潜规则,hidden rules
1)hidden rules潜规则
1.Prevailing of hidden rules and weakening constrains of public rules;对潜规则盛行与显规则约束力弱化的思考
2.The article will study the hidden rules in the Qing dynasty officialdom parallel with the national system in terms of the qualification,the salary and the ability.从京官的资历、能力以及俸禄入手,可以考察清代官场中与制度并行的潜规则
3.From literature research,an analysis framework of the business lobbying was built,and common methods and the hidden rules of lobbying were discussed through the depth interview with top managers.文章首先通过理论分析建立了一个企业游说行为的框架,然后通过与十多位企业高层进行深度访谈,探讨了我国企业游说的途径及其潜规则

1.Total rule·Potential rule·Obvious rule--Analysis of three steps to Olympic rules元规则·潜规则·显规则——对奥运会规则的三重解读
2.Regulations and Potential Regulations-Superficial and Real Criminal Law;规则与潜规则──表象与真实的刑法
3.The Conversion Route of Business Management and How to Evade the Malign Potential Rules;管理规则转化路径及不良管理潜规则的规避
4.Prevailing of hidden rules and weakening constrains of public rules;对潜规则盛行与显规则约束力弱化的思考
5.A Cultural Psychological Perspective on Hidden Rules as the Habitus作为惯习的潜规则——潜规则盛行的文化心理学分析框架
6.We hope to make explicit the assumptions underlying their choices.我们希望搞清楚这些选择中的潜规则
7.Sending gifts to teachers has become a casting couch.给教师送礼已经成为一种“潜规则”。
8.Researching an Implicit Rule of US Mainstream Media Coverage;探析美国主流媒体涉华报道的潜规则
9.The Potential Rules of Artistic Field--The New Perspective about Fang Lijun s Success;艺术场潜规则——方力钧艺术成功新解
10."Potential Regulations" within the Party Must Be Broken Away from to Achieve Intra-Party Harmony;实现党内和谐必须破除党内“潜规则
11."Implied Principle" in the Society:a Barrier to be Removed in the Building of Harmonious Society;建设和谐社会必须消除社会“潜规则
12.Reflection of the Proper Application of Potential Regulations on International Competition in Communication Manufacturing Industry;运用通信制造业国际竞争潜规则探讨
13.Law of the Jungle--a Latent Rule in "Peace Talks";弱肉强食:“和谈”背后的潜规则——《离婚》赏析
14.Hidden Rules-Explorations of Psychological Contract in Knowledge Team;潜规则——知识团队中的心理契约探析
15.Penetrating through a phenomenon in a trade process according to a latent regulation--For example: How colleges and universities enroll new students;潜规则交易现象透视——以高校招生为例
16.A Study of the Strange Latent Judicial Rules -A Case Study Based on a Conference Minutes;司法潜规则研究——以会议纪要为例
17.Heredity and Underlying Rules in Japan's Politics日本政治中的“世袭”现象及潜规则
18.Assimilation of Character Components:An Important Potential Principle in the Standardization of Variant Form of Chinese Vocabulary;异形词规范中不容轻视的一种潜规则——偏旁同化

latent rules潜规则
1.At the time of judging a tourism programming,the clients,organizers and judges of the plan always debate about it,which bring series of latent rules.旅游规划评审时甲方、乙方与评委会三方“博弈”,派生出一系列“不足为外人道”的潜规则
2.This kind of unofficial rules is influenced by cultural tradition and current system, its affection often goes beyond the formal ones actually, we call that "latent rules ", in order to distinguish the unofficial ones of general meani.在中国,这种不甚明确的非正式规则,受到文化传统和现行体制的影响,其实际支配能力往往超出正式规则,我们称之为“潜规则”,以区别一般意义上的、可接受范围内的“非正式规则”。
3.The latent rules of administration practice are informal rules which objectively exist in administrative behavior, conform to or do not conform to (even confront) administrative ethics, and are followed by administrative participators in a conscious or unconscious manner, and represent administrative ethic culture.行政潜规则是指行政活动中客观存在的,符合或不符合(甚至对抗)行政伦理的、行政行为参与各方自觉或不自觉遵循的非正式规则,是行政伦理文化的表现形式之一。
3)potential rule潜规则
1.The potential rule is another rule worthy being cared because it represents another order that actually exists.在制定法与习惯法之间 ,还存在着第三种规则 ,即本文所讨论的潜规则
2.In the local governance, the rules often used in our grass-roots publicadministration is not formal systems always, but potential rules.在地方政府治理中,我国基层行政通行的规则往往不是那些正式的制度,而是潜规则
4)underlying rules潜规则
1.The existence and influence of underlying rules is a practical problem in today s society.潜规则的存在及其影响是时下社会中的一个现实问题,它漠视公平正义的价值理念与法治追求,是中国走向法治过程中必须破解和消除的一个难题,也是老百姓关心并深恶痛绝的敏感问题,更是当下中国行政体制内必须着力解决的困境。
2.They are the outcomes both of feudal autarchy system which is highly centralized administrative power and the forbidden hierarchy of bureaucratic system,and Chinas Confucian culture and ideology,as well as its disadvantages in its national character objectively helps the underlying rules spread among the people of China.潜规则在我国源远流长,它是权力腐败的载体。
3.As a neologism,“underlying rules”is invented by Chinese historian WuSi in his works Underlying Rules: The Real Game in Chinese History, on which the author bases to reinterpret the Chinese history.历史学家吴思先生的两本着作《潜规则:中国历史中的真实游戏》、《血酬定律——中国历史中的生存游戏》在最近几年里迅速流行起来,随着这两本着作的流行,吴思先生所发明的“潜规则”一词走进人们的视野,在多个领域引起了人们的兴趣和思考,从目前“潜规则”一词的频繁使用可以看出人们对潜规则现象的关注程度。
5)underlying rule潜规则
1.The existence of underlying rules shows the weakness of obvious rules and its underlying existing way.潜规则是一种特殊的文化现象,是被主流社会道德批判但却又被潜规则群体内的人奉行不违的亚文化现象。
2.What even more deserves our concern is that some underlying rule whose forms in its operation process have led the operation mechanism of judicial committee, and also created a unique way to resolve .更加值得我们关注的是,在其运作过程中所形成的一些潜规则不仅主导着审委会的运作机制,也造就了审委会独特的纠纷解决方式。
6)diving regulations, diving rule潜水规则
