国家创新能力,national innovation capacity
1)national innovation capacity国家创新能力
1.Review on the measurement research of national innovation capacity;国家创新能力测度研究述评
2.A comparison of national innovation capacity and develop mode between China and Europe based on patent基于专利的中欧国家创新能力与发展模式比较
3.On the basis of the OECD’s conceptual framework of national innovation system,it firsly examines the major factors impacting the performance of national innovation capacity,and consequently proposes the indicators to measure the integrated innovation performance of a nation’s innovation system in terms of these factors.在OECD的国家创新系统结构模型的基础上,分析了影响国家创新能力的关键因素,根据这些因素选定评价国家创新能力绩效的评价指标,以对某一国家的集成创新能力的投入产出效率进行评价;选取DEA方法中的技术及规模有效性评价模型,对我国的国家创新能力进行分析,并将评价结果同G7国家,韩国、印度等九个国家进行比较。

1.Promoting National Innovation Ability,Summoning Independent Innovation Alliance;国家创新能力提升呼唤自主创新联盟
2.National Innovative Capacity and Development of High Technology Industries in China;国家创新能力与中国高技术产业发展
3.The Effect of IT Outsourcing on a Nation s Innovation Ability;IT外包对一个国家创新能力的影响
4.Research on Evaluation System and International Comparison of the National Innovative Capability;国家创新能力的评价指标与国际比较研究
5.Positive Research on the Impact of International Trade on China s National Innovative Capability;国际贸易对国家创新能力影响的实证分析
6.The Deficiency of National Innovation Capability Evaluation and the Importance of Study on Systems;国家创新能力测评的缺陷与体制研究的重要性
7.The Correlation Analysis between Quality of Life and National Innovation Capacity;生活质量与国家创新能力的相关性分析
8.Enhancing the Independent Innovation Competence and Building an Innovational Country;增强自主创新能力,建设创新型国家
9.Strengthening Innovation Capacity and Building up Innouation-Typed State;增强自主创新能力 建设创新型国家
10.Evaluation on the technology innovation capability of hi-tech development zones in China;国家高新区技术创新能力的评价研究
11.The Policy of Innovation-typed State and Independent Innovation Capacity of Enterprises;创新型国家政策与企业自主创新能力探讨
12.Fostering University Students Creative Ability Under the Creative Nation Strategy;创新型国家战略下大学生创新能力的培养
13.Cultivation of University Students Innovativeness in National Innovation System;论国家创新体系下大学生创新能力的培养
14.Cultivating Students Ability of Innovation Practice through Participation in SITP Research;实施国家SITP计划,培养创新实践能力
15.Studies on the evaluation index system of national self-innovation capability;国家自主创新能力评价指标体系研究
16.Innovation Adoption and Competitiveness:National,Industry and Firm capability;创新采纳与竞争能力:国家、行业和企业能力
17.Research on the Mechanism of Risk Innovation in Promoting A National Technological Innovation Competence;风险创业提升国家技术创新能力机理研究
18.Urban Environment Influence upon Technological Innovation Capability of National High-tech Zones;城市环境对国家高新区技术创新能力影响分析

national innovative capacity国家创新能力
1.Since 50 years ago,the evaluation and ease study of national innovative capacity were carried out,and the single indicator evaluation was changed into multiple indicators evaluation.世界上开展国家创新能力测评研究与实证至今已整整50年,其间经历了单指标测评向多指标测评的转变。
2.An innovation-driven model of how the strategic high-tech industry improves the national innovative capacity is proposed,and an innovation-driven function model was established,and it is analyzed by taking the photoelectronic information industries in Wuhan as example.文章提出了战略高技术产业对提高国家创新能力的创新驱动模型,并建立了创新驱动函数模型,以武汉地区的光电子信息产业为例做了分析。
3.This dissertation studies the measurement of national innovative capacity based on efficiency optimization, with a focus on the influential factors analysis on national innovative efficiency.本文的研究主题是基于效率优化的国家创新能力的测度研究,重点在于国家创新效率的影响因素分析。
3)national innovative capability国家创新能力
1.Research on Evaluation System and International Comparison of the National Innovative Capability;国家创新能力的评价指标与国际比较研究
2.Two-step measure on national innovative capability based on three-dimensional model基于三维模型的国家创新能力两步测度
3.This paper presents a number of China s total import and export and domestic patents as a measure of international trade and national innovative capability,and it uses co-integration tools and Granger Causality to analyze it.长期以来,国际贸易一直被视为创新能力扩散和转移的重要渠道,文章选取我国进出口总额和国内专利授权数作为衡量国际贸易和国家创新能力的指标,利用协整分析和Granger因果检验对其进行实证研究。
4)indicators of national innovative capacity国家创新能力指标
5)national innovation capability evaluation国家创新能力测评
6)nationality independence innovation capability国家自主创新能力
1.The experiential study of income gap and nationality independence innovation capability收入差距对国家自主创新能力影响的实证研究

领导者创新能力领导者创新能力leader's creative capability  领导者创新能力(leader’5 ereative eapa-bilitv)领导者在各种领导活动中,善于捕捉新事物的萌芽,提出新的设想、新的方案,创造性地进行工作的能力。创造是领导活动的根本属性,一个称职的领导者,应当是创造新世界的先锋和组织者。勇于开拓创新是现代领导者的基本特征。富有创新能力的领导者具有如下特征:(l)兴趣广泛,能从平凡中发现奇特,从人人习以为常的现象中找到“异常”之处。(2)具有敏锐的洞察力,能及时找出实际存在和理想模式之间的差距,能察觉到别人未注意到的情况,不断地发现人们的需要和本部门的潜力。(3)善于创造性地思维,敢于怀疑,不墨守成规,善于运用与众不同的原则和方法使问题得到圆满地解决。(4)对事物具有深思熟虑,严密推敲的科学态度。(5)处理问题灵活多变,对于党的路线、方针和政策,上级的指示,不是消极地、被动地“照章办事”,而是善于从实际情况出发,灵活地加以贯彻执行。(6)意志坚强,在各种困难面前不动摇,有坚定的信心和信念。 (黄志机撰王树茂审)