1.Research on shape control of steckel mill;双机架紧凑式炉卷轧机板形控制研究
2.Research on influence with the change of rolling pressure set value on the shape;轧制压力设定值的变化对板形影响的研究
3.WRS mill work roll wear calculation and analyses for shape control;WRS轧机工作辊磨损计算及板形调控分析

1.Adaptive Neural Networks for AFC/AGC Complex Control自适应神经元网络板形板厚综合控制
2.Study on Control of Flatness and Surface Roughness on Cold Strip Rolling Mill;冷轧薄板板形与表面粗糙度控制研究
3.Methods and Measures of Improving the Shape Quality of Hot Tandem Rolled Strip提高热连轧板板形质量的方法与措施
4.Robust control for a combined shape and gauge multivariable system in hot strip rolling热连轧板形板厚多变量系统鲁棒控制
5.Shape and Gauge Complex Control with MMAS-PID基于MMAS-PID的板形板厚综合控制
6.fish-tail end blade鱼尾形臂板,预告臂板
7.ched-type piling bar(钢材) 拱形板桩
8.One of the sheets of wood glued together to form plywood.层板被粘在一起形成胶合板的几张木板的一张
9.a vertical board or panel forming the head of a bedstead.形成床架头部的一个直立的板或嵌板。
10.Banhu Similar to the erhu in shape, this instrument gets its name from the fact that the covering of the sound box is a wooden shingle.板胡形似二胡,因琴筒上蒙木板而得名。
11.A raised or sunken rectangular panel on a wall.镶板墙面上凸起或凹陷的长方形嵌板
12.Research on Slab Deformation Characteristics of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam;混凝土面板堆石坝面板变形特性研究
13.Discussion of heat exchange plate micro-distortion characteristics of plate exchanger板式换热器换热板片微变形特性浅析
14.full circle expanding hydraulic form全圆形液压伸缩式模板
15.brace countersink钝角菊花形尖头板钻
16.Minnesota Paper Form Board明尼苏达书面形状板
17.constant rate full-elliptic spring等刚度椭圆形板弹簧
18.The ceiling was groined.天花板被建设成拱形。

1.Intelligent flatness-controller based on PSO-BP network;基于PSO-BP网络的板形智能控制器
2.The Influence of Residual Stresses on Rolling Strip Flatness;轧制带材内部残余应力对板形的影响
3)strip shape板形
1.Effect of backup roll driven in six-high mill on strip shape;六辊轧机支撑辊传动对带钢板形的影响分析
2.Optimization of strip shape control system of two-strands production;两流生产板形控制系统优化
3.Measures to improve the strip shape control of temper rolling mill;提高冷轧平整机组板形控制能力的措施
1.Finite element analysis of work roll contour influence on aluminum foil profile;工作辊辊形对铝箔板形影响的有限元分析
2.Influence of tension on Aluminum foil profile under large width to thickness ratio;张力对大宽厚比铝箔板形的影响
3.Analysis of the Influnce of Cooling Water on the Strip Profile;冷却液对板形影响的分析
5)shape of strip板形
1.A synthesis set model for roll bending force was built,which was taken the good shape of strip as the object and the relative margin uniform of every roll bending force as the constraint condition.针对双机架冷轧机组的生产工艺特点,以及传统弯辊控制技术的不足,综合协调控制1#机架工作辊、1#机架中间辊、2#机架工作辊和2#机架中间辊4部分弯辊力,以成品板形质量最佳为优化目标函数,同时将各个部分弯辊力的相对余量均匀作为约束条件,确定出弯辊力综合设定模型,该模型可提高弯辊对板形的控制能力,延长弯辊缸的使用寿命。
2.The shape of strip was controlled by CVC roll,bending roll,roll shifting and mathematical model after 1422mm hot strip mill was reformed in Meishan Iron and Steel Corp.介绍了梅山钢铁股份有限公司热轧板厂在对1422mm热连轧机的技术改造中,通过采用CVC辊型、弯辊和轧辊轴向横移等板形控制技术,以及板形设定模型来控制板形
3.Along with automobile, the light industrial professions ,home appliance and electrical production the unceasing raising that asked for board shape quality, shape of strip has become a most important quality problem in the production of hot tandem rolling steel.随着汽车、轻工、家电和电气制造等行业对板形质量要求的不断提高,板形已成为热连轧带钢生产中至关重要的一个质量问题。
6)plate shape板形
1.The study of residual stress of cold rolled strip and its influence on plate shape冷轧带钢残余应力及其对板形影响的研究
2.The method is used in this paper to study the influence of plate width on plate shape,and some varying rules of crown with plate width are discovered.采用实验的方法对板宽对板形的影响进行了较为系统的研究,发现了板凸度随板宽变化的一些规律。
3.The inhomogeneous distribution of residual stresses in rolled strip is the critical cause of bad plate shape.残余应力的不均匀分布是影响板形的根本原因。

板形缺陷板形缺陷shape defect of strip banxing quexian板形缺陷(shape defeet of strip)带钢各横截面的中性线不在同一水平面内而出现的板形不平直的缺陷。常见的板形缺陷有:边浪,中浪,1/4浪、横向波浪和上凸下凹等。(见图) 边浪带钢边部厚度减薄量大于中部,从而引起边部的延伸量大于中部的现象。边浪又有单边浪、双边浪和不对称双边浪3种。产生边浪的主要原因是总轧制力过高;正弯辊力小,负弯辊力大(见弯辊技术);原始凸度和热凸度(见棍型控制)小。边浪可以由弯辊和轧辊轴移(见移辐技术)来消除。单边浪由调整压下解决。 中浪带钢中部的厚度减薄量大于边部,从而引起中部的延伸量大于边部的现象。产生中浪的主要原因是总轧制力太小;正弯辊力大,负弯辊力小;原始凸度和热凸度大。中浪可以由弯辊和轧辊轴移来消除。枷 带钢板形缺陷 1/4浪波浪出现在中部和边部之间的板宽1/4处的波浪,又称二肋浪或复合波。这主要由于连续较长时间轧制后,轧辊中部与边部产生较大温差,同时轧辊中部又受到大水量冷却,因而在与板宽1/4处相对应的地方辊温偏高,产生局部热膨胀。1/4浪用弯辊和轧辊轴移很难解决,要靠加强对该处的局部冷却才能消除。 横向波浪由于带钢来料的平直度不良,加上过高的单位轧制力和错误的弯辊设置,出现一个微小的材料横向流动,使带钢出现横向波浪或对角线波浪。减小轧制压力可以阻止横向波浪继续出现,但是,出现横向波浪以后,却很难消除。生产中应避免出现横向波浪。上凸下凹指板带的局部不平度或称瓢曲,只在带钢宽度的几厘米处可以看出隆起的肿块。它是由于局部地区冷却喷头损坏,轧辊冷却不足而局部升温,或轧辊局部磨损造成在带钢宽度上的局部压力过高而产生的。主要对策是立刻将卷取张力降低30%,同时降低轧制速度。这种缺陷一般很难完全消除。 (汪祥能)