1.This study is concerned with the effect of post welding heat treatment(PWHT)on the microstructure and properties at the intercritical reheated coarse-grained heat-affected zone(IRCGHAZ)of WB36 steel, and investigated whether the PWHT could reduce IRCGHAZ embrittlement.针对WB36钢(15NiCuMoNb5)临界再热粗晶区(IRCGHAZ)存在的脆化现象,研究了焊后热处理对模拟临界再热粗晶区(IRCGHAZ)组织性能的影响,探讨其改善韧性作用。
2.The embrittlement in 1Cr21Ni5Ti duplex stainles s steel with medium titanium and aluminum content, the temperature range in whic h the toughness is sharply deteriorated has been determined and effect of soluti on temperature has been researched.针对中限钛、铝的Cr21Ni5Ti双相不锈钢中发现的脆化现象,探索了脆化发生的温度范围以及脆化与固溶温度的相关性。
3.The study wanted to solve the embrittlement problem in copper alloy due to bismuth in drinking water pipe,The result showed that the embrittlement of copper alloy can be completely avoided when Sn and P were added,A proportion of Cu-Bi 1 Sn 3 Zn 6 P 0.为了解决因铋的加入引起的铜合金脆化问题,研究结果表明,通过添加元素Sn、P完全解决了因铋引起的脆化问题,并提出了配方Cu Bi1Sn3Zn6P0。

1.chemical tendering化学脆化,化学脆损
2.Research on Brittleness of Heat Resistant Steel 1Cr12Ni3Mo2VN(M152)1Cr12Ni3Mo2VN(M152)耐热钢的脆化机制
3.Electrochemistry Study for Hot Embrittle of 30Cr2MoV Turbine Rotor Steel;30Cr2MoV汽轮机转子钢热脆化的电化学研究
4.test method for brittleness temperature of plastics and elastomers by impact塑料及弹性体冲击脆化温度试验方法
5.Test method for brittleness temperature of plastics by impactGB/T5470-1985塑料冲击脆化温度试验方法
6.Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Brittlement for National A503-3 Steel;国产A508-3钢中子辐照脆化效应研究
7.Cause Analysis on Weld Brittleness of X80 Grade SSAW PipeX80级螺旋埋弧焊管焊缝脆化原因分析
8.testing method for brittleness temperature of plastics and vulcanized elastomers by low temperature impact硫化橡胶和塑料的低温冲击脆化温度试验方法
9.An Experimental Study on the Chemical Etch Behaviors of 30Cr2MoV Turbine Rotor Steel;脆化30Cr2MoV汽轮机转子钢化学腐蚀行为的研究
10.Research on the Chemical Corrosion for Detecting Temper Embrittlement of Steam Turbine Rotor;汽轮机转子钢热脆化化学腐蚀法的研究
11.Study on Embrittlement Mechanism of Duplex Stainless Steel 00Cr25Ni7Mo4N in Sensitization Heat Treatment双相不锈钢00Cr25Ni7Mo4N敏化过程中的脆化机理研究
12.an overdelicate digestive system.过分脆弱的消化系统。
13.I flatly refused to be "reformed" .我干脆就不受这个感化。
14.Study on comparison between vulnerabilization and vulnerable degree of environment over northernand southern to Qinling Mount;秦岭南北地区环境脆弱化与脆弱度比较研究
15.the iron carbide constituent of steel and cast iron; very hard and brittle.铁的碳化物,组成钢和铸铁,极硬极脆。
16.Brittleness is often a result of alloying.脆性往往是合金化的一种结果。
17.Study on the Urbanization Model and Countermeasures of the Ecologically Fragile Areas;生态脆弱地区城市化模式与对策研究
18.Urban Green land Technology of Ecologically Fragile Regions in Northwest China;西北生态脆弱区城市绿化及关键技术

1.Study on Mechanisms of Metal Material Brittleness under Vibration Cutting金属材料在振动切削时脆化机理的研究
1.This article analyzes the reason for brittle of humidifier I.分析了增湿器Ⅰ产生脆化现象的原因。
2.From the aspects of mechanical properties, metallurgical analysis and process condition, the brittle causes of inner accessories used in flowing bed for itimeric cyanamide were analyzed in this article.本文从化学成分 ,机械性能 ,金相分析 ,工艺条件等方面分析了三聚氰胺流化床内件脆化的原因 ,并提出了消除流化床脆化的措施。
6)chemical tendering化学脆化

脆鳝锅巴成菜鳝鱼外酥肉嫩,锅巴松脆化渣、味道酸而甜咸辣麻俱全。用料:鳝鱼片250克。锅巴150克,鸡蛋1个干细豆粉20克、老姜10克、大蒜10、大葱30克辣椒粉盐、白糖醋、料酒、水豆粉。酱油、干红椒、花椒、味精、鸡精、清汤、色拉油。制作:1 鳝鱼片洗净,改成条、用味、挂上干细豆粉搅匀。老姜大蒜切成片,干细辣椒切成节,白糖、醋、酱油、盐、味精、水豆粉,加清汤对成滋汁,锅巴掰成小块。2 锅肉烧油,下鳝鱼条炸至成金黄色,捞起放入锅巴炸至酥脆捞起,锅中留少许油,放入辣椒节,炒至棕红色,下花椒炒香,放入鳝鱼条,锅巴下辣粉,鸡精,炒上色倒入料酒,下姜片蒜片,葱节炒转,然后倒入滋汁,起锅即成。