capital and interest for domestic loan of railway investment project,according to the presume which prescribes the loan used in midyear and interest calculated only half year,put forward and compare two new arithmetic models for it.分析铁路投资项目国内贷款还本付息方法产生的背景,根据还本资金按年中偿还、按半年计息的规定,提出两种新的国内贷款还本付息算法的模型,并对模型进行比较,同时,通过案例分析各种方法的计算结果,并对经济评价中还本付息的方法进行深一步的讨论,具有很大的现实意义。
5)The procurement of government investment construction projects政府投资项目采购
1.This paper expounds how the coal enterprise to do well the procurement and material supply management, which include the establishment of some systems related to the procurement management, supplier access and evaluation, computer-based management, and procurement information sharing.论述了煤炭企业如何搞好物资采购及物资供应管理的问题,包括有关采购管理制度、供货商准入及评价制度、计算机管理和采购信息共享制度的建立。
2.The procurement of material is the premise and foundation of production and management in a company.物资采购是企业进行生产经营的前提和基础,加强物资采购管理,减少物资采购费用,提高物资采购质量,才能提高企业经济效益。
3.By enforcing the management of process control for procurement at colleges,the author puts forward several effective measures to reduce the cost of procurement.本文通过分析加强物资采购过程的控制,提出了降低物资采购成本的有效办法,阐述了防止商业贿赂行为的发生必须从制度上、思想上、监管上予以重视,确保采购物资的质优价廉。
