1.However,there are serious crosstalks between multi-users for the conventional LFMCW radar systems.由于宽带混沌信号具有良好的相关特性,文中提出了数字处理方式的宽带混沌调频连续波雷达,采用混沌调频信号来代替传统的线性调频信号的方案,结果显示它很好地解决了加性高斯白噪声干扰和多用户间的交叉干扰问题;系统利用了离散混沌序列驱动连续混沌系统产生宽带混沌信号的方法,其电路结构简单,所得频谱平坦宽阔,在汽车防撞雷达和其他雷达、通信系统中具有很好的应用前景。
2.Experiments proved that by means of active addressing drive and choosing the row functions which match the response properties of STN-LCD, frame response and crosstalk can be greatly decreased and image display quality can be greatly improved.经实验验证,用主动寻址法驱动,选择与STN—LCD响应特性匹配的行函数,能大大降低帧响应和交叉干扰,显著提高图象显示质量。
3.The Y waveguide 2π voltage and the crosstalk, to some extent, decide the performance of the bias stability.零偏稳定性是评价光纤陀螺性能的一个重要指标,Y波导的2π电压准确度和电路中的交叉干扰大小在一定程度上决定了零偏稳定性。

1.A Brief Description of the Cross-Interference Problem in Electronic Ballast for Two-Fluorescent Tubes Lamp;浅论双灯电子镇流器的交叉干扰问题
2.Amelioration Algorithm to Suppress the Cross-Term Interference of WVD抑制维格纳分布交叉干扰项的联合算法
3.Jammers Tracked by Azimuth Crossings方位交叉跟踪干扰源
4.Study on Interference Mechanism of Mixed Traffic Flow at Signalized Intersections;信号交叉口混合交通流干扰机理研究
5.Study on the Behavior of Interference between Vehicles and Bicycles at Signalized Intersection with Different Green Splits of Vehicles and Bicycles;交叉口机非绿信比不同的机非干扰行为分析
6.Analysis of Interferences in VHF 3 Off-set Carrier Overlapping Area;VHF三偏置载波信号交叉及相关干扰分析
7.Study on the Suppression Technology of Crossed Time Slot Interference in TD-SCDMA SystemTD-SCDMA系统的交叉时隙干扰抑制技术研究
8.Study on an Anti-jamming Algorithm Based on Moving-base Cross Location一种基于动基交叉定位的抗干扰算法研究
9.A crossed line, ie interruption of a telephone call because of a wrong connection交扰线路(电话因岔线而产生的干扰)
10.The Expression of Channel Catfish Interferon Alpha(IFN-α)Gene in Pichia Pastoris斑点叉尾鮰α干扰素基因在毕赤酵母中的表达
11.limited access highway高速公路,(部分立体交叉的)快速干道
12.Four-lane highways crisscross the country.四线干道纵横交叉布于全国。
13.Application of MUSIC Algorithm to Cross Interferometer Direction FindingMUSIC算法在交叉干涉仪测向中的应用
14.The Spectral Degree of Cross-polarization of Stochastic Electromagnetic Beams部分相干电磁光束的光谱交叉偏振度
15.Design of Provincial and National Main Roads Grade Crossing国省干线道路平面交叉口设计的探讨
16.Representation Method of Correlation Fringe in Speckle Pattern Interferometry Based on Cross-Entropy散斑干涉相关条纹的交叉熵表征方法
17.Relationship between changes of osmotic adjustment ability of wheat under drought and cold cross-stress and cross-adaptation干旱-低温交叉逆境下小麦渗透调节能力的变化与交叉适应的关系
18.Study on Pedestrian Traffic Organization Methods of Signalized Intersection on Urban Arterial;城市干道信号交叉口行人交通组织方法研究

cross-eye jamming交叉眼干扰
1.This paper discusses a way to realize the cross-eye jamming,gives out the angle error analysis and computer simulation results of the jammed radar.交叉眼干扰技术利用波前扭曲引起了跟踪雷达的瞄准点向更强干扰信号方向的位移。
3)whole interference crossover全干扰交叉
4)cross term interference交叉项干扰
1.The results obtained by analyzing both simulated signal and rabbit ECGs with myocardiac ischemia prove that smoothed Wigner distribution can suppress cross term interference effectively and possess sufficient time-frequency resolution to ana.结合心电信号的数学模型讨论维格纳分布的交叉项干扰以。
2.Based on the suppression of cross term interference in Wigner Ville distribution,the development history and current and future challenges of time frequency analysis are reviewed in some detail,together with some successful applications appearing in the literature.本文以抑制Wigner Ville分布中的交叉项干扰为主线 ,综述了时频分析的历史沿革、面临的挑战 ,及在一些领域中的应用 。
5)cross-term interference交叉项干扰
1.Because of the presence of cross-term interference in bilinear time-(frequency) distribution (BTFD) of multi-component chirp signals, it is difficult to detect the chirp components and estimate their parameters in a time-frequency plane in case of low SNR.由于双线性时频分布(BTFD)对多个Chirp成分信号的时频表示存在交叉项干扰,因而在低信噪比情况下直接在时频平面难于进行检测和参数估计。
6)multi-event interference多事件交叉干扰
1.Regarding claims of multi-event interference delays,this paper analyzes why it is so difficult to assess responsibility sharing to project delays.针对多事件交叉干扰下工期延误引起的工期索赔责任归属难以判断和责任比例难以测量的问题,通过分析初始事件原则、不利于承包商原则和责任分摊原则的索赔处理机制以及网络计划的计算方法,提出一种程序化计算方法,即通过设置一系列易于嵌入计算机程序的变量,无需进行关键路线的分析,即可对各工序对于工期延误造成的影响进行较为精确的分析和排序。

摆放式干扰机(见通信干扰设备)摆放式干扰机(见通信干扰设备)hand-emplaced jammer  baifongshi gQnraoii摆放式干扰机(hand一emplaeed jam;ner)见通信干扰设备。