1.An Improved Method of NURBS Interpolation;一种改进的NURBS插补算法
2.A new simple rapid algorithm of circular interpolation;一种简捷的快速圆弧插补新算法的设计与计算
3.Interpolation Study of Listing Curve in CNC System;CNC系统中列表曲线的插补研究

1.Principle of Interpolating Quadratic Curves of Circle Interpolator;圆弧插补插补非圆二次曲线的方法
2.Hot deck Imputation and Simulation Study about Variance of Imputed Data;Hot deck插补插补后数据的方差模拟研究
3.Motion Planning And Adaptive Federate Interpolation Based on NUBRS CurveNURBS曲线插补的运动规划与自适应速度插补
4.Data Generating Algorithm of Bit Pattern Interpolation and Error Analyzing of Bit Pattern Interpolation一种位插补数据生成算法以及位插补误差分析
5.Bit pattern interpolation algorithm and velocity control of bit pattern interpolation位模式插补与位插补速度控制算法研究
6.Study on Interpolation Algorithm of Angle Approach about Taper Curve圆锥曲线的角度逼近插补方法研究
7.Realization Cubic B-spline Curve Interpolation Based on DSP;基于DSP的三次B样条曲线插补的实现
8.Study of Acceleration/Deceleration Control Algorithm in CNC Interpolation;CNC插补过程中加减速控制算法的研究
9.A Study on Interpolation Technique and Emulations of NURBS;NURBS曲线插补技术研究及其仿真
10.Study on Interpolation Algorithm for Free-Form Curve and Surface in CNC System;自由曲线曲面CNC插补技术的研究
11.A High-Speed and High-Precision Interpolation Mathod for Free-Form Curve;空间自由曲线的快速高精度插补算法
12.The Research for Method of Missing Data Interpolation Based on GMDH;基于GMDH的缺失数据插补方法研究
13.On the Improved Circular Interpolation Arithmetic of DDA in CNC system;数控系统DDA圆弧插补改进算法的研究
14.Analysis of optimization and precision on 3D-line interpolation;三维直线插补算法的优化及精度分析
15.Study of circle algorithm based on the least deviation interpolation;基于最小偏差插补法的圆弧算法研究
16.The Fast Algorithm of Circular Arc Interpolatio with Negative Deviation Character;具有负偏差特性的快速圆弧插补算法
17.Research on Pythagorean Hodograph Curve and Its InterpolationPythagorean Hodograph曲线及其插补技术的研究
18.Surface Interpolation Control Through CNC Milling Machine Based on DSP基于DSP的数控铣床曲面插补控制

1.PC-Based High Speed Machining CNC System with Off- Line Interpolating;基于PC的离线插补高速加工数控系统
2.The optim izing design of interpolating algorithm in NC system;数控系统中插补算法的优化设计
3.The interpolating algorithm for involution is proposed in accordance with the demand of CNC system and the principle of time sharing.根据 CNC伺服系统的要求并依据时间分割法的基本思想 ,提出了一种渐开线的插补算法 ,介绍了该方法的基本原理和实现方法 ,对插补的轮廓误差进行了分析。
1.To all interpolate method of CNC system,the minerror method is a interpolate with higher accuracy and faster speed.数控系统各种插补方法中 ,最小偏差法是脉冲增量方法中精度最高、运算速度最快的插补方法。
4)NURBS curve interpolatorNURBS插补器
1.High-precision cross-coupled control approach based on NURBS curve interpolator;一种基于NURBS插补器的高精度交叉耦合控制方法
5)interpolation arithmetic插补算法
1.Interpolation arithmetic based on image in laser incised curve;基于图像的激光切割曲线插补算法
2.The software realizes the method for not circle contour curve interpolation arithmetic proceeded the detailed description.介绍了如何运用计算机技术(delphi编程语言)设计软件,以辅助生成数控加工编程数据,对非圆轮廓曲线插补算法的软件实现方法进行了详细的叙述。
3.The process is made up of designing the overall arrangement and framework,choosing the movement mode of numerical control system,designing the mechanical system and control system,selecting,analyzing and realizing the process of 3D-engrave interpolation arithmetic.系统地讨论和分析了一台经济型三维雕刻机的开发过程,包括系统的总体布局、结构方案的确定、数控系统的运动方式选择、机械系统的设计过程和控制系统的设计过程以及“三维雕刻”插补算法的选择、分析和实现过程。
6)interpolation algorithm插补算法
1.An improved interpolation algorithm for high speed thread cutting;一种具有快速平稳特性的螺纹插补算法
2.Research and implementation of NURBS interpolation algorithm for adaptive feed speed;自动调节进给速度的NURBS插补算法的研究与实现
3.The circle arc interpolation algorithm of eight octants;八卦限式的圆弧插补算法
