1.Installation of Wiper for SHZ6731 Coach;SHZ6731客车雨刮器的安装
2.By analyzing the wiper of the Benz E320 Car, in designing the drive of the wiper, use of the cross rod should provide for angles designed for the wiper advance and return movement, use of the crank rod should be increased for scouring the field of view by keeping dimensions of the brush.对奔驰E320轿车雨刮器进行了运动分析。
3.This paper analyzes the trend of urban railway’s development;proposes a new kind of "2 motors and 2 handles"wiper for rail vehicles which adopt a brushless DC motor.利用微处理机控制技术的无刷直流电机,设计的"双机双臂"式新型雨刮器,可克服传统雨刮器的较大尺寸四连杆机构安装复杂、运行异响、高速时漂浮、归位不当、维护不便等缺点。

1.Wiper Motor Control System Design Based on LIN and USB Bus;基于LIN和USB总线的雨刮器电机控制系统的研制
2.EM Characteristic Analysis and Simulation Study of Automotive Drive System of Windscreen Wiper轿车雨刮器驱动系统EM特性分析及其仿真研究
3.Both wiper arms will be replaced as a precaution free of charge to the customer.作为一项预防措施,免费为客户更换左右两雨刮器臂。
4.WIPERS: Are the rubber edges of the wiper blades still sharp enough to remove water and snow in even strokes?刮水器:刮水器的橡皮叶片变得是否锐利,每次动作是否均匀刮掉雨雪?
5.blade, for electric windscreen wipers电动风挡刮水器的刮片
6.Just before the heavy rain fell, the wind blew a hurricane.下大雨之前刮起了狂风。
7.The storm laid the crops.暴风雨刮倒了庄稼。
8.The storm keeled over many boats暴风雨刮翻了许多小船。
9.The rain was accompanied by a high wind.下雨的同时还刮着大风。
10.The telephone wires were blown down by the rainstorm.电话线被暴风雨刮落了。
11.The storm blew down several large trees.暴风雨刮倒了几棵大树。
12.a tempest swept over the island.一阵暴风雨刮过小岛。
13.It stormed all day yesterday.昨天整日刮风下雨。
14.The sun shines and the wind blows and the rain falls.太阳发光,刮风下雨。
15.Yesterday it rained (snowed,blew) all day.昨天下了一天雨(雪、刮风)。
16.The wind up here blew unmistakably when it did blow, and the rain hit hard whenever it fell这儿刮风则阴风怒号,下雨则大雨滂沱。
17.A surgical instrument for scraping bones.刮骨器用于刮骨的一种外科手术器械
18.blade squeegees刀刃式刮刀,刀刃式刮浆器(圆网印花用)

windscreen wiper雨刮器
1.Design of piercing-shaving compound die for windscreen wiper crank雨刮器曲柄冲孔整修复合模设计
3)rain brush刮雨器
1.Reason analysis and handling measures of failures of rain brushes for DF_(4D) locomotives;东风_(4D)型机车刮雨器故障原因分析及改进措施
4)wind-screen wiper汽车雨刮器
5)locomotive windshield wiper机车刮雨器
6)wiper relay雨刮继电器
1.It introduces the working principle of the general wiper relay.介绍了一般雨刮继电器的工作原理,通过对一种汽车原型雨刮继电器进行原理分析,指出其 在实际使用中的不足,新设计使用一种新的雨刮芯片,对汽车原型雨刮继电器进行改进设计,改进设计后继 电器具有更稳定的特点。
