1.A System for Transmitting CNC Files Based on Multi-thread in Windows;基于Windows多线程数控文件传输系统
2.Real-time Data Acquisition System on the Basis of VC Multi-Thread;基于VC多线程的实时数据采集系统
3.Shallow talking about using of multi-thread serial port DLL in weighing software;浅谈多线程串口DLL在称重软件中的应用

1.Multithreading s creating and synchronization in Java;Java多线程的创建和线程同步的实现
2.Multi-thread socket communication based on Java;用Java实现多线程socket通信
3.lwThread:Lightweight General MultithreadinglwThread:轻量级通用多线程
4.The Multi-thread Communication of Socket Based on TCP基于TCP的Socket多线程通信
5.On the Java-based Multi-core and Multi-threaded Programming Technology基于Java的多核多线程编程技术
6.Verifying Multithreaded Programs with Dynamic Thread Creation and Termination验证带有线程动态创建和退出多线程程序
7.Implementation of Remote Client/Server Based on Java Mult-threading;基于Java多线程的远程Client/Server通信的实现
8.On the Design for Multithread in Linux;Linux下的多线程编程方法研究
9.Multi Thread Programming Technology And Its Realization In Windows;Windows下多线程编程技术及其实现
10.Study of multi-thread programming in DELPHI;DELPHI下的多线程程序设计研究
11.VC++Multithread Application Programming Based on MFC;VC++中基于MFC的多线程应用程序设计
12.Java-based Multi-threaded Technology Network Programming基于Java多线程技术的网络编程
13.The Multi-Thread COM Program Design Based VC IDE基于VC的多线程串口通信程序设计
14.Application of multithreading and ODBC in serial-port program多线程与ODBC在串口编程中的应用
15.Multi-Thread Analysis about Java Program Based on Petri Net基于Petri网的Java多线程程序分析
16.Multi-route Display with Multithread Technology on Windows CE;Windows CE下多线程多路播放的设计
17.Multithread Mechanism in Java and Multimedia Technology;JAVA的多线程机制与多媒体技术
18.Design for Parallele Computation Components Based on Multi-core and Multi-threading基于多核多线程的并行计算组件设计

1.Application of Multithreading Technology of LabWindow/CVI in Communication of NC Manufacturing;LabWindows/CVI的多线程技术在数控加工通信中的应用
2.The application of multithreading technology on system software of special WEDM machine tool for diamond woodworking milling cutter;多线程技术在金刚石木工铣刀专用线切割机系统软件上的应用
3.Applied Multithreading and Synchronization to High-speed Weld Seam-tracking System Based on CCD Image;利用多线程及同步控制技术实现高速视觉焊缝跟踪
1.Application of multithreading technology in ultrasonic data displaying and real time collection;多线程技术在超声波数据成像和实时采集中的应用
2.Design and Implementation of Multithread Simulated 3D Shooting Game;多线程模拟3D射击类游戏的设计与实现
3.How to implement the multithread query under the Delphi programming environment;如何在Delphi开发环境中实现多线程的数据查询
1.Based on technical research of the multi-threading network application program design;基于多线程的网络应用程序设计技术研究
2.Clone technique in the multi-threading design;多线程设计中的克隆技术
3.Parallel FFT algorithm based on multi-threading technology;一种基于多线程技术的并行FFT算法
1.A new network application framework based on Component development and multi-threaded technologies一种组件式多线程网络应用架构的设计与实现
2.Study on large-scale terrain interactive walkthrough based on multi-threaded;基于多线程并行的大规模场景交互漫游研究
3.The application of multi-threaded for distributed multitier MIS;多线程在分布式多层管理信息系统中的应用
6)Multi thread多线程
1.The Application of Delphi Multi Thread In the Master Control Program of Automobile Testing System;Delphi多线程技术在汽车检测系统主控程序中应用
2.Meanwhile, it has also probed into such questions as the thread synchronism and data conveyance in multi thread, etc.文章通过实例说明C#中线程的使用和控制方法,探讨了通过多线程传送数据和线程的同步等问题。
3.This paper describes in details the methods for design of a monitoring system based on multi thread technique using C++Builder 3.0开发基于多线程技术的监控系统的有关方

程恩泽Cheng Enze程恩泽 近代学者、诗人。字云芬,号春海。安徽歙县人。嘉庆十六年(1811)进士。由翰林院编修历官贵州学政、侍读学士、内阁学士至户部侍郎。 程恩泽是汉学家,出其乡凌廷堪之门,学问广博,从经史到天文地理、金石书画、医算等,无不涉及。他治学提出“凡欲通义理者必自训诂始”的主张,并贯彻到诗歌创作,成为清后期合学人之诗、诗人之诗为一的旗帜。他的诗初好李商隐,后来学韩愈、黄庭坚。陈衍以为“多于句调上见变化”(《石遗室诗话》),具有运用虚词、盘旋拗折的散文写作特点,是韩愈以文为诗的变本加厉,和清代中叶钱载的诗风相接近。他不但用此法于古诗,还用之于律诗,如“遂磨洪泽而东镜,似筑深江以外墙”(《渡淮即事》)之类即是。他也有少量具有现实内容的作品,如《粤东杂感》、《索炬叹》等,但大量的是日常应酬和咏物写景之作。郑珍、何绍基、莫友芝都是他的门生,受到他学风和诗风的影响很深,而都能青胜于蓝。 著《程侍郎遗集》10卷,有《粤雅堂丛书》本。 (钱仲联)