1.Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Judgement in Tobacco Leaf Usability Evaluating with Chemical Components;模糊综合评判在化学成分评价烟叶可用性中的应用
2.The Influential Factors of Quality in Upper Leaf of Flue-cured Tobacco and Agricultural Measures for Improving its Usability;影响烤烟上部叶质量的因素及提高其可用性的措施
3.Analysis and Improvement on Lower Usability of Upper leaf Tobacco;我国上部烟叶可用性偏低的原因分析及改善措施

1.usability testing"使用性测试, 可用性测试 "
2.availability of multiple time sharing system多路分时系统的可用性
3.Designer involvement in usability studies设计者参与可用性研究
4.Design Validation and Usability Testing设计验证和可用性测试
5.Conducting formative usability tests进行进展式可用性测试
6.Can usability standards help improve practice around the world?可用性标准是否有助于在全球实行可用性?
7.A Study of Web Accessibility and Usability of Screen Reader for Visual Impaired Users;网站可达性及视障用户读屏软件可用性研究
8.Design of Subway Integrated Supervision & Control System Based on RAMS地铁综合监控系统的可靠性、可用性、可维修性、安全性设计
9.Click to see the availability of the selected resource(s).单击此处可查看所选资源的可用性
10.Serviceability – Is it easily and safely serviced, upgraded or repaired?可用性:是否可以安全的使用,升级和维修?
11.Dependability:collective term used to describe the availability performance and its influencing factors: reliability performance, maintainability performance and maintenance support performance可信性:用于表述可用性及其影响因素(可靠性、维修性和保障性)的集合术语
12.On Translatability and Its Degree;利用可译性 提高可译度——读解《可译性与可译度》
13.interchangeability and replaceability wording list可互换性与可置换性用语表
14.The valves can used for pipe nozzle and have reliable performance.阀门可用于管端作放空阀用,性能可靠。
15.chemical compatibility肥料的化学可混用性
16.portability of application software应用软件的可移植性
17.qualities that are comparable.可以用来比较的性质。
18.To remove stickiness use a damp cloth.要去掉粘性,可使用湿布。

1.High availability of database for the high stability of HIS;维护数据库高可用性 确保医院信息系统稳定运行
2.Research on RAIM Availability Algorithm;接收机自主完好性监测可用性判断方法研究
3.A Availability Model and Its Analysis for Missiles in Storage;导弹储存可用性模型与分析
1.The Amelioration of IP Reusability Evaluation Program;改进的IP可重用性评估程序
2.Research on Reusability of Artifact Design Information and Key Technology of Design Resouce Management;产品设计信息可重用性及产品设计资源管理关键技术研究
3.Investigation into Reusability of Disassembled Chip拆解芯片的可重用性研究
4)high availability高可用性
1.Study on High Availability BOP Control Network in the Power Plant;发电厂高可用性BOP控制网络设计要点探讨
2.An Sample of Database High Availability on HP-UX;基于HP-UX平台的数据库高可用性设计
3.Application of virtual mechanism in high availability system based on autonomic computing;虚拟化技术在基于自律计算的高可用性系统中的应用
1.The article analyzed the actuality,value and availability of these gangues,which conduces to develop the comprehensive utilization in ferrous metal industry.分析了我国黑色金属矿尾矿现状及其价值和可利用性,有助于推动我国黑色金属矿尾矿、冶炼渣资源综合利用工作的开展,对治理生态环境有重要的意义。
2.The availability of various Cu fractions in plant-soil system and its inducing effect were studied by partial dissolution procedure and stimulated Cu forms.通过偏剔除法与重金属模拟形态试验 ,研究了Cu各形态的植物可利用性以及EDTA、味精废水、柠檬酸废水对各形态Cu的溶出和植物吸收与转运的影响 。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-