游客调查,tourist investigation
1)tourist investigation游客调查
2)survey of tourists trip游客出行调查
3)tourist sample survey游客抽样调查
1.This paper explained and analyzed the refusal phenomenon and the rejection rate of tourist sample surveys,and probed into the reasons and possible measures to avoid it.本文对游客抽样调查中的拒答现象和拒绝率进行了阐述和分析,探讨了拒答现象产生的原因和应对措施。

1.The Explanation and Measures of the Refusal of Tourist Sample Survey:A Case Study of Tourist Sample Survey in Mount.Kongdong;游客抽样调查中“拒答”现象的原因分析及应对措施——以崆峒山游客抽样调查为例
2.Visitor Survey of Shichahai Area in Beijing;北京什刹海地区中外游客抽样调查及分析
3.A Study on the Passengers Tourist Activites and Their Mind of Consumption Needs in Railway Station --Take as an examlpe the sampling investigation about travellers in Shanghai Station;铁路车站旅客游憩活动与消费需求心理的初步研究——以上海站旅客问卷抽样调查为例
4.theory of sample surveys抽样调查理论 抽样调查理论
5.well designed sample survey精心设计的抽样调查
6.Analysis on Errors and Adjustment of Sampling Frame in Commercial Statistic Sample Survey;浅析商业抽样调查中抽样框偏误及调整
7.Sampling Frame for the Survey of Enterprises under Quota Limits;限额以下贸易业抽样调查中的抽样框问题
8.Decide on the research methods (e.g.focus group, survey).确定调研方法(如讨论组、抽样调查)。
9.people randomly chosen,(eg to carry out a survey)任意选择的人(如为进行抽样调查).
10.We sampled opinion among 600 doctors.我们抽样调查了600名医生的意见。
11.Method To visit and talk with interviewees who are chosen with random sampling.方法 进行随机抽样的入户访谈式调查。
12.a fact - finding panel为弄清真相对民众作抽样调查
13.Source: National Nutrition Sampling Survey in 1992.资料来源:1992年全国营养抽样调查。
14.Sample Survey Design on Dichotomous Sensitive Questions Investigation;二项选择敏感性问题的抽样调查设计
15.The Sampling Programme about Talent in Non-public Ownership System;非公有制经济单位人才调查抽样设计
16.Using VBA to Achieve Ration Estimator for Sampling Survey in Excel;利用VBA在EXCEL中实现抽样调查比估计
17.Self-Weighting Sample Design for the China s Population Changes Survey;中国人口变动调查的自加权抽样设计
18.The sampling methods of the survey for wholesale/retail in Changsha;长沙市规模以下零售业抽样调查方案

survey of tourists trip游客出行调查
3)tourist sample survey游客抽样调查
1.This paper explained and analyzed the refusal phenomenon and the rejection rate of tourist sample surveys,and probed into the reasons and possible measures to avoid it.本文对游客抽样调查中的拒答现象和拒绝率进行了阐述和分析,探讨了拒答现象产生的原因和应对措施。
4)passenger research旅客调查
5)passenger flow investigation客流调查
1.By passenger flow investigation, communication .洛阳铁路分局管内南阳、邓州地区,每年春运期间都有农村富余劳动力形成大量民工客流,为此分局坚持 “以点带线,以线带面,以春运营销带动整体工作发展”的经营战略,通过客流调查,宣传铁路优势,增加临客保证运力,加强乘降组织,提高服务质量等方法,以南阳和邓州车站为主战场,大打春运会战,使春运成为洛阳铁路分局重要经济增长点。
6)passenger source survey客源调查

外国游客来北京颐和园观光旅游外国游客来北京颐和园观光旅游 外国游客来北京颐和园观光旅游 李平供稿