1.Application of Materials in Humanization Design of Products;材料在产品人性化设计中的应用
2.The base humanization of house design;浅议住宅设计中的人性化设计
3.Preliminary Discussion on Humanization Landscape Construction in Residential Area;浅谈居住区人性化环境景观建设——以武汉市巴黎豪庭小区为例

1.uncannily human robots.神秘的人性化机器人。
2.Humanistic Management to Harmonize and Imporve Individual Teaching;人性化管理求和谐 个性化教学促提高
3.Human-Machine and Humanism--Discussion of Humanity in Product Design人机与人文——产品设计的人性化探讨
4.Exploration of Humanism in the Song Dynasty:Humanism in System Construction;宋代社会人性化考察——制度建设中的人性化
5.Humanization or Dehumanization--The Dilemma of Western Psychology;人性化还是去人性化——西方心理学的两难选择
6.Contradiction and Conflict Between Humanization and Non-humanization of Psychology;心理学非人性化人性化的矛盾与冲突
7.Analyze the Personality Education Research on the Middle School Students Personality Education;论人性化教育——对中学生人性化教育的探索
8.Philosophy Reflections on Technization of Human Nature and the Humanized Technology基于人性技术化与技术人性化的哲学思考
9.Dominant Sign of Human Being s Thematic Development and Humanity Management;人的主体性发展的显性标志与人性化管理
10.Is a humanization of valuing person, inspiring person design process.是一个重视人、务人、示人的人性化设计过程。
11.Humanism service calls for consummating nursing services culture倡导人性化服务 完善护理服务文化
12.Rule of Law and Humanities Concern in University Student Administration;高校学生管理工作的法治化与人性化
13.On the institutionalizing and humanizing in university students management;浅谈高校学生管理的制度化与人性化
14.Humanization and Intelligentization:Future of Instructional Software;人性化与智能化——教育软件的未来
15.Reform of Higher Vocational English Teaching under the Human Nature;从人性化高度深化高职英语教学改革
16.To endow with personal qualities;personify.赋予人的性格,拟人化
17.The Human-nature Hypothesis of Teacher as "Cultural Worker" in School Culture;学校文化中教师“文化人”的人性假设
18.Alienation or Assimilation:Contradiction of Feminist Consciousness in L amant;异化?同化?:《情人》的女性意识之矛盾性

1.Study of computer desk design based on humanity;基于人性化的电脑桌设计研究
2.Humanity nursing and hospice care for old patient;人性化护理与老年临终关怀
3.Study on humanity nursing teaching mode in western minority areas;西部民族地区人性化护理教学模式初探
1.Explore on humanistic environment and privacy room in hospital clinic building;门诊大楼人性化环境、私密性诊室初探
2.The construction and application of "green,safe,and humanistic" nursing mode;“绿色、安全、人性化”护理工作模式的构建与实施
3.Content and experience of hospital humanistic service system;创新和完善医院人性化服务制度
1.Research on indoor soft environment design based upon humanism idea;基于人性化设计理念的室内软环境研究
2.Regional and Ecological, Humanism and Individuation——A Case Study of the Training Center of Electric Power for Agriculture of Lianyungang, Jiangsu;地域化和生态化,人性化和个性化——以江苏省电力公司连云港农电培训中心建筑设计方案为例
3.On constructing the financial governance of humanism;谈构造人性化财务治理结构
1.Realize humanized space from settlement courtyard space;从住区院落空间到人性化空间的营造
2.Discussion on Humanized Design of Urban Public Green Space;小议城市公共绿地空间的人性化设计
3.Probe into the Humanized Service of the Library for Readers;关于图书馆对读者进行人性化服务的探讨
6)lost of humanity失人性化
1.This trend implies a counteraction against the lost of humanity and a return of humanism in modern medicine.全科医学的兴起和发展隐含着对现代医疗中失人性化倾向的反动 ,揭示了人道主义精神在现代医疗中的回归。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理