1.The pressure on the coil in tube electromagnetic forming;管坯电磁成形时线圈受力的研究
2.Theoretical analysis on ballistic galvanometer coil movement;冲击电流计线圈运动状态的分析
3.Eddy Current Field in Uniform Medium Produced by a Coil;均匀介质中线圈激发的涡流场分布

1.A loop, as of metal, rope, or thread.金属圈,绳圈,线圈
2.The number of turns of wire in the secondary coil is the same as the number of turns in the primary.次级线圈的圈数和初线线圈圈数一样。
3.tapped coil多(接)头线圈, 抽头线圈
4.A coil or bend, as of rope.一卷一卷或一圈,如绳圈等线圈或带子
5.ignition coil发火线圈(汽车等)
6.coiled insulator(点火)线圈绝缘体
7.Following knockover loop pulling occurs and a new knit loop is formed.脱圈之后线圈被拉伸,一个新的线圈形成。
8.Heating or cooling coil. Coil type can be specified.加热或冷却线圈。可指定线圈类型。
9.An inducting current, circuit, or coil.初级线圈感应电流,电路或线圈
10.coil ,induction, electric (excl. ignition coils for motor vehicles)电感应线圈(不包括机动车用点火线圈
11.current through primary coil induces current in secondary coil.通过原线圈在次级线圈中产生电流。
12.Open decay solenoid coil打开衰减螺线管线圈
13.Clutch Coil Lead Wire Harness离合器线圈引导线束
14.Connect the solenoid field coil wire to the field coil terminal.连接电磁磁场线圈电线到磁场线圈端子。
15.Knockover occurs as the held loop disengages from the needle.旧线圈从针头上脱下,完成脱圈。
16.coil, heating, electric, for internal combustion engines电加热线圈,内燃机用
17.deflecting focusing coil for camera tube摄像管偏转聚焦线圈
18.torque coil magnetometer力矩 线圈式磁强计

1.Simulation of mini Tesla transformer winding and its application;小型Tesla变压器线圈参数仿真及应用
2.Calculation and analysis on short-circuit force of transformer s winding;电力变压器线圈短路力计算与分析
3.According to the Faraday electromagnetic induction law,the induction electromotive force of winding reflects the variety of magnetic flux,then the magnetic strength can be gotten.为解决测量系统不仅要有较宽的量程,还要有很快地响应速度的问题,研究了根据法拉第电磁感应定律,通过线圈感应电动势确定磁通量的变化,进而得到磁场的强度的测量方法。
1.A method for designing exterior coils of capsule endoscope drived by magnetic field;外磁场驱动的无线内窥镜磁场线圈的设计方法研究
2.A Design Method for the Coils of Exterior Driving Magnetic Field on Capsule-type Endoscope System;外磁场驱动胶囊内窥镜的驱动磁场线圈设计研究
3.According to electromagnetic fields essential equation, the distributions of electromagnetic fields and current density in induction heating coils are discussed, and the reason of ring effect is analysed.根据电磁场基本方程,导出了在感应加热线圈中电磁场及电流密度的分布,分析了圆环效应产生的原因,为感应加热线圈的选型提供了依据。
1.This paper introduces briefly the structural improvements of the clamp apparatus of soldering tin of loop, offers not only the exact patterns and sizes of the subject picture, the indene board picture, the cover board picture and the assembly picture, but also the comparison of the results before and after the improvements.该文对线圈焊锡夹具的结构的改进作了简要介绍 ,给出了夹具主体图、侧板图、盖板图、装配图的具体式样和尺寸 ,并对改进前后的效果进行了对
2.As the examining tool of capability of electric igniting-loop and igniting-module,the igniting-equipment examining system of automobile play a important role in ensuring the quality of igniting-equipment.汽车点火检测系统作为汽车电子点火模块和点火线圈性能指标的检测工具,对保证点火装置的质量起着致关重要的作用,文章针对这一课题讨论了汽车点火检测系统的研究与实现。
1.This paper analyzed the solenoid properties,which affected the property of high power giant magnetostrictive actuator and designed some heat dissipate schemes for the driving solenoid,which was the major heat resource of the actuator.针对影响低频大功率超磁致伸缩(GMM)换能器性能的励磁线圈进行设计分析,对作为换能器主要热源的激励线圈设计了几种散热方案。
2.In the paper,we calculated accurately the distribution of magnetic field due tocurrents passing through three phase solenoids,deduced the self conducinfluence to the conductance owing to the measurement of coils and the meastirement among coils,and supported manyformulae and opinions which are uselful for the engineering practice.本文详细地计算了圆环形三相电流线圈的磁场分布,推导出线圈的自感、互感和等效电感的计算公式,对线圈尺寸及线圈间尺寸对电感的影响进行了分析讨论,得出一些对工程实践有用的计算公式和一些建设性意见。
6)The coils. The coils.线圈,线圈
