1.Application of the Beryllium-copper in the Punch for Die-casting;铍青铜在压铸冲头中的应用
2.Study on punching holes on thin steel sheet to be the same thickness as diametre with 70 steel punch;70钢冲头对等径值厚度薄板冲孔技术
3.This paper presented the characters of punching a little hole(D/t<1),and presented the punch had a very short use life by analyzing the invalidation type of punch,so that the punch can't meet the need in manufacture.阐述了小孔 (D/t<1 )冲裁的特点 ,通过小孔冲裁的失效形式说明了冲头的寿命太低以致于无法满足生产需要。

1.A hub, especially of a propeller.冲头冲头,尤指推进器冲头
2.Failure Analysis of Die Casting Machine Punch and Development of Austempered Ductile Iron Punch;压铸机冲头的失效分析及奥—贝球铁冲头的研制
3.Enhance the Lifespan of Punch of the Leaf Spring;提高板弹簧冲孔冲头使用寿命的方法
4.The measure of improving life of die without die plate for the hole punching on steel pipe钢管无凹模冲孔冲头寿命提高的措施
5.Some people were swollen by victory.一些人被胜利冲昏头脑。
6.Fame did not dazzle him.他没有被名望冲昏头脑。
7.She has not allowed success to turn her head.她没有让成功冲昏头脑。
8.Don't be carried away by success不要被胜利冲昏头脑。
9.Success intoxicated him.成功使他冲昏头脑。
10.Never be infatuated with victory千成别被胜利冲昏头脑。
11.Don't let your success go to your head别让你的胜利冲昏头脑。
12.move in an abrupt or headlong manner.迅速移动或头向前猛冲。
13.We jump into the car and make a dash for the ferry.我们跳上汽车,冲向码头。
14.CNC turret punching press数控冲模回转头压力机
15.computer numerically-controlled turret punching [CNC turrent punching]计算机数控多头冲压
16.Don't you dare stick your tongue out at me!你竟敢冲我吐舌头!
17.Stones were rounded by the action of water.石头被水冲成了圆形。
18.The bull rushed at me.那头公牛向我冲过来。

cocoon first drying头冲
3)Impulsive force of punch pin冲头冲力
6)plunger adaptor冲头接头

头冲头冲 头冲   经穴别名。出《千金要方》。《千金翼方》作颈冲,并曰:“一名臂臑。”后世将此穴作为臂臑穴之又名。详该条。