1.Spinning Technology Based on Principle of Continuous Multipoint Forming基于连续多点成形原理的旋压成形技术
2.A simple and economic spinning process for specially shaped tantalum alloy products is developed.研究了一种简单、经济的旋压成形钽合金异形件的方法,并讨论了旋压用板坯的壁厚均匀性、纵进速度、减薄率及压窝尾顶块内弧半径等对旋压成形的影响,同时也提出了相应的解决措施。
3.In contrast, the spinning techniques which is introduced in this paper is more fit to make it, it can obviously improve the product quality and efficiency.文中介绍的波形炉胆旋压成形工艺却非常适合生产波形炉胆 ,可以明显提高产品质量和生产效率。

1.spin-forming and flow-forming machines旋压成形机床和滚压成形机床
2.Spin-forming numerical simulation of cup-shaped inner meshing gear杯形内啮合齿轮旋压成形的数值模拟
3.Experimental research on spin-forming of cup-shaped thin-walled trapezoidal inner-gear杯形薄壁梯形内齿旋压成形工艺的试验研究
5.FE simulation on the ball spinning forming of inner grooved copper pipe内螺纹铜管滚珠旋压成形有限元模拟
6.Experimental research on ball spinning of thin-walled stainless steel tube薄壁不锈钢管滚珠旋压成形工艺研究
7.Spinning Technology Based on Principle of Continuous Multipoint Forming基于连续多点成形原理的旋压成形技术
8.Design of Tool and Experimental Study with Respect to Ball Spinning Forming of Thin-walled Tubular Parts薄壁筒形件滚珠旋压成形工装设计及实验研究
9.Study on Ball Spinning of Tubular Parts with Longitudinal Inner Rib纵向内筋筒形件滚珠旋压成形的工艺研究
10.Effects of Power Spinning Processing Parameters on Cylinders of TC4 Alloy强旋工艺参数对TC4钛合金筒形件旋压成形的影响
11.Research on Forming Mechanism of Multi-Pass Conventional Spinning Process and Influence of Roller-trace on the Process;多道次普通旋压成形机理与旋轮运动轨迹作用的研究
12.Finite Element Simulation of Process for Multi-Cycle Spinning and Pulley Spinning多道次拉旋及皮带轮旋压成形工艺的有限元模拟研究
13.Hot Spinning Process of Titanium Alloy Collar Rim of Lunar Rover月球车钛合金轮圈的热旋压成形工艺研究
14.Research on the Turning-forming of Thin and Complicated Contour Surface;复杂曲面、薄壁件精密旋压成形技术研究
15.FE Analyses on Process of Mould Ring Power Spinning and Optimization of Techniques;模环旋压成形过程的数值模拟与工艺优化
16.Research on Tube Spinning Process and Properties of Cast Titanium Alloy铸造钛合金管坯的旋压成形及性能研究
17.Study on Spinning Process of Splitting V Type Belt WheelV型劈开式皮带轮旋压成形过程的分析
18.Research on the Power Spinning of Cone Parts with Discontinuous Wall Thickness Using 3D FEM and Experimental Investigation;突变壁厚锥形件强力旋压成形有限元模拟和试验研究

spinning forming旋压成形
1.The spinning forming law of this sort of non-axisymmetic parts is discussed.采用多道次有芯复合旋压工艺,成功地加工出了30CrMnSiA薄壁偏心异形件,并探讨了这种非对称工件旋压成形的规律。
2.The spinning forming is to clamp blanks onto mould core,using spinning press to have mould core spin as high speed together with blanks.旋压成形是将毛坯夹紧在模芯上 ,由旋压机带动模芯和毛坯一起以高速旋转。
3)spin forming wheel旋压成形轮
1.This article analyzes the failure reasons on fracture in early stage for spin forming wheel of Cr12MoV steel.分析了Cr12MoV钢旋压成形轮早期断裂失效的原因。
4)spin forming machine旋压成形机
5)final spinning block旋压成形模
6)metal spinning technology旋压成形技术
1.Typical application and development of metal spinning technology and equipment;旋压成形技术和设备的典型应用与发展

左旋噻咪唑 , 盐酸左旋咪唑,左旋咪唑药物名称:左旋四咪唑英文名:Levamisole别名: 驱蛔钩;盐酸左旋四咪唑;左咪唑;左旋驱虫净;左旋噻咪唑 , 盐酸左旋咪唑,左旋咪唑外文名:Levamisole ,Levasole , LMS , L-Tetramisole, Nemicide药理作用: 能抑制虫体肌肉琥珀酸脱氢酶的活动,使肌肉发生持续性收缩而麻痹。 适应症: 是一种广谱驱肠虫药,主要用于驱蛔虫及勾虫。 本品可提高病人对细菌及病毒感染的抵抗力。目前试用于肺癌、乳腺癌手术后或急性白血病、恶化淋巴瘤化疗后作为辅助治疗。此外,尚可用于自体免疫性疾病如类风湿关节炎、红斑性狼疮以及上感、小儿呼吸道感染、肝炎、菌痢、疮疖、脓肿等。对顽固性支气管哮喘经试用初步证明近期疗效显著。 用量用法: 1.驱蛔虫:成人每日100~200mg,饭后1小时顿服。儿童每日每千克体重2~3mg。 2.驱勾虫:每日100~200mg,饭后1小时顿服,连服2~3日。 3.治丝虫病:每日200~300mg,分2~3次饭后服,连服2~3日。 4.癌瘤的辅助治疗:1日量150~250mg,连服3日,休息11日,然后再进行下1疗程。 5.治疗类风湿性关节炎等:每次50mg,每日服2~3次,可连续服用。 6.治支气管哮喘:每服50mg,1日3次,连服3日,停药7日,6个月为1疗程。 注意事项: 偶有头晕、恶心、呕吐、腹痛、食欲不振、发热、嗜睡、乏力、皮疹、发痒等不良反应,停药后能自行缓解。个别病人可有白细胞减少症、剥脱性皮炎及肝功损伤。妊娠早期、肝功能异常及肾功能减退的病人慎用,肝炎活动期忌用。 规格: 片剂:盐酸盐,每片含基质15mg、25mg、50mg。 类别:免疫调节剂