1.Research on Co-simulation Using ADAMS and MATLAB for Vibration Isolation Station of Micro-manufacture;微制造隔振平台的ADAMS和MATLAB联合仿真研究
2.Co-simulation Study of Automobile Electronic Power Steering System Based on AMESim and Simulink;基于AMESim和Simulink的汽车电动助力转向系统的联合仿真
3.Dynamic Co-Simulation of NC machine tool based on machine joints modeling;基于结合面建模的数控机床动力学联合仿真研究

1.The Collaborative Simulation of Cobot Based on ADAMS and MATLAB;基于ADMAS与MATLAB的合作机器人的联合仿真
2.Study of the Hierarchical Cooperative Training Simulator for Regional Power Grid;区域电网多级联合仿真培训系统研究
3.Multidisciplinary Joint Simulation Technology for Servo Mechanism Analysis伺服系统分析的多学科联合仿真技术
4.SIMULINK/FIRE Based Combined Simulation of PEMFC Systems基于SIMULINK/FIRE的PEMFC系统联合仿真
5.Co-simulation of Vehicle CAN Bus Based on CANoe-MATLAB基于CANoe-MATLAB的车辆CAN总线的联合仿真
7.Design and Research on EPS Control System Simulation Model Based on ADAMS基于ADAMS的EPS建模与联合仿真研究
8.Verilog Design of DDS and Simulation Between Quartus Ⅱ and MatlabDDS的Verilog设计及QuartusⅡ与Matlab联合仿真
9.Application and test on EPS co-simulation based on ADAMS and MATLIB基于ADAMS与MATLAB的EPS联合仿真应用与试验
10.Simulation Research of Fin Stabilizer Hydraulic System Based on AMESim and ADAMS Co-Simulation基于AMESim与ADAMS联合仿真技术的减摇鳍液压系统仿真研究
11.Connecting Simulation of Simulink and Adams on Automatic Shift Coupling at Parallel Hybrid Electronic Bus;并联式混合动力客车自动变速耦合箱的Simulink与Adams的联合仿真
12.Study on Simulation and Experiment of CODAG Power Plant;柴—燃联合动力装置(CODAG)仿真与实验研究
13.Design and Simulation for Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle;并联式混合动力汽车方案设计与仿真
14.Modeling and Simulation of the Heat Recovery Steam Generator in a Gas-Steam Combined Cycle;燃蒸联合循环中余热锅炉建模与仿真
15.The Application of HLA in Cooperative Simulation for Power System;HLA在电网联合培训仿真中的应用
16.Theoretical Analyse & Simulation of Channel-Source Coding;信道-信源联合编码器的原理与仿真
17.Dynamic Simulation Anlysis and Research of Combined Power Plant联合动力装置动力学仿真分析与研究
18.Research on the Simulation Model of Heat Recovery Steam Generator in Combined Cycle Unit联合循环机组余热锅炉仿真模型研究

combined simulation联合仿真
1.Combined Simulation of the Vehicle s Braking Performance Based on VC, Matlab;基于VC、Matlab的汽车制动性能联合仿真
2.The combined simulation research of vehicle steering and braking system;车辆转向与制动系统联合仿真研究
3.With that the combined simulation of vibration characteristics is carried out on the base of MATLAB/Simulink and ADAMS,in which the transmission effects and aero-.采用叶素动量理论进行风力机气动力学的计算分析,并对风轮和塔架进行了有限元模态分析,建立风力机ADAMS柔性多体动力学仿真模型,并在MATLAB/Simulink环境下建立风力机传动链的数学模型,同时进行传动链系统的编程运算,充分考虑了气弹耦合特性以及传动系统的影响,最终实现在MATLAB/Simulink和ADAMS基础上对风力机系统振动性能的联合仿真
3)joint simulation联合仿真
1.Study and application of joint simulation systems;联合仿真反事故演习系统应用与研究
2.Study and Realization of Joint Simulation Based on SystemView and Matlab;SystemView与Matlab联合仿真的研究与实现
3.Based on the joint simulation, the optimal firing interval of the two tubes is given to avoid the aerodynamic influence of the muzzle areas.该文应用ADAMS和MATLAB两大软件平台,建立了某双管火炮的虚拟样机联合仿真模型,并进行了双管耦合发射动力学联合仿真
4)United simulation联合仿真
1.United simulation technique with AMESim and Matlab/Simulink was discussed based on their own characteristics.根据AMESim与Matlab/Simulink软件各自的特点,对两者联合仿真技术进行了研究,解决了联合仿真的接口与实现问题,并把该技术应用于电液位置伺服系统的传真,取得了良好的效果。
2.Based on complexities of the dynamic model and trajactory tracking control of free-floating space manipulator,the dynamic model of free-floating space manipulator based on ADAMS,fuzzy control system of trajectory tracking and united simulation combined with ADAMS and Matlab are expressed.针对空间机械臂动力学建模和轨迹跟踪控制的复杂性,详细介绍了在虚拟样机技术软件ADAMS里,建立漂浮基空间机械臂的动力学模型、轨迹跟踪模糊PD控制策略及其ADAMS和Mat-lab的联合仿真
3.In view of ADAMS could not realize complex controls of the mechanical system,this paper proposed the united simulation method by ADAMS and control system application software MATLAB.针对ADAMS不能对机械系统实现复杂控制的状况,提出了将ADAMS与控制系统应用软件MATLAB结合起来对系统进行联合仿真的方法。
1.Modeling of Mechatronic Systems: Cosimulation;机电一体化系统的联合仿真技术研究
2.The cosimulation model was realized with the conjunction of the above models and the ABS performance could be studied.首先利用ADAMS软件,建立了某轿车的14自由度虚拟样机仿真模型;再在Matlab/Simulink环境下,建立ABS制动器及其控制模型;将虚拟样机模型与ABS的控制模型相结合,从而构成研究ABS性能的联合仿真模型。
6)ADS co-simulationADS联合仿真

国际仿真数学与仿真计算机学会  各国仿真数学和仿真计算机方面的学者和团体联合组成的国际性学术组织,缩写IAMCS。1955年成立。原名国际模拟计算机学会(IAAC),1976年改用现名。中国自动化学会系统仿真专业委员会代表中国参加这个学会。学会总部设在比利时的布鲁塞尔。学会的宗旨是促进计算机仿真方面的专家、制造厂和用户之间交流科学信息。该会接受个人会员和团体会员(包括有关的工厂、机关和研究所),并设有荣誉会员。每三年举行一次国际性大会。它是5个国际学会协调委员会(FIACC)成员之一。其他 4个是国际自动控制联合会(IFAC)、国际信息处理联合会(IFIP)、国际运筹学会联合会(IFORS)和国际测量联合会(IMEKO)。学会出版物有:《IAMCS会议录》,《IAMCS会刊(仿真数学与仿真计算机)》和《IAMCS会刊(应用数值数学)》。