1.Is a spirochete present in granulomatous lesion of sarcoidosis?;结节病肉芽肿病变中有螺旋体

1.Any of a group of spirochetes of the genus Treponema, including those that cause syphilis, pinta, and yaws.密螺旋体任一种密螺旋体螺旋体的群体,包括那些引起梅毒、品他病和雅司病的各种螺旋体
2.leptospiral arthritis钩端螺旋体病性关节炎
3.Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae出血性黄疸钩端螺旋体
4.An infection or a disease caused by a treponema.密螺旋体病一种由密螺旋体引起的感染或疾病
5.A number of silver discs arranged around a central helix to form a spiral.这些银圆片围着中心螺旋线排成一个螺旋体
6.To the dog pathogenesis is the hemorrhagic yellow helicoid and the dog hook end helicoid two blood serums.对狗致病的是出血性黄疸螺旋体和犬钩端螺旋体两个血清型。
7.a severe form of leptospirosis in human beings.一种严重的螺旋体病通常人患染。
8.microhemagglutination test for treponema pallidum微量梅毒螺旋体血凝试验
9.Treponema pallidum immobilization test【免疫】梅毒螺旋体制动试验
10.latex-leptospiral agglutination test (LA)间接胶乳钩端螺旋体凝集试验
11.International Union against the Venereal Diseases and the Treponematoses国际性病和密螺旋体病防治联合会
12.A spring is a spiral.弹簧是螺旋形的物体。
13.Of or relating to a gastropod shell that coils clockwise and has its aperture to the right when facing the observer with the apex upward.右旋的软体动物的螺形外壳上的螺线顺时针螺旋即顶点向上,面对观察者时,螺线向右旋转
14.spiral part of a screw(螺钉的)螺旋部分.
15.helical gear with helix angle带螺旋角的螺旋齿轮
16.paranemic spiral平行螺旋,反向双股螺旋
17.helical curve [ line ]螺旋曲线螺旋(取向)照相
18.Effects of Rotating Gyroscopes of Equivalence Principle Test for Extended Rotating Bodies;宏观旋转物体等效原理检验中陀螺旋转的影响

1.The vibration model and the vibrate equation of the screw conveyer are set up to obtain the resonance calculatiuon formula according to the influence of vibration of screw conveyer with high rate revolution on its work performance.针对快速螺旋输送机的振动现象及其对工作性能的影响 ,建立了螺旋体的振动模型和振动方程 ,导出了其共振转速计算公式 。
1.The complicated leptospira steel truss concrete structure was applied to main body structure of Dongguan Yulan Opern.东莞玉兰大剧院工程采用了复杂的螺旋体钢桁架-混凝土主体结构,混凝土和钢结构相交关系复杂,施工难度大,施工中创新地应用了多种支模方法和综合应用了直吊、抬吊、滑移、牵拉等钢结构安装方法,解决了复杂施工环境中混凝土结构和钢结构相互交叉施工的难题。
1.This article put forward a method of setting the extruded object in extruding spirals step by step and introduced it s process.提出了一种分段拉伸螺旋体时确定拉伸对象的方法 ,介绍了其实现过程。
2.This article pus forward a convenient method in solving the spiral perpendicular to the extruded object and introduced it s process.利用这一方法能高效、快捷地创建三维螺旋体
5)spirochaeta forans钻旋螺旋体

螺旋体螺旋体spirochaeta  一类细长、柔软、弯曲呈螺旋状的微生物。多数比细菌大,运动活泼,在生物学的位置上介于细菌与原虫之间。具有细菌所有的基本结构,其细胞壁有脂多糖和壁酸,无定型核,二分裂繁殖。与原虫类似之处,菌体外无鞭毛,但在胞壁与胞膜之间,有轴丝,轴丝的屈曲与收缩使其能自由活泼运动。螺旋体在自然界及动物体内广泛存在,种类很多。根据螺旋的数目、大小与规则程度,及两螺旋间的距离可将螺旋体分成5个属。对人有致病的有:①疏螺旋体属;②密螺旋体属;③钩端螺旋体属。