利益分享,benefit sharing
1)benefit sharing利益分享
1.Research on the Benefit Sharing Pattern of the Intellectual Property Derived from Genetic Resource;遗传资源的知识产权利益分享模式研究
2.Study on the System of Access to Human Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing;人类遗传资源获取和利益分享制度研究
3.This article holds that there exist some problems on international co-operation in biotechnology,such as the security problem in research of science,the problem of informed consent,the protection of genetic resources and the problem of benefit sharing.本文认为在生物技术国际合作中存在着一系列的利益冲突和伦理问题 ,比如科学合作项目的安全性问题、知情同意问题 ,遗传资源的保护和利益分享等。

1.From Benefit Monopolization to Participation:On Sharing Economic Theories in China and the West;从利益独占到利益分享——中西分享经济理论述评
2.Study of the Benefit-Sharing in Conserving Bio-Diversity;生物多样性保护的利益分享机制研究
3.Brief analysis of definition of human capital property right and its benefits share;浅析人力资本产权的界定与利益分享
4.Legal Thought on Gene Provider s Sharing Interests;人类基因提供者利益分享实现的构想
5.Legal Thought on Human Gene Provider s Sharing of Interests from Legal Point of View;人类基因提供者利益分享的法律思考
6.Patent Protection and Equilibration in Genetically Modified Production;转基因技术成果的专利保护和利益分享
7.The Responsibility and Interests Sharing of the Government s Public Affairs;政府的公共事务的责任分担与利益分享
8.Economic Analysis about Property Right Deployment and Benefit Allotment of Genetic Resources基因资源产权归属与利益分享的经济分析
9.Research on the Benefit Sharing Pattern of the Intellectual Property Derived from Genetic Resource;遗传资源的知识产权利益分享模式研究
10.Study on the System of Access to Human Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing;人类遗传资源获取和利益分享制度研究
11.Legal Exploration on Benefits-Sharing in International Cooperation of Genetic Resources;遗传资源国际合作中的利益分享法律问题初探
12.Accessic to and benefit sharing from genetic resources and protection ofintellectual property rights;遗传资源获取和利益分享与知识产权保护
13.participating immediately立即参与分享利益的
14.Mutuality-- A mutual benefit is a shared benefit; a shared benefit will endure.◆互惠?惠就是分享利益,可以分享的利益才会持久。
15.Mutuality A mutual benefit is a shared benefit; a shared benefit will endure.互惠?互惠就是分享利益,可以分享的利益才会持久。
16.a body of people sharing some common interest.分享一些共同利益的人群。
17.The employee has benifited from the profit - sharing scheme .雇员们从利润分享的计划中受益。
18.On Environmental Taxes and the Achievement of Equitable Benefit-sharing;实现环境利益公平分享的环境税机理

1.There is no effective mechanism of benefit-sharing in conversing bio-diversity now, of which the contradictions between developed countries and developing countries are the right reflections.在生物多样性保护的领域中,利益分享是一个新兴的重要课题。
3)interests sharing利益分享
1.The paper use what the intellectual property proposed the thought of rights weakening and interests sharing,ana.文章借用知识产权界所提出的权利弱化与利益分享理论思想,分析了该理论的合理性。
4)benefit share利益分享
5)Benefit-sharing right利益分享权
6)profit sharing factor利益分享因子

十种利益──慈忍十种利益【十种利益──慈忍十种利益】  ﹝出月灯三昧经﹞  慈即爱念,忍即安忍。谓修菩萨行者,于一切违顺等境,皆能慈忍,故获此十种利益也。  [一、火不能烧],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切违逆之境,了知身心自性本空,悉无所恼,是以嗔恚之火,所不能烧也。  [二、刀不能割],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切横逆之境,了知自身体性空寂,悉无所畏,是以嗔恚利刀,所不能割也。  [三、毒不能中],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,人或有所加害,了知身心本空,不以为意,是以贪嗔毒药,所不能中也。  [四、水不能漂],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切顺情之境,了知诸法本空,悉无所染,是以贪爱之水,所不能漂也。  [五、为非人护],非人,即鬼神之类。谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切时处,鬼神之类,悉皆护卫也。  [六、身相庄严],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,爱念于人,是以能感色身相好庄严之报也。  [七、闭诸恶道],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,成就善法,是以恶道之门,自然闭而不开也。  [八、随乐梵天],梵天,即色界初禅天也。谓修菩萨行者,慈忍具足,梵行无亏,故报尽命终,随其意乐,而得生于梵天也。  [九、昼夜常安],谓修菩萨行者,常行慈忍之心,利益有情,而不恼害,故得身心寂静,昼夜常安也。  [十、不离喜乐],谓修菩萨行者,常怀慈忍之心,利益众生,令其各获安隐,是以自之身心,亦不离于喜乐也。