1.A new computer controlled polishing technology called the fixed abrasive machining technology is described in this paper,and a removal function model for multi-pellet polishing pads is established based on the removal function theory of plane motion.进一步研究了采用固着磨料数控加工碳化硅反射镜的工艺,基于平转动加工方式的去除函数理论推导出了多丸片抛光盘的去除函数模型。
2.5 pellets,and the removal characteristic curves obtained by above experiments show that this method can offer a higher removal rate and stability for the mirror manufacturing.5固着磨料丸片在特定转速和压力下对碳化硅材料的去除特性。
3.By comparison of experimental results with theory in material removal rate and surface roughness, the trend of theoretical and experimental results are basically the same and the values of results are maintained in the same quantitative level; The difference of roughness of pellets W1.5,W5等丸片获得的粗糙度理论值与实验偏差分别为5。
2)Gujinwan tablet骨筋丸片
1.The highly effective liquid phase determination of Gentiopicrin in Gujinwan tablet;RP-HPLC骨筋丸片中龙胆苦苷的含量测定

1.Determination of osthole in Gujinwan Tablets by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定骨筋丸片中蛇床子素的含量
2.Determination of Paeonilorin in Gujinwan Tablet by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定骨筋丸(片)中芍药苷的含量
3.Detection of bone tendons capsules Gentiana medium gentiopicroside methodological research骨筋丸胶囊中秦艽中龙胆苦苷的检测方法研究
4.The Clinical Observation and Mechanism Investigation about the Treatment of the Anaphase of Bone Fracture with the Pill of Reunion of Bone接骨续筋丸治疗骨折后期临床观察及其机理研究
5.Determination of tanshinone Ⅱ_A in Jingutongxiao Pills by RP-HPLC反相高效液相色谱法测定筋骨痛消丸中丹参酮Ⅱ_A的含量
6.On-line enrichment detection of strychnine and brucine-toxic composition in Gujinwan Capsules骨筋丸胶囊中毒性成分士的宁和马钱子碱的在线富集检测
7.Determination of the Contents of Ferulic Acid in Guilongjinguning Tablets by HPLCHPLC法测定归龙筋骨宁片中阿魏酸的含量
8.Objective: To observe the influence of Jin Gu Tablet( JGT) on the development and rehabilitation of osteoarthritis( OA).目的:观察筋骨片对骨性关节炎(OA)变发生发展及其修复作用的影响。
9.Based on radiographic and pathological findings of a biopsy of the fracture site, metastatic testicular cancer was confirmed.基于骨折处之影像学及病理切片检查确定为转移之?丸癌。
10.Study of diclofenac sodium enteric-coated tablets combined with calcitriol soft gelatin capsules on knee osteoarthrosis双氯芬酸钠肠溶片联合骨化三醇胶丸治疗膝关节骨性关节炎的研究
11.Determination of Brucine and Strychnine in Gujinsukang Tablet by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定骨筋速康片中士的宁和马钱子碱的含量
13.There'll be no blood,no broken bones...不会流血, 不会伤筋动骨...
14.You should limber up your muscles and joints.你应该舒展一下筋骨。
15.He is troubled with painful muscles and joints.他的筋骨和关节都痛。
16.bugle (whole plant)筋骨草(白毛夏枯草)
17.fascioscapulohumeral dystrophy肩胛肱骨筋膜营养不良
18.Chinese Wushu helps to strengthen the muscles and Bones.中国武术,强壮筋骨。

Gujinwan tablet骨筋丸片
1.The highly effective liquid phase determination of Gentiopicrin in Gujinwan tablet;RP-HPLC骨筋丸片中龙胆苦苷的含量测定
3)histologic section of testicle睾丸切片
5)compression of pellet微丸压片
6)ball thrower blade抛丸机叶片
1.Based on the detail analysis of compositions, properties and structures of two kinds of typical ball thrower blade, high chromium cast iron with 17%Cr and 3.在对国内外二种典型抛丸机叶片的成分、性能及其组织进行了详细分析基础上,将含Cr17%、C3。
