关联货运市场,correlative freight transport market
1)correlative freight transport market关联货运市场

1.Client s decision-making behavior and redistribution of freight flow in affiliated market;关联货运市场中客户决策行为与货流再分配
2.Gray Relative Analysis of the Railway Freight Market Division;物流业中铁路货运市场划分的灰关联度分析
3.Connection Analysis for Money Market and Capital Market in China;中国货币市场与资本市场关联性分析
4.Correlation Analysis between Chinese Capital Market and Money Market;我国资本市场和货币市场关联性分析
5.A Study on Linkage between Money Market and Capital Market in China;论我国货币市场与资本市场的关联性
6.Research & Application on Demand, Supply and Equilibrium of Correlative Freight Transport Market;关联货物运输市场需求、供给与均衡的研究与应用
7.Method for Subdividing Highway Freight Market with Analytical Hierarchy Process and Gray Relative Analysis;基于层次分析与灰关联分析的公路货运市场细分方法
8.A Study on the Connection of Money Market and Capital Market in China;中国货币市场与资本市场联结关系研究
9.The Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Stock's Market and Monetary Policy股票市场与货币政策关联性实证分析
10.A Study on the Relevance between the Restart of IPO and the Volatility of Money MarketIPO重启与货币市场波动的关联性研究
11.International Linkages of the Chinese Futures Markets;国内、国际期货市场期货价格之间的关联研究
12.Research on Dynamic Interrelation in RMB Future and Spot Markets人民币期货与现货市场的动态关联性研究
13.Analysis of the Association between Chinese and International Commodity Futures Markets and Associated Co - integration Tests;我国期货市场与国际期货市场关联度分析与协整检验
14.Empirical Study of International Relevance of China,American and Malaysian Vegetable Oil Futures Markets;中、美、马植物油期货市场国际关联性实证研究
15.On the International Linkages and Pricing of the Three Most Important Vegetable Oil Futures Markets in the World;全球三大植物油期货市场国际关联性研究
16.Research on the International Linkages and Pricing of Futures Markets in China and Foreign Countries:--Kaking Vegetable Oil Markets for Example;中外期货市场国际关联性与定价权研究——以植物油市场为例
17.The Efficiency of China s Futures Market:A Study Based on Overreaction and Domestic and International Markets Linkage;中国期货市场的有效性:过度反应和国内外市场关联的视角
18.Empirical analysis on relation of road freight maket structure with technology progress;道路货运市场结构与技术进步关系的实证分析

freight market货运市场
1.Dynamic Analysis System of railway freight market;铁路货运市场动态分析系统
2.Study on the Transport Capacity 0rganization of the Freight Market Based on Option Theory期权理论下的货运市场运力组织研究
3.Research on present situation of road freight market in Hubei Province湖北省公路货运市场的现状及对策分析
3)freight transportation market货运市场
1.It will lead to disorder and holdback the healthy and sustainable developing of freight transportation market.双超运输对道路货运市场的影响主要体现为变相增加市场运力、改变货运成本结构和扭曲货运市场运价,并由此导致了货运市场的无序,严重阻碍了货运市场健康持续发展。
2.Throgh analysis of regional demand of freight transportation,freight transportation market and law of railway transportation,the paper put forward the assumption of establishing freight transportation information center,and further expounded its structure,function and task.通过对地区货运需求、货运市场以及铁路运输生产的规律的分析,提出了建立货运信息中心的构想,并就其结构、作用、任务等进行了分析。
4)affiliated market关联市场
1.Client s decision-making behavior and redistribution of freight flow in affiliated market;发现不同运输方式运送同一货物会产生不同的广义流通成本,货主根据广义流通成本选择运输方式,关联度系数接近1时,关联市场竞争越激烈,广义采购总成本对运输价格和运输时间的弹性系数分别等于运费和货物在途成本占广义采购总成本的比例,货物时间价值相对稳定,因此,决定货主的运输方式选择和货流分配的力量来自货物本身和运输技术。
5)Markets Relationship市场关联
1.Markets Relationship, Comparative Advantage and Agglomeration;市场关联、比较优势与产业集聚
6)money market/capital market/connection货币市场/资本市场/关联性

关联关联incidence  关联(indd即邝:““。“及euT,oeT‘] 几何学中的一个术语,用于表示几何学的一些基本对象:点、线、平面之间“属于”或.“包含”关系.关联性质由所谓关联公理来表征(见11川祀rt公理系统(Hilbert哪妞m ofaxlon‘).A.E,她aHOa撰【补注】关于参考文献,亦见关联系统(泊cidenCe娜-lem)和射影几何学(proJ曰i记g为皿1巧).张鸿林译