1.Originality of nursing theory will guide nursing development in CHina;中国护理的发展需要原创性护理理论指导
2.An Exploration of Originality Study of Library Science in China;我国图书馆学原创性研究初探
3.the exploration to the expression of the deficiency of the originality of Education research;教育研究原创性不足的表征

1.On the Connotation of Originality from the Development of Case Law从原创性的案例法发展看原创性之内涵
2.Creativity and originality have put Taiwan's music scene ahead.创意和原创性让台湾歌坛发展持续向前进。
3.Her idea for designing is the most original.她对设计方面的点子总是充满原创性
4.In the arts, this is called “originality” and is venerated.在艺术中这被叫做“原创性”并受到推崇。
5.Research about Originality of the Present Online Journalism Production;关于目前网络新闻作品原创性的研究
6.Richard Philips Feynman s Scientific Originality of the Formation Mechanism;理查德·费曼科学原创性的生成机制
7.An Exploration into the Originality and Contribution of Vico s Jurisprudence;试论维柯法学思想的原创性及其贡献
8.Analysis on the Legislation Present Situation of Non-originalityDatabase Protection;非原创性数据库保护的立法现状分析
9.The Lack of New Psychological Ideas in China and the Strategies for Improvement;中国心理学原创性的缺失及应对策略
10.Thoughts on the Originality in the College Humanities and Social Sciences Teaching;对大学人文社科教学中“原创性”的思考
11.The Students’ Original Thinking Should Not BeNeglected in Ceramic Art Teaching;陶艺教育如何重视学生的原创性思维
12.The analasis to the value of the original education thought of Conforcium;孔子的原创性教育思想及其价值分析
13.Boost the Development of Accounting Theory by Original and Creative Research;重视原创性研究 促进会计理论发展
14.“Creative Narrative” in Chinese Philosophy: How to Achieve It?;中国哲学的“原创性叙事”如何可能
15.From sharing to creating:the evolution of knowledge in independent technological innovation;从共享到原创:自主性技术创新中的知识演化
16.Female singer-songwriters are very popular in the United States.在美国,女性原创歌手非常受欢迎。
17.Literariness and Neologism of Chinese Original Online Literature;中文原创网络文学的文学性与陌生化
18.The Discussion of Adaptation and Surgery Principle for Traumatic Amputation;创伤性截肢的适应证与手术原则探讨

1.On an Explanation to the Original Problem for Pedagogy Research Slightly Comparing with the Natural Science and Other Humanities;为教育学研究原创性问题而辩解——与自然科学和其他人文社会科学的简略比较
2.As the soul of innovation, original research on accounting theory has important meaning to both of the construction of accounting subjects and the development of accounting education.会计原创性研究对会计学科建设和会计教育发展都有重大意义,但在会计学界却被忽视或被遗忘。
3.His theory is falsifiable as well as original,self-sufficient and open-ended.孙绍振小说"心理错位"理论是由直接经验归结出来,并在与"对立论"、"是非论"和"统一论"三大理论的比照、驳论之中建构起来的理论体系,其理论具有相当的原创性、自洽性和开放性,但同时也具备了一定的可证伪性。
1.The essay mainly argues to construct the literary theory s scientific conformation dealing with the initiatives, personality and realism of literary theory.文学理论要体现原创性、系统性、个性化、当代性等科学特性,从而构建文学理论的科学形态。
2.In order to intensify the initiative of academic research,people need a good enviornment to carry out theirs research.原创性是学术研究的生命。
3.Meanwhile, one should enhance the consciousness of environment protection promote of environment protection and promote the design thereof keep up with the international trend of desgin, and attach importance to the initiative of the design.要战胜这种挑战 ,中国的工业设计师及其设计作品 ,必须跟上时代步伐 ,追赶世界潮流 :强调民族文化 ,同时更加国际化 ;重视传统文化与现代意识的融合 ;加强环保意识 ,提倡绿色设计 ,与国际设计趋势保持同步 ;在运用现代化手段的同时注重设计的原创性 ;以设计层次的提升促进整个国家形象的提升 ,使中国的设计走向世
1.Following the tracks of the theory about the law protection of non-originality database and the progress of legislation practice,the advantages and disadvanta.通过对国际上非原创性数据库法律保护的理论及立法实践的进展进行跟踪,分析利弊得失。
5)Original and Autonomous Designing原创性设计
6)Creative principle创造性原则

《读者》(原创版)《读者》(原创版)创刊于2004年9月,系《读者》系列刊物,是《读者》杂志拓展原创领域迈出的重要一步。从2006年起,《读者》(原创版)改为月刊,将继续注重杂志的原创性、思想性、可读性、参与性,给读者更新鲜的原创体验和精神享受。一年来,在广大作者、读者的呵护与支持下,《读者》(原创版)发行量稳步上升,开创了一方独具特色和生命力的原创天地,丰富和拓展了《读者》的品牌内涵,影响力和受众群不断扩大,得到了读者朋友的欢迎和肯定。本刊热忱欢迎您的参与和原创首发作品,也欢迎独立编译并首发的优秀译作。本刊同时向《读者》杂志“原创精品”栏目供稿。投稿要求及2006年订阅、活动详情请参阅最新《读者》(原创版)及《读者》第19—24期。投稿方式: 电子信箱:duzhe@duzhe.cn邮寄:(730030)兰州市中央广场邮局《读者》信箱《读者》(原创版)编辑部编辑部电话:0931—8773354传达心灵体验,呈现大千世界!同质化时代,更需要一片原创的天空!