汽车配件,auto parts
1)auto parts汽车配件
1.First,the article introduces the current situation of auto parts in Shiyan city,according to the economic data in the first half of 2009,the current situation for Zhangwan district,Maojian district and Bailang development zone;then,it makes analysis of Shiyan auto parts and points out 5 issues;finally,according to these issues,it makes 4 ideas.首先,综述了十堰市汽配行业的基本现状,以2009年上半年的经济运行数据为依据,对十堰全市汽配行业的整体状况,张湾区、茅箭区和白浪经济开发区具体状况分别作了综述;其次,对十堰市汽车配件行业存在的问题进行了分析,指出目前主要存在5个方面的问题;最后,针对问题,提出了解决问题的4点建议。

1.Company specialize in automobile fittings, sandy beach car rear axle always succeeding and auxiliary products.公司专业生产汽车配件及其配套产品。
2.Our automoBile suBassemBlies company has all kinds of spare parts with a complete range of specifications.本汽车配件公司,零件完备,规格齐全。
3.By: car repairs, spare parts processing machinery; Distribution: auto parts, machinery and electronic products( excluding cars), steel, building materials, pig iron, workshops accessories.承揽:汽车修理、械配件加工;经销:汽车配件、电产品(含小轿车)钢材、材、铁、机配件。
4.There is a lucrative black market in spare parts for car.有一个能赚钱的汽车配件黑市。
5.There is a lucrative black market in spare parts for cars有一个能赚钱的汽车配件黑市
6.Marine application,cooking utensils,car fittings,door furniture.海事用品、煮食器具、汽车配件、家具。
7.The Pay System Study of Hefei DongYi Auto Parts Company;合肥动益汽车配件公司薪酬体系研究
8.Postal transfer boxes, wiring boxes, car accessories, motorcycle accessories, lamps, plastic industrial accessories and hardware accessories.邮电交接箱、接线盒、汽车配件、摩托车配件、灯具、塑料工业配件、五金配件。
9.I am Jaya from Indonesia. I am looking for GPS/GSM Vehicle Tracking. If you have the product with good quality and good price, please contact me.我们是印度一家从事汽车配件的公司,现寻找汽车配件,请厂家与我们联系.
10.Sets up fittings limited company of the automobile triumphantly, it is a private enterprise.凯立汽车配件有限公司,是一家私营企业。
11.coachwork fitting, of plastics配件,塑料汽车车身用
12.Discussion for auto parts EPC integration software浅议汽车零配件电子目录EPC集成软件
13.There be a lucrative black market In spare parts for car .有一个能赚钱的汽车零配件黑市。
14.Eaton Corporation, a Tier I supplier to automobile manufacturers worldwideEaton公司,全世界汽车厂专业配件供应商
15.The car radio is an optional extra.汽车上的收音机是可选择的额外配件。
16.Existing Quality Problems for Automobile and Farm Machinery Fittings in Current Market;对当前汽车、农机配件质量问题的思考
17.Our main prodcts include:chassis of varios cars and the whole motorcycle and various the motorcycle spareparts.公司的主要产品:各类汽车的底盘件和摩托车配件及摩托车整车。
18.Optimization on the Transportation Strategy of Distribution for after Sales Spare Automobile Parts;汽车售后配件配送运输优化方案的研究

auto parts and components汽车配件
1.Research on Developing Pattern of Auto Parts and Components Circulation System;汽车配件流通系统发展模式研究
2.And auto parts and components are the backbone of the whole auto industry.而汽车配件是整个汽车产业的基础。
3)Components and parts of vehicle汽车协配件
4)Autamobile fittings factory汽车配件厂
5)auto accessories enterprise汽车零配件企业
6)after sales spare automobile parts汽车售后配件

汽车配件汽车配件是构成汽车整体的各单元及服务于汽车的产品统称汽车配件,分类如下:发动机配件发动机、发动机总成节气门体气缸体涨紧轮...传动系配件离合器变速器、变速换档操纵杆总成 减速器磁性材料...制动系配件制动总泵、制动分泵制动器总成、制动踏板总成压缩机刹车盘、刹车鼓...转向系配件主销转向机转向节球头销...行走系配件 后桥空气悬架系统平衡块钢板...电器仪表系配件 传感器汽车灯具火花塞蓄电池...汽车灯具 装饰灯防雾灯吸顶灯前照灯、探照灯...汽车改装轮胎打气泵汽车顶箱汽车顶架电动绞盘...安全防盗 方向盘锁车轮锁安全带摄像头...汽车内饰 汽车地毯(脚垫)方向盘套方向盘助力球窗帘、太阳档...汽车外饰轮轱盖车身彩条贴纸牌照架晴雨挡...综合配件粘结剂、密封胶随车工具汽车弹簧塑料件...影音电器胎压监视系统解码器显示器车载对讲机 ...化工护理冷却液制动液防冻液润滑油...车身及附件雨刮器汽车玻璃安全带、安全气囊仪表台板...维修设备 钣金设备净化系统拆胎机校正仪...电动工具 电冲剪热风枪电动千斤顶电动扳手...详见汽配黑龙江网,www.qphlj.com